Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Current Events And Commentaries

Senator Warns All Congress: Obama Threatens
Our Constitutional Republic

Lead Story by Jennifer Burke, Tea Party News Network, TPNN —
In a recent op-ed in USA Today, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions said regarding the massive illegal alien invasion of the U.S. border and the Obama administration’s response to it, “When did we forget that a nation owes its first allegiance to her own citizens?” He continued his criticism of President Obama’s request for $3.7 billion in aid to deal with what the president has referred to as a humanitarian crisis.
Today President Obama says he needs $3.7 billion from Congress to handle the crisis his lawless policies are creating. Amazingly, the funding request further advertises his administration’s amnesty efforts and our fraud-riddled asylum programs, while explicitly omitting any request for expedited deportation authority. The request is also not paid for. The administration wants to borrow every penny.
Sessions is also making it abundantly clear that not only does Obama’s lawlessness, which has led to this crisis at the border, one that bears a financial strain on the country, it is also one that could destroy America as we know it.

Known for his strong support of a secure U.S. border, Senator Sessions had a letter penned by him on the subject of the illegal alien invasion hand-delivered to all 535 members of Congress on Monday. He cut to the chase from the very beginning by opening the letter with the statement, “I write to inform you of a development that threatens the foundation of our constitutional Republic.”

Breitbart obtained a copy of the letter that details Sessions grave concerns about the impact of the lawlessness of the Obama administration regarding illegal migration into the United States.
“As you know, over the last five and a half years, the President has routinely bypassed Congress in order to suspend enforcement of our immigration laws,” Sessions wrote. “The most dramatic of these lawless directives was the President’s 2012 Deferred Action Program for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in which the president implemented by executive fiat legislation that Congress has three times rejected.”

Sessions wrote that the president’s DACA program “has led to catastrophic results,” because it was “declaring to the entire world that America will not enforce its immigration laws against those who enter the country as minors” and that the U.S. will “freely grant them access to work permits and taxpayer resources.” Sessions wrote that Obama’s DACA policy and other policies “unleashed a flood of new illegal immigration into the country” and that this is “the disaster that he created.” As such, Sessions argues that politicians should not just pass new legislation or throw money at the problem; they should work to reverse the president’s executive overreaches.
He also made clear his belief, based upon the Constitution, that standing strong against any funding requests by Obama is imperative. To approve the requests for additional funding to care for those who have entered the country illegally in massive numbers would be to aid and condone Obama in his failure to uphold and enforce the law. Standing strong against this funding request transcends politics, says Sessions. He closes by stating, “Congress cannot surrender to this lawlessness. Acting in defense of Congress, our constituents, and their communities, we must stand firm. This transcends politics. It is about our duty as constitutional officeholders. It is about the solemn oath we all took as Members of Congress.”

» Obama’s Immigration Boomerang Gives Republicans An Opportunity
Western Journalism —
The growing crisis of thousands of unaccompanied minors flooding into the U.S from Mexico has revealed President Obama’s immigration policy boomerang. He lamented the need for immigration reform with emphasis on amnesty while downplaying the calls for reinforced border security. However his political strategy of hoping that the emotional and humanitarian appeal of seeing thousands of children on the southern border would hasten the push for the liberal version of immigration reform, has backfired and come back around like a boomerang. It instead has justified an immigration measure he has vehemently opposed. That is, border security as a perquisite before any further immigration reform...

» Obama Prepares Pardons For Terrorists
Accuracy In Media (AIM)—
Bill Ayers’ recent appearance on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News program appears to be part of a systematic campaign to whitewash the activities of the communist terrorists who were murdering policemen and FBI agents during the 1960s and 70s, and to set the stage for their release and rehabilitation. Kelly was unprepared for the interview and failed to consult prominent experts on the case, such as former FBI agent Max Noel. “I’m extremely disappointed, as are a number of us who actually worked the WUO [Weather Underground Organization] case on a daily basis, in your attempt to ‘confront him’ without availing yourself of the knowledge that those of us who actually worked the case could have given you,” Noel said in a message to Kelly...

» Muslims In America Chant: Jews Back In The Ovens, NUKE Israel
Jan Morgan Media —
What the mainstream media is NOT showing you and telling you about the blatant anti semitism and Jew hatred by American Muslims and Muslims around the world. The hate filled protests by Muslims on public streets in America. If Christians were chanting “death to Muslims and nuke Islamic nations, there would be saturated coverage by every major news outlet in the world, anxious to share this hate based religion. Do you think American cities would hand out demonstration permits to Christians if they were inciting violence? Why are these people allowed to openly call for the death and destruction of Jews and Israel?...

» Outbreak On The Border
Washington Free Beacon —
Federal health authorities “contain” pneumonia, swine flu outbreaks among illegal children in California. Health authorities at a Navy base in Southern California took steps last weekend to curtail an outbreak of pneumonia and swine flu among illegal immigrant children housed at the facility, according to U.S. officials. The outbreak of disease among several of the nearly 600 immigrant children at the Naval Base Ventura County, located north of Los Angeles, initially was thought to be caused by deadly bacterial streptococcal meningitis, according to one official close to the issue.

» Massive Mystery Crater Appears At ‘End Of The World’
The Siberian Times —
Mysterious 'gigantic' hole in remote region spotted by helicopters over gas-rich Yamal peninsula. The crater is large enough for several Mi-8 helicopters to fly into it. The giant hole appeared close to a forest some 30 kilometres from Yamal's biggest gas field Bovanenkovo. Experts are confident that a scientific explanation will be found for it and that it is not - as one web claim suggested - evidence 'of the arrival of a UFO craft' to the planet. A report and footage highlighted by Zvezda TV says the dark colour of the crater indicates 'some temperature processes', without explaining more what they may mean. Others say that the darkening around the inner rim indicates its formation was accompanied by severe burning scorching the edges...

» 7 Signs For Bible Believers That We Are In The Last Days Before The Rapture
Now The End Begins —
In The Last Days. The world as we once knew it is changing rapidly. So rapidly, in fact, that you may not be aware of just how dramatically different our world has become. The superstructure that will house the lost and unsaved world during the Great Tribulation is now being built, and as such puts the date of our departure in the Rapture that much closer. In tonight’s bible study, we examine from a rightly dividing perspective the times in which we now find ourselves as bible believers, and just how much prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes...

» U.S. Selling $11B In Weaponry To Gulf State That Supports Hamas, Syrian Jihadists
CNS News —
At a time when Hamas continues to fire salvos of rockets into Israel while rejecting a ceasefire proposal, the United States has finalized a deal to provide the Palestinian terrorist group’s leading supporter, Qatar, with weaponry worth $11 billion. The deal signed at the Pentagon Monday by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and his Qatari counterpart comes just months after a senior U.S. Treasury official in a speech deplored Qatar’s open support for Hamas, and covert funding for jihadists in Syria, including the al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra and the al-Qaeda offshoot the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS)...

» California Eighth Graders Denied Holocaust In Essays After Reading Required Bizarro Screeds
The Daily Caller —
Back in April, a school district in Southern California required several hundred eighth-grade English class students to write essays based on bizarre propaganda about whether the Holocaust really happened or was just a “propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain.” Before apologizing profusely, Mohammad Z. Islam, the interim superintendent of the Rialto Unified School District initially defended the assignment. After a wave of criticism, he promised to “assure that any references to the holocaust ‘not occurring’” would be stricken from future assignments...

» CDC: Less Than 3% Of Americans Identify As Gay, Lesbian, Or Bisexual
Truth Revolt —
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday that the first large-scale government survey of Americans’ sexual orientation found that less than 3 percent of the population self-identifies as gay, lesbian or bisexual, while 96.6 percent label themselves straight. The Washington Post reports: The National Health Interview Survey, which is the government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors, found that 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual...


» Cartoonist: Bill Day is a two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning, and his cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons.