Saturday, July 19, 2014


Current Events And Commentaries

Victory For The People: Tea Party Lawsuit Against Obama’s IRS Moves Forward In The Courts

Lead Story by Todd Cefaratti, Tea Party News Network (TPNN) —
On Thursday, the people of America earned a victory. Whether they know it or not, Americans of ALL political persuasions won a victory in the quest to remain a free nation.

A federal judge, on Thursday, declared that a lawsuit against the IRS, brought by several Tea Party groups, was allowed to proceed.

Judge Susan Dlott declined the government’s requests to dismiss the claims that the IRS had improperly targeted Tea Party and various conservative groups in a campaign of harassment that lasted for years. This will allow the lawsuit filed against the IRS to go forward and will allow for the Tea Party groups to uncover government documents that could not only lead to a bigger legal battle, but shine some light on the scandal that has shown the Obama administration to be an administration of political thugs.

“Plaintiff groups will be given the opportunity to establish with evidence that IRS officials inspected or disclosed the plaintiff groups’ return information for improper purposes,” Dlott wrote. “The court anticipates that this will be a difficult burden for plaintiff groups to meet.”

For years, the IRS operated as a cudgel to beat back political opposition. Lois Lerner, the disgraced former IRS official in charge of the nonprofit division of the IRS, has been at the center of the scandal as she has tried to dodge the political fallout from the revelations that for years, the IRS sought to diminish the efficacy of the Tea Party Movement by burdening many of them with long, drawn-out requests for a routine investigation into tax-exempt nonprofit designations.

The IRS also issued invasive questionnaires and requests for information about members. In these requests, the IRS asked for emails, Facebook postings, topics of conversations at meetings, membership rolls, a list of the kinds of reading materials being read by members and a variety of other truly invasive questions., the nation’s largest national Tea Party organization of which I am the founder and Freedom Organizer, was subjected to these thuggish tactics for years and threatened to sue the IRS until we were later granted nonprofit status.

This lawsuit demonstrates a truly terrifying view of government as the IRS had claimed that the people of America had no right to answers from their government. Judge Dlott disagreed and issued a status conference date to ensure that the case does not linger any longer than is necessary.

This lawsuit is a tremendous victory for all Americans- those who proudly wave the Gadsden Flag and those who adore Obama and rally for big government should be equally delighted. We cannot abide a government that operates in secret and we cannot abide a government that uses a tax-collecting agency as a hammer with which to squash legitimate political dissent.

We, as a nation, must come together to condemn this brutish, thuggish behavior. Victimizing Americans for the sake of political expediency was wrong when Nixon did it and it’s wrong now.

This lawsuit is a step in the right direction and reason for all Americans to rejoice. » Full Story

» Obama Is Trying To Hide It, But This Is What Could Truly Bring America To Her Knees…
The Haven —
It makes you wonder: what is their agenda?
With all of the news coming out of Ukraine regarding the underlying civil war and the downing of a Malaysian airliner that killed 295 people, you could be forgiven for forgetting that a new terrorist state is being set-up in the Middle East. This development is extremely ominous for the national security of the United States. The fact that our Dear Leader is treating this as just another routine geopolitical issue is a blatant disregard for our safety. We may have issues with Russia’s behavior, but at the end of the day, Russia does not want to kill us. The leaders of the Islamic State do. They make Al Qaeda look like junior varsity. The fact that we are not doing everything in our power to prevent this state from being established is a dereliction of duty from this administration...

» Obama Offers No Faith Exemption in New Gay Order
Newsmax —
Obama To Sign Order Barring Federal Discrimination against Gays
President Barack Obama will sign an executive order on Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, senior administration officials said. The White House said last month that Obama would issue the order but declined to give details on its content or the timing of when he would do so. The order will allow some exemptions for religious groups that are federal contractors but not as much flexibility as the groups had wanted. A religious organization would be barred from making hiring decisions based on sexual orientation or gender identity...

» Drug-Resistant Ruperbug Infections Explode Across U.S. Hospitals: 500% Increase Foreshadows ‘New Plague’ Caused By Modern Medicine
Natural News —
Drug-resistant superbug infections have reached near-epidemic levels across U.S. hospitals, with an alarming 500% increase now documented in a study just published in the August issue of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Lead author of the study, Dr. Joshua Thaden, warned "This dangerous bacteria is finding its way into healthcare facilities nationwide... A CRE epidemic is fast approaching... Even this marked increase likely underestimates the true scope of the problem given variations in hospital surveillance practices." The study also found that an astonishing 94 percent of CRE infections were caused by healthcare activities or hospital procedures...

» CDC: Only 1.6% of Americans Identify as Gay or Lesbian
CNS News—
Contrary to popular belief, just 1.6 percent of American adults identify as homosexual, compared to 96.6 percent who say they are heterosexual, according to a large-scale, first-of-its-kind government survey recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2011, a Gallup survey found that 52 percent of Americans believed that 25 percent of the population was either gay or lesbian. Only 4 percent of people surveyed at that time thought that the homosexual population was less than 5 percent...

» Ted Cruz Joins Glenn Beck For ‘Soccer Balls And Teddy Bears’ Event; Mike Lee Drops Out
Breitbart —
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will join Glenn Beck this weekend at the U.S.-Mexico border on what Beck describes as a humanitarian mission. The Tea Party Senator will join the radio talk show host and his followers in his effort to bring soccer balls and teddy bears to illegal immigrant children. Cruz, who told Breitbart News that the event is a statement against President Barack Obama's non-enforcement of immigration laws, said he will be doling out medical supplies. A Cruz spokesperson announced to The Blaze Thursday that Cruz would be "glad to join Glenn Beck" in McAllen, Texas to "provide some relief from the suffering this administration is causing."...

» Obama Forces Religious Groups To Pick Faith Or Funding
The Daily Caller —
President Barack Obama is replaying his turnout-boosting 2012 contraception fight against Christian groups by staging a pre-election fight between Christian groups and advocates of new legal rights for gays. He’s expected to sign a regulation on July 21 that would force religious groups that get federal contracts to give up federal funding if they don’t submit to progressives’ claim that homosexuality and heterosexuality are morally equivalent. The regulation ensures a fight by banning federal contracts for groups that are reluctant to hire gay, lesbian and transgender people. But many religious group prefer to hire people whose personal lives exemplify the groups’ beliefs about proper relations between men and women...

» Hamas Instructing People How To Lie About Civilian Casualties
Truth Revolt —
The mainstream media gets its Gaza casualty numbers from Hamas and the terrorist organization gave some insight into how they come up with their figures. The Hamas interior ministry issued guidelines to Gaza Strip social media users on how to lie about the conflict when discussing it with outsiders outsiders: "Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from Gaza or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank. Don't forget to always add 'innocent civilian' or 'innocent citizen' in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza." The guidelines, which Hamas calls the "Be Aware – Social Media Activist Awareness Campaign," were issued via an instructional video posted on its official website and via posters published on its Twitter and Facebook pages...

» 216th Anniversary Of Sedition Act: Have We Learned Nothing?
The New American —
This week is the anniversary of the signing of the Sedition Act into law by President John Adams. This 18th-century “law,” described in a History Channel article as one of the “most egregious breaches of the U.S. Constitution in history,” has been reborn in the 21st century. A brief rehearsal of an almost forgotten episode in American history will reveal the contemporary importance of the Sedition Act and the all-out assault on fundamental liberty that it represented...Nullification, as defined by Jefferson and Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, is the most powerful weapon against the federal assault on state sovereignty and individual liberty. By applying the principles restated in those seminal documents, states can simultaneously rebuild the walls of sovereignty once protected by the Constitution — in particular the 10th Amendment — and drive the forces of federal consolidation back to the banks of the Potomac...

» Mark Levin Goes Nuclear On Obama For His (Lack Of) Response To The International Turmoil

MARK LEVIN FUMES: Obama Has A Screw Loose
The Daily Rushbo — Conservative radio host Mark Levin exploded on President Barack Obama over his response to the Malaysia Airlines jetliner that was “shot out of the sky” on Thursday. Levin criticized the president for refusing to cancel fundraisers amid the international turmoil, including Israel’s latest offensive in Gaza.

“Is it not a wake-up call yet again? Does it not remind us, yet again, of 9/11 and acts that can occur in this country? I’m just saying, these tragedies are not tragedies — they are attacks, they’re intentional,” Levin said. “And it’s going to happen here… because among other things, Obama is into his fundraisers, like tonight. In the middle of all of this, he cannot cancel it!”

The radio host said Obama’s behavior reminds him of how he reacted after the Benghazi terrorists attacks when he refused to cancel a Las Vegas fundraiser.

“This is a very sick man, this Obama,” he added. “There’s something out of kilter. There’s a screw loose. Something’s not right if you are president of the United States, and something like this happens.” » The Daily Rushbo

—Daily Cartoon—
Reid Border

» Cartoonist: Rick McKee is the staff cartoonist at The Augusta Chronicle. In 2006, McKee was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Along with everybody else.