Friday, October 18, 2013


Informing and Equipping Americans
Who Love Freedom

Obama And His Ilk Are Intent To Disparage
And Vilify High-Profile Conservatives

Staff Writer, The Western Center For Journalism — Apparently unsatisfied with the overwhelming capitulation of congressional Republicans, Barack Obama once again took aim at conservatives during a speech marking the end of the government shutdown.

He began by issuing the obligatory pronouncement that there “are no winners here,” despite the fact his party received virtually all of its demands.

The shutdown has “inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy,” he noted, pivoting toward once again blaming the entire fiasco on his political opponents.

“Some of the same folks who pushed for the shutdown and threatened default claim their actions were needed to get America back on the right track,” he continued, “to make sure we’re strong.”

Instead, he concluded, the stalemate has “encouraged our enemies, it’s emboldened our competitors, and it’s depressed our friends.”

He then began identifying those he holds responsible for the discord in Washington, D.C., saying “all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict,” saying such voices don’t represent “what the majority of Americans sent us here to do.”

Time and again, Obama finds it easy and safe to call out strong conservative figures in the media while intentionally ignoring the blatant partisanship constantly broadcast over most mainstream airwaves.

Without bloggers and talk radio, the conservative voice would be largely silenced in America — which is precisely the left’s mission.

Since efforts to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine (or some variation thereof) have been thwarted at every level, Obama and his ilk are intent to disparage and vilify high-profile conservatives until they are no longer trusted sources of information.

Unfortunately for the left, those outside of their skewed sphere of influence are more likely to believe the alternative media and conservative talk radio than the paid political hacks posing as nightly news anchors and newspaper reporters. » Full Article

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