Saturday, June 21, 2014


Jewish Voice With Rabbi Jonathan Bernis

Guest Pastor Mark Biltz

“Do heavenly signs signal the coming of end-time events? Pastor Mark Biltz shares how God may be using the sun, the moon and the stars to communicate with us and that when such heavenly activity falls on Feast days that it possibly points toward something prophetic on the horizon. Today we're going to learn exactly what that is! Join Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and Pastor Mark Biltz as they give us a deeper understanding of what is called the blood moons phenomenon and how God may be using these heavenly signs to speak to His people.”

» Jewish Voice Ministries International
» Jewish Voice Today | YouTube

Our Mission
Jewish Voice Ministries International is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jew first and also to the Nations throughout the world, according to Romans 1:16. The Good News is proclaimed through television, print and online media, international festival outreaches & medical clinics/humanitarian aid.

Proclaiming the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” ~ Romans 1:16