Monday, January 13, 2025

πŸ•‡ Daily Bible Verse Jigsaw: 01.13.25

“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
Psalm 12:6 & 7 – King James Holy Bible

...thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” – Psalm 138:2a, King James Holy Bible

King James Holy Bible
The Absolute, Infallible Word of God Preserved in the
International Language of English with its
Beautiful Prose and Poetic, Rhythmical Cadences
You are free to copy and use the Bible verse graphic above. –B Whalin 

“Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.” 
—Jesus Christ, Luke 21:33 KJV

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ~ 2 Timothy 2:15

Synopsis: “The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors, in three different languages, on three different continents, over approximately 1600 years. The Bible claims to be inspired by God and completely inerrant (without error). "It is the single most reliable and true work of writing extant. It’s words give us wisdom, believing them makes us safe, and acting on them makes us holy. It contains within its living pages a revelation of the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. It’s doctrines are holy, it’s precepts are binding, it’s stories are true, and it’s decisions are immutable. The Bible contains light to direct us, living water to quench our thirst, and comfort to cheer us in times of despair. Jesus Christ is the grand subject of it all, and everything centers upon him. The Bible is the account of the work of God in history bringing to fruition his prophetic declarations concerning Jesus. It’s also the account of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, freely giving all mankind a way of reconciliation to God.” » Online KJV Audio Bible


😈 The Attacks On The King James Bible!

Synopsis: A shocking and blood-curdling explanation of how modern Bible translations are intentional corruptions of God’s Word by members of evil secret societies. It is a must-see for every Christian.

All modern translations are first based upon corrupt gnostic-made copies of scripture from Alexandria and Rome. Wescott and Hort used these to create a new Greek translation. Later, Nestle and Arland made yet another translation based largely upon the Wescott-Hort translation. All of these men - Wescott, Hort, Nestle, and Aland had pagan, non-Christian views and were heretics: Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort.

Heretics who held esoteric, Gnostic views about God and Christianity.
Thought the death of Christ on the cross for our atonement was immoral and could not be true.
Dabbled in the occult with famous occultists (The Ghost Club/Ghostly Guild & The Eranus Club)
Acknowledged to each other that their views were heretical to protestant Christianity
Did not believe Genesis 1-3 were actual history
Expressed favour of Charles Darwin's evolution theory of common ancestry
Expressed disgust at the doctrine that scripture is the highest authority
Did not believe the autographs (original New Testament documents) of the apostles were infallible.
Despised democracy and expressed communist views
Expressed favour of the communist/socialist views of atheist philosophers such as LaSalle
Supporters of the Roman Catholic Church and commended it's heretical practices
Spoke to each other of the need to get their translation widespread into the public to undermine it's expected rejection
Despised Protestantism
Despised the Majority Text (Textus Receptus)

Linkster Note: Majority Text aka Textus Receptus: (Latin “Received Text”)

Must-See: Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, Th.D. –
The King James Bible Is The Word Of God

πŸ•‡ Minute With McGee – Re-Aired 01.13.25

Thru The Bible Banner
Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Th.D.

Open Up The Sails

Synopsis: “We are not of them who draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.” And that word “draw back” means to “take in sail.” The believer is like a sailor who should let out all the sail. And the thought here is that a believer could reef the sails. He could become stranded because of discouragement, because of trouble, because of persecution, because of hardship, because of depression, or some other stumbling block. But the thought here is: Friends, since we have a living God, and today we have a living Savior, let’s go on. Let’s go on. Let’s open up all the sails. Let’s move out today.

Connect With Dr. J. Vernon McGgee
John Vernon McGee was born in Hillsboro, Texas, in 1904. Dr. McGee remarked, “When I was born and the doctor gave me the customary whack, my mother said that I let out a yell that could be heard on all four borders of Texas! His Creator well knew that he would need a powerful voice to deliver a powerful message.

On the morning of December 1, 1988, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, age 84, fell asleep in his chair and quietly passed into the presence of his Savior. » Find out more

» Thru the Bible | Q&A Broadcast Archive
» Thru the Bible | Sunday Sermons Archive
» Thru the Bible Radio with Dr. J. Vernon McGee | Official Website

About Church of the Open Door
Built in 1914, the 4000-seat Church of the Open Door was conceived by R. A. Torrey who had come to Los Angeles to start a Bible institute (now known as Biola University) similar to Moody Bible Institute. Other pastors have included Louis T. Talbot (1932–1948) and J. Vernon McGee (1949–1970). The church is strictly non-denominational, though Evangelical. Its mission was to reach the lost of Los Angeles, which was reflected in the name ‘Church of the Open Door’ based on two passages of Scripture:

“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” - Jesus Christ, John 10:9 KJV

“I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” - Jesus Christ, Revelation 3:8 KJV

Study God’s Holy Word Of Truth Dispensationally

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”


Shadow Government: More Than Conspiracy

Jan Markell Banner
Synopsis: Jan Markell and Mark Henry talk to Brandon Holthaus about the shadow government and deep state—which has dug down deeper since our election. They ask if what we’re witnessing is why America is not found in Bible prophecy. Ken Mikle and Josh Schwartz talk to David Fiorazo about today’s lawlessness and calling evil good.

Connect With Jan Markell:

John Haller’s Prophecy Update: Jan. 12, 2025 –

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Connect With John Haller:

Stealing Israel’s Land (2003)

Dr. Peter Ruckman’s ‘Chalk Talk – Drawing Men To Christ’

Top Comments:
“Amen Amen! We MUST support Israel. This country is not ready for what happens when we don't. Even so, come quickly LORD!” – LastCall777

“Greatest Bible teacher in America history.” – seanaiken2291

“One of the best scholar's with one of the best messages about Israel I've ever heardπŸ›πŸ“–✝️” – reedblackwel6262

Dr. Ruckman, B.A., B.Div., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D. - Pastor of Bible Baptist Church:
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman (November 19, 1921 – April 21, 2016) received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Alabama and finished his formal education with six years of training at Bob Jones University (four full years and two accelerated summer sessions), completing requirements for the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degree.

Reading at a rate of seven hundred words per minute, Dr. Ruckman had managed to read about 6,500 books before receiving his doctorate at an average of a book each day. His very superior IQ was reportedly 195.

Dr. Ruckman stood for the absolute authority of the Authorized Version and offered no apology to any recognized scholar anywhere for his stand. In addition to preaching the gospel and teaching the Bible, Dr. Ruckman produced a comprehensive collection of apologetic and polemic literature and resources supporting the authority of the Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures.

The Pure Words Of God Preserved In The Masoretic Text

“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”


This Week’s Must-Hear Message By Pastor JD: Prophecy Update 01.12.25 πŸ‘πŸ»

JD Farag Banner
Why It’s Getting Even Stranger

Synopsis: Pastor JD explains that the reason why everything happening in the world today is getting stranger is because the pre-tribulation rapture is getting closer.

Current events in correlation to End Time Bible Prophecy explained that would be banned on YouTube and account terminated. 🕇

Connect With JD Farag:

Perilous Times Are Here! January 13, 2024

Signs of The Times Banner News Briefs Header Jesus Quote News Header

Harbinger’s Daily
 As We Draw Near To The Return Of Christ, This Is Not The Time For Complacency In The Church

 By Jonathan Brentner: Although I had read the verse well over a hundred times, I had always missed its relevance for today and, in particular, our anticipation of Jesus’ imminent appearing. Perhaps it was because the words don’t directly relate to Bible prophecy that I overlooked their relevance to it.

However, as the new year dawned, I saw in the verse below an understanding of why so many people today cling to their hope of a return to normality rather than what Jesus says about their only sure hope for the perilous days in which we live: “For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them” (Proverbs 1:32, emphasis added).

It was the word “complacency” that leaped from the page on January 1. The Hebrew word is shalvah, which also denotes a sense of ease and prosperity. The online Merriam-Webster dictionary defines complacency as “self-satisfaction, especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.”

It’s understandable why many English versions of the Bible translate shalvah in Proverbs 1:32 as “complacency,” as it fits rather well with the Hebrew word’s sense of self-absorption that leads to a dismissal of dangers until it is too late.

Prophecy News Watch
 When DEI Meets The Occult:
Your Taxpayer-Funded Podcast Promoting Paganism

 By Ben Johnson/The Washington Stand: The outgoing Biden-Harris administration awarded a federal grant to a podcast that promoted the Church of Satan, paganism, a Cuban cult that practices animal sacrifice, astrology, an LGBT-friendly school of witchcraft, and other "magico-religious" beliefs.

The series equates being filled with the Holy Spirit with demonic possession, compares Christian prayer with New Age meditation, warns that opposition to the occult can harm "innocent Satanists," and insists it is possible to be a Christian and "to work magically with non-biblical spirits."

The Democratic administration justified the grant on the grounds of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), claiming that "American magical beliefs and practices" represent a vital component of America's "rich religious diversity."

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) awarded a $388,863 grant to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to produce the "Magic in the United States" podcast. The series would produce six episodes per season for three seasons between October 17, 2023, and last December 17, each highlighting different occult practices (often pointing out the LGBTQ status of its practitioners).

All News Pipeline
 It Took More Than Eighty Years,
But The Apocalyptic Burning Of Los Angeles Depicted At The Climax Of Nathanial West’s 1939 Novel ‘The Day of the Locust’ Has Finally Come

 By James Howard Kunstler: “'Climate Change' has been identified: it's a 28-YO man from Reseda in a black hoodie holding a lighter and some matches.” — Peach Keenan

“Life imitates art,” Oscar Wilde quipped, a most insightful glimpse into the human condition delivered as a wise-crack. Very Hollywood. Too bad there were no late-night talk shows in Oscar’s time. It took more than eighty years, but the apocalyptic burning of Los Angeles depicted at the climax of Nathanial West’s 1939 novel The Day of the Locust has finally come — the city of dreams turned into one big flaming nightmare. The adumbrations of this fiasco will darken our national life for years to come.

Who knew that the best way to convert Utopian Woke Democrats back into a reality-based thought system would be to burn their houses down? The wealthy showbiz folk occupying the moral high ground of the Pacific Palisades voted Democratic by 90-percent. They were fully on-board with the agenda of the Party of Chaos, especially Diversity-Equity-and-Inclusion (DEI) and the open border that allowed a deluge of mysterious strangers to flood the country.

Now, reports come across the “X” wires that these mystery folk are cruising the wreckage in the canyons on scooters and in cars to loot anything left of value. The police are shown on video capturing a mystery migrant with a blowtorch suspected of starting the latest outbreak named the Kenneth Fire on the edge of the San Fernando Valley. Loud-and-proud DEI firefighters were stymied in their work by neighborhood fire hydrants that were disappointingly not “full of water,” as they put it. Is that how it works? Each hydrant is supposed to get filled up on a regular schedule by water pixies?

Israel 365 News
 Map of Biblical Israel Angers Arabs

 “This shall be your northern boundary. From the Mediterranean Sea, draw a line to Hor Mountain” – Numbers 34:7 (The Israel Bible)

 By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz: The Israel Foreign Ministry created a massive stir on Monday when it published a map of Biblical Israel to its Arabic language Twitter feed. The map was based on the borders of the kingdoms of Judea and Israel as they were in 928 BCE.

“Did you know that the Kingdom of Israel existed 3,000 years ago?” the post read. “This division led to political conflicts throughout the history of the people of Israel, and its effects continued for hundreds of years,” Israel Arabic wrote.
The first king who ruled for 40 years was King Saul (1050--1010) BC, followed by King David, who ruled it for about 40 years (1010-970) BC, followed by King Solomon, who also ruled for 40 years in the period (970-931) BC. — (@IsraelArabic) January 6, 2025
“However, the Jewish people in the diaspora continued to look forward to the revival of their powers and capabilities and the rebuilding of their state, which was declared in the State of Israel in 1948 to become the only democracy in the Middle East.”

Palestinian Authority spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh blasted the “alleged map with a comment fabricating an Israeli history dating back thousands of years in line with the Hebrew allegations.”

Geller Report
 HUGE: Greenland’s Prime Minister Ready To Talk with President Trump About Becoming U.S. Territory

 By Pamela Geller: Greenland’s Prime Minister, MΓΊte Egede, says he wants to talk with President Trump about the future of Greenland and the potential to become a U.S. Territory.

Here we go. It’s happening. Trump was right.

Athey Creek
Prophetic Trends - Brett Meador

Synopsis: The new year is already off to a hot start when it comes to the perilous times 2 Timothy 3:1 says will come in the Last Days. In our January 2025 Prophecy Update, we look at what’s already occurred this year, check in on ongoing issues, see what might lie ahead, and, most importantly, learn how Scripture tells us to respond as we watch these things unfold.

Wretched Watchmen
 Dead Internet:
Meta Unleashes Interactive AI Profiles

Synopsis: The dead internet theory has been around for a long time but it seems to be proving true as Mark Zuckerberg is flooding Facebook & Instagram with interactive AI profiles... These will be used to watch, influence, and control narratives completely stripping away anything organic from the social media system...

This clip taken from the Episode 263: The Watchtower 1/7/25

Thanks for watching! Catch The Watchtower Podcast live every Tuesday & Saturday at 6pm PST/8pm CST/9pm EST!

Heydon Music Page
Latest Videos & Breaking News

The Common Sense Show
 Paul Preston Exposes How The LA Fires Are The First Step In Bringing Down Cali And Eventually The USA

Dr. Steven Turley
Here’s Why Trump Is REALLY
Buying Greenland!!!

Movie Time — Triple Header

Sodom and Gomorrah (1962)
The Most Popular Post On This Site Since 2001
Synopsis: Sex, torture and betrayal in Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot, the nephew of the patriarch leader Abram (later renamed Abraham), believes his people can co-exist with the Sodomites, a disastrous decision.

The Fate Of Sodom And Gomorrah
“But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.”
Genesis 13:13 (KJV)
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
Jude 1:7 (KJV)
“And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;”
2 Peter 2:6 (KJV)
“But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.”
Luke 17:29 (KJV)

The Kingdom of Judah’s Ancient History (1960)

Synopsis: Across the centuries many legends have grown around the biblical story of Ruth. All of them begin in the Jews’ ancient land of Judah (today’s so-called “West Bank”) later known as The Kingdom of Judah under the reign of King David (circa 1040 - circa 970 B.C. - Before Christ).

Inspired by the scriptural tale. Moabitess priestess Ruth is drawn both to a Judean man and to his talk of a forgiving God. After tragedy strikes, she begins a new life in Bethlehem.

The book of Ruth describes an episode in the time of the Hebrew’s Judges. It gives a lively picture of ancient life, with its manners and customs. Ruth was a great-grandmother of King David, and so is in the earthly ancestry of Jesus Christ. » Read the biblical story of Ruth - written circa 1322 B.C. (Before Christ)

One Of The Most Sympathetic Passages In Literature

“And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.” Ruth 1:16-17, written circa 1,322 B.C., King James Holy Bible

St. John In Exile (1986)
A Must See One-Man Play Filmed Live
Synopsis: Dean Jones starring in 1986 Drama Bible Story: St. John in Exile - One of Jesus disciples, John has been punished in exile to the island of Patmos. He is all alone and has time to reflect and tell us about his life, faith and troubles.

Review: This is an outstanding production. For those who only know Dean Jones from the Disney pictures (The Love Bug, Shaggy D.A., That Darn Cat, etc.) and such, here is a role for the actor that provides an opportunity for him to reveal both his tremendous dramatic talent and his deep Christian faith. Although some may say it is a little slow moving (perhaps because it is a recording of a stage performance at Jack Hayford's Church on the Way), the story is excellently written and has real depth. The production makes good use of various camera angles as well as creative lighting to add drama to the presentation. You find yourself quickly drawn into the story as Jones powerfully brings St. John to life, recounting, from his cell on the isle of Patmos, his journey with Jesus and the other disciples. A real tour de force performance by Jones (in the tradition of such one-man shows as Hal Holbrook's Mark Twain or James Whitmore's Harry Truman) makes this a DVD worth watching by anyone who appreciates a magnificent performance from an incredible actor and one that should definitely be in every Christian's collection.

πŸ•‡ Perhaps Today!

 The Pre-Trib Rapture of Born-Again Christians
 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing
of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ
- Titus 2:13
Come Up Hither Got Jesus?
Memory Header
Death Itself Has No Terror
For The Servant Of The Lord