What Happens Beyond the Grave?
Have you ever wondered what happens after we die? What kind of bodies do we have in heaven? Will we know each other in heaven? Will we remember anything about earth? What's the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ? Are people in heaven watching us on earth? Who will be in heaven and who will not? Pastor Greg answers these questions and more in this message.
» Greg Laurie Harvest Ministries
Teaching Scriptures:
» John 5
» Revelation 20
About Greg Laurie
Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., one of the largest churches in America. He is also the featured speaker for Harvest Crusades, large-scale evangelistic outreaches that have been attended by more than 4 million people around the world since 1990. Greg is heard internationally on the daily radio broadcast, “A New Beginning.” To learn more about Greg Laurie go to » Greg’s Page