Saturday, April 19, 2014


Informing and Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom

Obama sat just a few feet away as Carson ridiculed the leftist ideal of political correctness and the administration’s healthcare policy.

B. Christopher Agee, Western Journalism — Few voices have rallied conservatives – and called into question the leftist supposition that their ranks are filled with racists – more successfully than Dr. Ben Carson. The soft-spoken former neurosurgeon obviously has a knack for expressing patriotic, Constitution-based sentiment in a way that resonates with the GOP’s traditionalist base.

Therefore, it stands to reason that the Obama administration would consider him a potential threat. Immediately after a speech Carson gave during last year’s National Prayer Breakfast, it became clear that the White House was interested in silencing the fearless Obama critic.

According to Carson’s latest book, “One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future,” he writes that “within a matter of minutes after the conclusion of the program, I received a call from some of the prayer breakfast organizers saying that the White House was upset and requesting that I call the president and apologize for offending him.”

His response to the call was that he “did not think that [Obama] was offended and I didn’t think that such a call was warranted.”

Obama sat just a few feet away as Carson ridiculed the leftist ideal of political correctness and the administration’s healthcare policy.

“Many have commented that the president appeared to be uncomfortable during my speech,” he recalled, “but I was not paying particular attention to him or his reactions, as my comments were really directed more at the American people more than the people on the dais.”

While he doesn’t suggest that Obama necessarily endorsed his speech, the two reportedly had a civil encounter directly afterward.

“At the conclusion of the program, the president approached me to shake my hand and thank me for my participation,” he wrote.

The principled speech gave many conservatives a deeper look into Carson’s ideas for the future of America. In the months since, efforts to convince him to seek the GOP presidential nomination in 2016 have grown exponentially.

“I have been offered support from around the country and tremendous financial resources if I decide to run for national office,” he concludes.

He will not pursue such a path, however, unless he feels “called by God,” at which point he said he “would not hesitate to do so.”

Photo Credit: Facebook/Dr. Ben Carson for President. » Full Article

About the Author
An award-winning journalist, B. Christopher Agee spent more than a decade building a career in newspaper and radio. He is currently the senior staff writer at Western Center for Journalism. Chris is the author of two books and is a frequent guest on talk radio shows across the U.S. He lives with his wife, Nancy, in Phoenix, Arizona. » Full Bio

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