“Cliven Bundy and several family members and some militia groups had a showdown with some Federal Rangers”
Shoe Thrown At Hillary Rodham Clinton
“Is Hillary waiting for the next shoe to drop?”
The Coming Apocalypse | Live Stream
Current News Events, Bible Prophecy and how it relates to the Word of God
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Today’s Live Show Synopsis:
Is this the "Final Blood Moons" it won't happen again for another 600 years. Pastor Paul Begley will break the Blood Moons completely down as it relates to biblical signs. Also, "Showdown in Nevada" as Cliven Bundy and other Cattle ranchers are confronted by Federal Rangers over grazing rights in Nevada. Also, someone "Throws a shoe" at Hillary Clinton. Also, 4 earthquakes over 6.0 including a 7.1 hits Papua New Guinea. Also, Cyclone Ita come ashore in Australia as a category 5 cyclone. Also, a Fed-Ex truck hits a tour bus and leaves 10 dead and 32 injured. These events and much more with Bible prophecy and the powerful Word of God. Your Host Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana.
About Pastor Paul Begley
Pastor Paul Begley is a Christian Pastor well known all over the world helping to lead people to Jesus Christ through his website, YouTube Channel, Blog Talk Radio, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, and all over the Internet. » Full Bio
Links For Paul Begley Prophecy
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» The Coming Apocalypse | Live Stream | 12-3 PM ET Weekdays & 7 PM Sundays
» The Coming Apocalypse | Blog Talk Radio | Live 12-3 PM ET Weekdays & 7 PM Sundays