Thursday, July 10, 2014


Current Events And Commentaries

Watch: This Immigration Panel Wasn’t Expecting This Heated Response From Senator John McCain

“You Have Overstepped Your Responsibilities And Your Authority, Sir.”
More Videos From Western Journalism

Lead Story by Tom Hinchey, Western Journalism —
Arizona Senator John McCain was very angry when he was not allowed to carry his cell phone during a visit to a detention facility for illegal immigrants in the border town of Nogales. He asked Gil Kerlikowske, Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, about the restriction on carrying a cellphone. Kerlikowske said “Not to take photographs.” The Senator became agitated at this rule: “I am not allowed to take photographs? Why not? Why not? Why am I not allowed to do that?”

Kerlikowske answered: “The children have a right to privacy and that’s why we’re not having their faces shown on the media.”

McCain interrupted him: “I may want to take a photo of something else.”

Kerlikowske said “If you want to take a photo we certainly would make arrangements with you to take a photo, just not of the children.”

McCain scolded the Commissioner: “That’s not the instructions you have given, sir!”

McCain read from the memo that listed the rules about not talking to Border Patrol personnel, detainees, or staff. “Are you telling me that I can’t even speak to the staff there?”

Kerlikowske replied: “Senator, I’m not telling you you couldn’t speak to the staff. We would make special arrangements for special considerations, Senator.”

McCain explained to the Commissioner that the Border Patrol and detention staff didn’t want him speaking to any of the staff or children per Kerlikowske’s memo. “I view that as a violation of my responsibilities.” McCain sternly instructed the Commissioner that he wanted this fixed immediately. “You have overstepped your responsibilities and your authority, sir. And I want those instructions revoked as far as members of Congress are concerned. And I want it done today. Understand?” » Read Full Story...

» Censorship: 38 Journalism Groups Slam Obama’s ‘Politically-Driven Suppression Of News’
Washington Examiner —
In unprecedented criticism of the White House, 38 journalism groups have assailed the president's team for censoring media coverage, limiting access to top officials and overall “politically-driven suppression of the news.” In a letter to President Obama, the 38, led by the Society of Professional Journalists, said efforts by government officials to stifle or block coverage has grown for years and reached a high-point under his administration despite Obama's 2008 campaign promise to provide transparency...

» Lois Lerner Email Found — Warning That Congress Might Read Her Emails
Newsmax —
Former IRS supervisor Lois Lerner emailed colleagues urging them to be careful about what they put in their own messages because the information could be discovered by congressional investigators. But her caution came back to bite her Wednesday as Rep. Darrell Issa released her email that warned about the dangers of such electronic communications. "I was cautioning folks about email and how we have several occasions where Congress has asked for emails," Lerner wrote on April 9, 2013. "We need to be cautious about what we say in emails."...

» Illegals Walk In
Tea Party News Network (TPNN) —
Wouldn’t $3.7 Billion better be used to build a concrete wall across the border of the United States? The fence that the American people were promised when President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 saying “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.” The Fence Act passed the Senate 80-19 and approved $1.2 billion to be used to build a physical barrier more than 700 miles along the Mexico-United States border.

» Obama Blames The GOP For The Border Breakdown
The Daily Caller —
The Republican Party, but not the White House, has the power to block the flood of at least 100,000 migrants from Central America, President Barack Obama repeatedly told the nation in a Wednesday night press conference. “Are folks more interested in politics, or are they more interested in solving the problem? … If the preference is for politics, then it won’t be solved,” said the nation’s Commander in Chief, whose administration spends roughly $18 billion each year on border security and immigration agencies...

» Hamas Tries To Hit Israeli Nuclear Reactor; 5 Million Now Under Rocket Threat
Israel Today —
As Hamas desperately seeks what Israeli media termed a “quality” terror attack, it escalated rocket fire from Gaza on Wednesday and Thursday by targeting Israel’s nuclear reactor in the southern town of Dimona and firing barrage after barrage at the densely-populated Tel Aviv area. Hamas and its allies have fired around 300 missiles and rockets from Gaza over the past week. And, while many have reached deeper into Israel than ever before, very few have caused any real damage, and even fewer have actually harmed Israelis...

» As The Rockets Rain Down, Top Obama Official Blasts Israel
Pamela Gellar, Atlas Shrugs —
Even a deluded despot like Obama cannot change international law and international treaties by pumping his fist in the air. There is no occupation. Islamic myths and lies. “Top Obama official blasts Israel for denying Palestinians sovereignty, security, dignity,” By Raphael Ahren, TOI,, July 9, 2014. ‘How can Israel have peace if it’s unwilling to delineate a border, end the occupation?’ asks White House Mideast chief, Phillip Gordon, in blistering Tel Aviv speech...

» America Is Melting Under The Weight Of Increasing Chaos And Lawlessness
Freedom Outpost —
Everywhere you look, America is under severe stress. Aside from all the scandals and current and past controversies involving the Obama presidency, we have yet another one that is sure to do tremendous damage to America. The illegal alien crisis that appears to have been planned is fomenting additional chaos in an already overburdened system. I say that it appears to have been planned because way back in January of this year, the federal government advertised for "Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children." Why did they do that? ...

» The Gates Of Hell Have Opened And The US Is Being Attacked And Occupied: “They Are Here And Awaiting Orders”
Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show —
 photo 071014NewsBriefs9.jpg Events are coming to light faster than most can report them. To many, the events discussed in this column over the last two to three weeks appear to be a series of unrelated events. To others, we recognize these events for what they are: The gates of hell are open and there will soon be hell on earth. The next two articles in this series represents both a qualitative and quantitative meta analysis of several events which demonstrates a distinct, unmistakable and disturbing pattern which will culminate in a health crisis of an unparalleled magnitude and the loss of civil liberties as well as national sovereignty. Many people will lose their lives in the upcoming events...

» When The Time Comes To Fight For Our Survival, Will We Have The Resolve?
Allen B. West —
We are facing a crisis in leadership in America at a time when our apparent weakness has become an enticing aroma for the dictators, theocrats, autocrats, and despots worldwide — as demonstrated by the boldness of al-Baghdadi appearing in public to deliver a sermon. We fought for people in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, but never again. Our benevolence is seen as undesirable and rejected.

We have come to a point in this nation where the only way is up. We must not apologize for our achievements, nor should we hang our heads in shame.

I do believe the time is coming when we will have to fight – with rules of engagement that allow our troops to succeed.

I choose survival of our Republic for future generations – will you choose to stand with me, or sing kumbaya with Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood?...

Cell Phone Privacy

» Cagle Cartoons/Western Journalism