Wednesday, April 3, 2013


You've read the news. Now understand it.

Monument Replaces The Entirety Of The Land Of Israel
With A State Of Palestine Was Hastily Removed

Israel Today Staff — In a telling example of just how genuine, or, rather, how false, Israel's peace partners in the Palestinian Authority are, a monument that replaces the entirety of the land of Israel with a State of Palestine was hastily removed from Bethlehem before US President Barack Obama visited a little over a week ago.

Obama had gone to Bethlehem ostensibly to pray for peace at the birthplace of Jesus.

The offending monument was replaced with a statue of a dove, giving the impression that the Palestinian Authority, too, wants nothing but peace with its neighbors.

But the temporarily replaced monument tells the truth. The Palestinian Authority ultimately desires the removal of Israel from the map of the Middle East.

The monument, dubbed "The State Monument," commemorates last November's successul bid for non-member state status at the UN and "the outbreak of the glorious revolution," a reference to the first PLO terrorist attack against Israel in 1965.

The monument switch was revealed by Palestinian Media Watch, which cited a Palestinian newspaper report showing that local Bethlehem residents were not pleased by what they saw as a cowardly ploy to avoid upsetting Obama.

This was not an isolated incident. Those familiar with the Middle East conflict will already know that Palestinian and other Arab leaders regularly use very moderate sounding rhetoric when referring to Israel in English, but then turn around and say something completely opposite to their own people in Arabic.

Likewise, Palestinian school textbooks continue to erase the State of Israel from all maps, a violation of peace terms that Obama and many other Western leaders have repeatedly called out, to no avail.

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» Israel Today