Wednesday, September 17, 2014


The Magazine Of Record For The Last Days


Obama Drops The ‘Other Shoe’ And Reveals
Hidden Agenda To Promote Islam

NTEB News Desk, September 16, 2014 — “I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear… America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam… Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism — it is an important part of promoting peace.” – Barack Hussein Obama, Cairo Speech 2009

The Obama administration is embarking on an outrageous but predictable strategy to battle the threat of ISIS in the Middle East. John Kerry, in a round-table discussion to world leaders, said that we must show the world ‘real Islam’.

Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that to counter the ideology of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its claim of a “religious foundation” for its actions, part of the strategy of the international coalition he is attempting to assemble must be to “begin to put real Islam out there.” Kerry, in Paris for talks with various world leaders to build that coalition, further said that all of the Arab leaders he had spoken with earlier concurred about their focus on “real Islam and how important the Friday sermons are.” The secretary of state recently said that ISIL’s ideology “has nothing to do with Islam” and President Obama echoed these words, saying that “ISIL is not ‘Islamic.'”

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Kerry’s remarks about “real Islam” came during a “roundtable discussion” with the press after the secretary met with representatives from twenty-six countries to discuss how to confront the threat posed by ISIL. In recent days Kerry has alternated between calling the action against ISIL “war” and “counter-terrorism,” but in any case he downplayed the military aspect of the operation. The military piece, he said, is a “critical component”, but “probably far more important” will be the effort to “start drying up this pool of jihadis who get seduced into believing there’s some virtue in crossing into Syria to fight or to join ISIL.”

John Kerry said this:
“It has to start major efforts to delegitimize ISIS’s claim to some religious foundation for what it’s doing and begin to put real Islam out there and draw lines throughout the region. And I think this is a wake-up call with respect to that because every Arab leader there today was talking about this, about real Islam and how important the Friday sermons are and where they need to go. Those are critical components of this strategy.”
Now you are beginning to the see the real war that Obama intends on waging. It’s not against ISIL, it’s a war for the promotion of Islam and Sharia Law in America.

About the Author: NTEB News Desk
NTEB is run by end times author and editor-in-chief Geoffrey Grider. Geoffrey runs a successful web design company, and is a full-time minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to running NOW THE END BEGINS, he hosts a twice-weekly bible study and prophecy radio show on BlogTalk Radio, and oversees a dynamic street preaching outreach and tract ministry team in Saint Augustine, Florida.

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The Betrayal of America
“For generations the Bible has warned of the coming End of Days, you are now living in that time. America, a nation raised up by the Hand of God to spread the Gospel and to be a beacon of Freedom for people around the world is about to be forever silenced by those sworn to protect her — her leaders.” - Now The End Begins


Current Events And Commentaries

America’s Independent News Network
“A Free Press for a Free People”

General Boykin:
Sending Military To Fight Ebola ‘Misuse’ Of Soldiers

Retired General Stresses ‘Great Risk’ Of Infection

Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, WND — NEW YORK – “Sending the U.S. military to combat Ebola in Liberia is an absolute misuse of the U.S. military,” Gen. William G. Boykin explained to WND in an exclusive telephone interview.

“The health mission in Liberia would be better accomplished by private sector NGOs [Non-Governmental Units], including the French organization Médecins San Frontières (MSF), Doctors without Borders, among others, or by some other U.S. government agency such as the Department of Health and Human Services,” he stressed.

“I believe it is a total misuse of the U.S. military’s capabilities at a time when the U.S. military is taking drastic budget cuts, it is being extraordinarily thin, and it is being recommitted to conflict in Iraq. I object to this quite strongly.”

Boykin grasped for reasons to explain why the Obama administration was planning to use the U.S. military in this international health care crisis.

“In the final analysis, the military has organization and leadership, the two key things the Obama administration is probably looking for here,” he speculated.

“The military has a capability to deal with a chemical or biological attack and some of that may be dual-purposed for dealing with this kind of epidemic.”

But he stressed in his 36 years of military experience, “I never dealt with any thing like this that had to do with a pandemic.”

Boykin expressed concern at the health risk the U.S. military was assuming going into the Ebola outbreak in Liberia.

The U.S. military does not have specific training regarding how to handle a medical emergency like Ebola,” he said.

“It’s rather obvious there is a great risk the U.S. military going into Liberia to fight Ebola will end up getting infected themselves.”

He reasoned through the steps the U.S. military would have to take to protect U.S. soldiers from contracting the disease once in Liberia.

“One of the first things the U.S. military will have to do is to set up centers where the soldiers can be sterilized and cleaned, to try to reduce the risk to them. But, I think, the U.S. military going into Liberia are going to be clearly at risk of contracting Ebola.”

Even with precautions such as these, Gen. Boykin was aware how risky the situation will be, not only to the health of the U.S. military deployed to Liberia, but also potentially to civilians back in the United States.

“Then, let’s say two or three soldiers in a battalion get Ebola. What are you going to do with them?” he asked. “Obviously, you’re going to have to bring them back to the United States.”

In conclusion, Boykin dismissed President Obama’s decision as a bad idea.

“This is a terrible misuse of the U.S. military and it comes at a terrible time when not only is the military really stretched thin such that the U.S. military can not take on another mission, it comes at a time when we are reducing the military’s funding and the military’s numbers, but we’re at the same time giving them another mission,” he emphasized.

Boykin also questioned why the first line of defense would not be the United Nations Peacekeepers already stationed in Liberia.

“If military are required to combat the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, then the first troops that should be involved are the 6,000 United Nations Peacekeeping forces that are already in the country,” he said.

“It doesn’t make sense.”

Separately, WND has reported that according to United Nations records, the Ebola outbreak in Liberia has not been slowed by the over 8,000 United Nations personnel currently in Libya, including 6,000 uniformed Peacekeepers the United Nations currently has stationed in Liberia, including 4,460 troops, 126 military observers, and 1,434 police forces, with an approved budget from July 2014 through June 2015 of $427.3 million.

Last week, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Hervé Ladsous addressed the media in Monrovia, the capital of Libya, explaining the United Nations mission in Liberia “is not a public health operation” and the U.N. Peacekeepers stationed there are not trained to combat the Ebola epidemic.

Satanists Handing Out Religious Literature At Schools
The Satanic Temple of New York City has been granted permission to pass out its literature to students in public schools in the Orlando, Florida, area after district officials declined to prohibit distribution of religious materials. So will there now be a huge new interest among students in the pentagram, the goats-head emblem and devilish rituals? While Satanists may be allowed to give out their material to students, it’s an entirely different question...

Democrat Congresswoman Blames Reporters For Their Beheadings;
Says They Should Be More Careful
By TPNN Staff —
Democrat U.S. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, representing Texas’ 30th Congressional District, argued that the recent gruesome beheadings of two American journalists, by the barbaric Islamic terrorist group, ISIS, doesn’t warrant a response. In an interview with on September 12, the Dallas Democrat argued against striking back, saying that the reporters played a role in their beheadings, that “Americans should be more careful.”

Man Accused of Trying to Aid Islamic State Group
Newsmax —
An upstate New York man accused of plotting to kill members of the U.S. military and others faces new charges that he tried to aid the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq. Mufid Elfgeeh, 30, of Rochester, was indicted by a federal grand jury on three counts of attempting to provide material support and resources to the group that has been designated by the U.S. as a foreign terrorist organization, federal prosecutors said Tuesday...

Report: NFL Told RGIII To Turn His Jesus Shirt Inside Out
By Bradford Thomas, Ben Shapiro’s Truth Revolt —
According to a one reporter, injured Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III was told by an NFL uniform inspector to turn his “Know Jesus, Know Peace” t-shirt inside out before a postgame press conference. The NFL’s qualm, the reporter said, was not with the religious sentiment, however, but simply a branding issue. Richmond Times-Dispatch Redskins reporter Michael Phillips tweeted after the conspicuous shirt reversal that the reason Griffin was...

Study: America No Longer ‘Needs’ Israel
By Yossi Aloni, Israel Today —
A new Israeli study into the historical role of the United States in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has concluded that America no longer has “need” of the Jewish state, and that the ongoing “special relationship” between the two allies is a relic of the past maintained today by political dynamics in Congress. Conducted by Dan Rotem of the Center for Middle East Peace in Washington, the study was presented on Tuesday at Netanya Academic College. In it...

Inhofe: Obama ‘Not Telling the Truth’ About ISIS
Breitbart —
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), the highest-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that President Obama is “flat not telling the truth” about the nation’s strategy to combat ISIS on CNN’s “The Lead” on Tuesday. “The president is just flat not telling the truth. We already have boots on the ground there. He knows we’re going to have to have boots on the ground. Let's just go ahead and face it and admit we're in a war...

Texas Sheriff Warns Fox of ISIS Threat:
‘Quran Books’ Found along Mexican Border

Gary Painter, Sheriff from Midland County, Texas, warned Fox & Friends’ Elisabeth Hasselbeck that not only was ISIS poised to sneak into the U.S through the porous Texas-Mexico border, but that based on evidence he’d heard of, “Muslims” were already being smuggled across. He presented no evidence that the alleged Muslims were connected to ISIS or any other terror group.

“Are you saying that ISIS is ready to come across poised to perhaps execute what they have threatened to do, attacks on the United States, drown us in our own blood?” Hasselbeck asked. “Is that what you’re saying?”

“I’m saying the border is wide open,” Painter replied. “We have found copies, or people along the border, have found Muslim clothing, they have found Quran books that are laying on the side of the trail. So we know that there are Muslims that have come across, have been smuggled in the United States.”

The idea that ISIS is operating in Mexico, or even outside the eastern Syria/northern Iraq region where they’re based, has been rebutted numerous times, most recently by the Department of Homeland Security, something Fox News itself has reported on. In addition, Fox News anchor Geraldo Rivera told the Fox & Friends troika last week that the idea was nonsense.

Nonetheless, Hasselbeck agreed with Painter’s dire prediction and asked what he thought the U.S. should do.
“If they show their ugly head in our area, we’ll send them to hell,” Painter said. “I think the United States needs to get busy and they need to bomb them. They need to take them out. I would like for them to hit them so hard and so often that every time they hear a propeller on a plane or a jet aircraft engine that they urinate down both legs.

Media Ignores Huge Reporting Showing Obama Lied About Obamacare Funding Abortions
By Curtis Houck, Life News —
On Tuesday, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report documenting how abortions are being funded by taxpayers under ObamaCare despite a provision in the law stating that abortions will not be covered under ObamaCare insurance plans. When the Tuesday evening newscasts for the major broadcast networks had passed, however, none of them devoted even a second to the story. According to the report, 28 states...

Mad Science: ‘Genetically Modified Micro Humans’ To Be ‘Farmed’
For Drug Testing By 2017
By Christina Sarich, Alex Jones’ Infowars —
Developers of artificial micro-humans, or ‘mini GM humans,’ are hoping to release their technology on the market by 2017. No this isn’t a sci-fi joke. Scientists are developing artificial humans in the same vein as GM plants with the hope that these creations will replace the need for using animals in laboratory testing. Artificial humans will be ‘farmed’ with interacting organs that can be used in drug tests, speeding up the process of FDA and...

Are Bio-Martyrs Crossing Our Southern Border?
By Debbie Smith, Prophecy News Watch —
The porous United States Southern border and the Ebola outbreak of recent weeks may be creating a “perfect storm” of sorts for Islamic Jihadist terrorists as they seek to strike fear into the hearts of American’s. According to a recent Homeland Security Today article, terrorists may be using the soft southern US border as an entrance for Ebola infected martyrs attempting to transmit the disease to unsuspecting victims here in the US. Sounds like something out of...

“The Story of Liberty”
You can see the Divine hand of God work a counter plan in history

About The Story of Liberty
We believe the story of our God-given rights is the great missing link to restore our nation again. The great story of Liberty reaches its crescendo in America with the Mayflower Compact and the landing of the Pilgrim fathers almost 400 years ago. But the great story began in Nazareth when the author of liberty, Jesus, gave His first sermon to his home synagogue. The story is detailed in Luke 4. He opened the scroll to Isaiah 61 and read the Messianic prophecy of the purpose of the Messiah’€™s coming. He detailed that he came to heal the broken-hearted, the blind, and to preach the Gospel to the poor. But when He came to the subject of Liberty he said he came to set the captives free, and then He repeated it a second time saying he came to set those that were in bondage free.

Obama’s Dogs Of War

» Cartoonist: Rick McKee is the staff cartoonist at The Augusta Chronicle. In 2006, McKee was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Along with everybody else.

Jesus Privately Briefing His Inner Circle of Disciples
Regarding The Last Days
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. ~ Matthew 24:3-14