Friday, May 3, 2013


Protecting America’s Religious & Moral Heritage

Martin Mawyer, Christian Action Network — If you’ve never heard of Geert Wilders, this is the film to watch! In Islam Rising, you’ll learn about the Wilders’ rise as a Dutch Parliamentarian, and his outspoken criticism of Islam. “I don’t hate Muslims, I hate Islam,” he said, sparking a maelstrom of Islamic hate from Islamic forces throughout the Middle East and Western Europe.

“There is no such thing as moderate Islam,” Wilders also stated, adding: “The Quran is a fascist book.”
Wilders risked his life to produce a documentary film called “Fitna” (meaning “disagreement and division among people”)—which provided proof of Islam’s true radical agenda. The reception was explosive: Al Qaeda placed a death sentence (“fatwa”) on him. Wilders was also banned from entering a number of European countries, included Great Britain, and he was ultimately charged and tried on charges of hate speech for producing the film.

In 2011, Wilders was acquitted of all charges.

Despite threats to his life and the constant risk of facing arrest and going to jail, Mr. Wilders continues to warn the Western World about the dangers of Islam.

In “Islam Rising,” Mr. Wilder states, “Mohammed said, ‘I have been ordered to fight against people until they testify that there is no God but Allah alone.’ The purest joy in Islam,” Mr. Wilders warns, “is to kill and to be killed.”
“The truth is,” Mr. Wilder states regarding the mass migration of Muslims to Europe, “is that Islam has always attempted to conquer Europe. And it has done so for centuries.”

But this time Islam isn’t trying to conquer Europe with armies, “but through the doctrine of migration.“
“For the first time in world history,” he says, “there are dozens of millions of Muslims living far outside the dark Islamic world. And that poses an enormous threat to us in the West.”

Mr. Wilder states that Europeans are losing their culture, identity and even religion to Islam.
“All over Europe churches are emptying out whereas mosques are shooting up like mushrooms.”
While native Europeans are losing their national pride and heritage, Wilders cautions that Islam is filling the gap with their own religious identity and practices.

“Burqas, honor killings, female genital mutilation are becoming more and more prevalent in the Europe of today.”
“Sharia statements, Sharia testaments, Sharia mortgages, Sharia schools, Sharia banks and, yes, even in the United Kingdom, Sharia Courts and even Sharia Barbie dolls – we all have it in Europe today.

Watch Islam Rising, and view the real story of Geert Wilders. As a bonus, Wilders ground-breaking film—the documentary that dared to question the motives of Islam in Europe, “Fitna”—is included in this DVD. Wilders message is delivered, with striking clarity, in film, photographs and a special message from Geert Wilders himself—who came to America with an urgent and terrify warning: “Islam is on the verge of conquering the West.” » Full Article

Islam is rising…

» Christian Action Network
» Martin Mawyer | YouTube

About the Author
Martin Mawyer is the Founder and President of Christian Action Network, a non-profit public advocacy and education group based in Lynchburg, Virginia. Martin began his career as a freelance journalist, resulting in his position as the Editor-in-Chief of Jerry Falwell’s “Moral Majority Report.” In 1990, he founded the Christian Action Network (CAN), a non-profit organization created to protect America’s religious and moral heritage through educational and political activism efforts, both on the national and grassroots levels. The organization is based on Biblical principles, values and traditions. » Full Bio

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