Tuesday, July 22, 2014


The Green Light For Conservative Laughter!
Starring Jodi Miller

Topics for this Edition of NewsBusted
President Obama
Malaysian Airlines
Josh Earnest
Illegal Alien Coyotes
Self-Driving Obama Car
CNN Reporter
First Family
Drunk TSA Agent
Illegals Hide in Gas Pipeline

About NewsBusted
The Media Research Center’s NewsBusted comedy show, with jokes about politics, Hollywood and liberal media bias.

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Current Events And Commentaries

Did The United Nations Give Rockets To Hamas?

“It’s shocking to see UNRWA handing over weapons
to forces that can and will use them to shoot at
Israel and kill Israelis and perpetuate this conflict.”

Lead Story by Josh Rogin, The Daily Beast —
The U.N. agency that runs schools and hospitals in Gaza is supposed to be neutral. But it gave 20 rockets found in one of its buildings to cops who many believe report to Hamas.

When 20 rockets were discovered last week in a U.N.-funded school in Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees was quick to condemn the storage of weapons of war in a building meant to educate children.

But rather than turn them over to a third party, or arrange for their disposal, the agency, known as UNRWA, handed them over to the local police force, which was established by Hamas, and is believed to be under the militant group’s control. In other words, the supposedly neutral agency may have given weapons to one of the combatants in a conflict that has claimed more than 360 lives in the past two weeks.

“We are examining what happened with these rockets. If UNRWA did pass it to Hamas it strongly harms [UNRWA’s] credibility and impartiality,” an Israeli official told The Daily Beast.

UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness told The Daily Beast on Sunday that after finding the rockets on July 17 in a vacant UNRWA school in Gaza, the organization contacted the local police bomb squad, which came and took the rockets away. Gunness said he didn’t see an issue with the handover, because the local authorities who took control of the rockets reported to the Palestinian government in Ramallah, not to Hamas, which heads the government and runs the police force in Gaza.

[see full article]

On July 14, the IDF tweeted a photo showing what it claims to be a Hamas weapons storage facility steps away from a school and an UNRWA medical facility.

UNRWA has opened an investigation into the rockets found in its school in July but may not release all of its findings. “When our report comes out, we will take a decision on what we will release,” Gunness said.

Josh Block, CEO of The Israel Project, said UNRWA’s actions are tantamount to giving Hamas a green light to store weapons in schools. If the weapons are discovered, Hamas knows it will get them back.

“It’s shocking to see UNRWA handing over weapons to forces that can and will use them to shoot at Israel and kill Israelis and perpetuate this conflict,” he said. “It’s a betrayal of the U.N.’s mission, of the Palestinian people that UNRWA is intended to serve, and calls into question international support for such an entity.” » Read Full Story...

» Turkish PM Erdogan Says Israel ‘Surpasses Hitler In Barbarism’
Reuters —
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel on Saturday of having "surpassed Hitler in barbarism" through its attacks on Gaza, but warned Turks against taking out their anger on the country's Jewish community. Erdogan continued to ratchet up his rhetoric against the Jewish State over its offensive, threatening to further harm to already badly frayed relations between the two countries, once regional allies. Palestinian officials say more than 330 people have been killed by Israeli strikes launched in response to rockets fired into Israeli territory by militants loyal to the Islamist group Hamas...

» Possible Epidemic? The Chikungunya Virus Is Starting To Spread In America
The American Dream —
Cases of the Chikungunya virus are appearing in the United States at a level that is far higher than anything health officials have seen in recent years, and now there are two confirmed cases of people that have not even traveled out of the country getting the virus. That means that the Chikungunya virus is starting to spread in America, and once it starts spreading it is really hard to stop. Instead of spreading human to human, this virus actually spreads “person-to-mosquito-to-person.” If you live in an area of the country where there are a lot of mosquitoes, you should pay close attention to this article. You do not want to get the Chikungunya virus...

» Will Medicare Become Like The VA?
Dr. Jane M. Orient Warns, ‘Patients Will Have Nowhere In The U.S. To Go’
Most veterans get most of their medical care from private doctors through Medicare or private insurance. Just think what those secret waiting lists would be like if they didn’t! Still, a VA-like system for all has been proposed as a replacement for our unsustainable current system – at least until the recent scandals broke. One enormous difference between the VA and Medicare is that veterans are free to go elsewhere – if they pay privately. Some veterans use their VA doctor only to get free medications. Medicare patients, on the other hand, are trapped. There is virtually no private coverage available to persons over 65 to replace Medicare – President Lyndon Johnson wiped it out to prevent competition with “his” beloved system...

» In Just One Terrible Night, This Guy’s Views On Gun Control Were Changed Forever
Western Journalism —
“...You’re On Your Own.”
James Dittrich was immediately thrust into a terrifying situation when a pair of thugs followed him home, robbed him, and forced him into his own apartment at gunpoint. The commotion woke his sleeping fiancĂ©, Meredith Duffy, who was then sexually assaulted by the armed intruders. “He just grabbed the back of my shirt, pulled me off of the bed, put the gun back on me, said ‘Get your purse,’” she recalled... Not only did the vicious attack cause them to rethink their living situation; it also led to an about face regarding gun control. “I didn’t want a gun,” Dittrich said of his opinion prior to the burglary. “I specifically didn’t want one.” After realizing how helpless he was without some means of protection, however, he left his anti-gun philosophy behind.”...

» ISIS Torches 1,800-Year-Old Church In Mosul; Priest Says City Is ‘Now Empty Of Christians’
Christian Post —
Members of the militant group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) reportedly torched a 1,800 year-old Catholic Church in Mosul, Iraq and have effectively left that city "empty of Christians" as believers fled the area in fear of their lives, according to Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Sako. Sources told Shoebat that the ISIS group in Mosul called "Daash" completely burned the Syriac Catholic Diocese and its contents in Mosul. A Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian Website released photos of the church in flames Saturday. The torching of the church comes on the heels of the destruction of a number of other Christian monuments in Iraq in recent months including the tomb of biblical prophet Jonah, which was dug up by ISIL militants in the east of Mosul...

» Iraq’s Ambassador Urges U.S. To Launch Airstrikes Against ‘Evil’ ISIS
CNS News —
Iraq’s ambassador to Washington urged the U.S. on Monday to launch air strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS or ISIL) fighters, making the appeal at a time when some lawmakers from both parties are pushing in the opposite direction. Ambassador Lukman Faily said Iraq was facing a terrorist threat that was both “transnational in nature” and existential. ISIS was the common enemy of Iraq, its neighbors, the U.S. and America’s allies, “and we must make a common effort to defeat them.” Faily thanked the U.S. for what it has done thus far to support Iraq in its campaign against the jihadists, but urged it to consider airstrikes -- “to protect Iraqi borders against the further influx of terrorists from Syria.”...

Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show —
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) has previously met with officials from the U.S., Mexico and various Central American countries on the pretense of labeling the thousands of illegal immigrants as refugees. Indeed, the United Nations is now categorizing the present wave of immigrants as refugees from political and domestic violence that are merely seeking asylum in the United States. By declaring this to be the case, the United Nations is “lawfully” exerting their international power to force the United States to openly take in any and all refugees with welcoming arms, at the expense of the American taxpayer....

» Evidence Mounts Of A MANUFACTURED Border Crisis
Accuracy In Media (AIM) —
The situation at America’s southern border is a “manufactured crisis,” one perpetuated—if not started—by the Obama administration. After all, the administration put out an ad in January 2014 asking for contractors to handle an influx of 65,000 children. “The surge to 60,000 or so children seen this year was said to catch many off guard, especially since just 6,500 children entered the U.S. as early as 2011,” reported Pete Kasperowicz for The Blaze. “But [Republican Senator Jeff] Sessions [R-AL] said the advertisement showed that the administration knew the surge would happen.” And in reality, the 60,000 children represent only about 20 percent of the total illegal immigrants who have come into this country since April... DO THE MATH!

» Judge Jeanine: Obama Planned Immigration Crisis Two Years Ago
More Videos From Western Journalism

“If The President Were To Tell Us This Surge Was Coming...”

Justice With Judge Jeanine, Fox News [Insider] — Judge Jeanine Pirro said in her opening statement on her Sunday show that Obama has known about this surge of immigrants from Central America for at least two years and has been covering it up from Congress and the American people.

The Judge said that “The White House was involved two years ago in efforts to care for these kids when they negotiated the temporary shelter at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. So why, you say, would the Obama administration not prepare and plan and warn us two years ago? Why?”

Judge Jeanine then runs a clip of herself from a July 12th show predicting her theory that “Obama is intentionally using the immigration crisis as an excuse to change the demographics and ultimately the electorate of this nation.”

She added to that theory, saying that this was a “calculated decision” by the White House not to tell the public or to actually protect our borders. She said, “If the president were to tell us this surge was coming, indeed already started, it would be far more difficult to pass comprehensive immigration reform, wouldn’t it?” (H/T: Western Journalism)

—Daily Cartoon—
Obama’s Transparency

» Cartoonist: Steve Kelly For two decades, political cartoonist Steve Kelley has devoted his attention to public officials the way the radiator grille of a tractor-trailer might devote its attention to June bugs. He has delighted readers by consistently consigning office-holders to the one fate they fear most: that of not being taken seriously.