Sunday, January 11, 2015


Current Events And Commentaries
“And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come,
he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.”
~ Jesus
Luke 12:39

America’s Independent News Network - “A Free Press for a Free People”

Irony: France Supplied Islamists With Weapons
Insisted Guns Were Needed To Fight Against Syrian Regime

By Aaron Klein— Lost in the news coverage over the jihadist massacres in Paris is that just five months ago, the country’s president, Francois Hollande, publicly admitted France delivered weapons to Islamic rebels targeting the secular regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

While Hollande indicated the weapons were delivered to moderate rebel forces, the insurgency against Assad is largely led by Islamic extremists who far outnumber the moderates. Most analyses suggest it is those extremists who would gain the most from the toppling of the Syrian leader.

On Aug. 21, Hollande confirmed to reporters the weapons deliveries took place “a few months ago, when the Syrian rebels had to face both the armies of the dictator Bashar al-Assad and this terrorist group Islamic State.”

“We cannot leave the only Syrians who are preparing a democracy … without weapons,” he added.

Hollande stated what is happening in Syria is “terrible”: “On one side, the state of Bashar al-Assad, which continues to crush and massacre, (on the other) Islamic State, and, in the middle, those who were supposed to lay the ground for the future, caught in a pincer movement.”

“So we should not stop the support that we have given to these rebels who are the only ones to take part in the democratic process,” said the French president.

Hollande did not specify which group or groups received the French weapons. It is clear he was speaking about forces opposed to both Assad and the Islamic State.

The Islamic State, however, together with a witch’s brew of extremist groups, like the al-Nusra front, are leading much of drive to take over territory in Syria.

Furthermore, the extremist groups have a history of capturing weaponry from the mode moderate Syrian fighting forces.

In November there were reports U.S.-backed fighters in Syria’s Jabal al-Zawiya surrendered to al-Nusra and swore allegiance to the Islamic extremist group allied with al-Qaida.

“Some of the rebels swore allegiance to al-Nusra, others fled,” reported the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, or SOHR, referring to the U.S.-backed groups the Syrian Revolutionaries Front and Harakat Hazm.

The International Business Times reported that after the al-Nusra victory, “Twitter accounts linked to the Islamist group claimed that U.S. weapons were among the stockpiles confiscated by the group.”

Two brothers, Said, 34, and Cherif Kouachi, 32, were helped to lead the Paris attacks before being killed in a shootout with police.

Before they died, one of the brothers told a reporter from the French news network BFM, “We are just telling you that we are the defenders of Prophet Mohammed. I was sent, me, Cherif Kouachi, by al-Qaeda in Yemen. I went there, and Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki financed my trip … before he was killed.”

One of the suspects reportedly trained with al-Qaeda-linked militants in Yemen and was arrested by French authorities in 2005 when he was planning to leave to fight alongside rebels in Iraq.

There is a Syria connection to the Paris massacres. French authorities say they believe Hayat Boumeddiene, the girlfriend of another gunman killed when the police raided a hostage attempt at a kosher store on Friday, departed France and has reached Syria.

With additional research by Joshua Klein....

CIA Estimates: Muslims In France Outnumber Combined,
Surviving Christian Populations Of Syria, Iraq

By Lauretta Brown, CNE News — Muslims living in France now outnumber the combined, surviving Christian populations of Syria and Iraq, according to estimates published by the CIA in its World Factbook. There are also more Muslims in France than there are people in Kuwait, or the West Bank, or Gaza. France has a total population of 66,259,012, according to the CIA, with Muslims making up 5 percent to 10 percent of the total. At the lower-end of this range (5 percent), there would be 3,312,951 Muslims in France. At the upper-end (10 percent), there would be 6,625,901....

700,000 Rally Across France In Wake Of Paris Terror Attack

RT — Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets across France in response to three days of mayhem, as terrorist attacks rocked its capital resulting in the deaths of some 20 people – 17 victims, and three gunmen. In total, 700,000 marched across France, Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, told reporters. Some 30,000 turned up in Pau, southwest France, while a further 20,000 took to the streets in Orleans to pay their respects to the dead. Up to 20,000 also marched across the northwestern town of Saint-Nazaire. More rallies were held in Nice and Caen. ...

Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement
‘We Need to Kill Them’: It’s Time to Stop Islamic Terror

Justice With Judge Jeanine, Fox News Insider —
We need to kill them. We need to kill them, the radical Muslim terrorists hell-bent on killing us. You're in danger. I'm in danger. We're at war and this is not going to stop.

After this week's brutal terror attacks in France, hopefully everybody now gets it. And there's only one group that can stop this war: the Muslims themselves.

Our job is to arm those Muslims to the teeth. Give them everything they need to take out these Islamic fanatics. Let them do the job. Let them have at it. And as they do, we need to simply look the other way.

It is time for this to be over and stop sending American dollars to any Arab country that does not support this mission, Pakistan at the top of the list.

Force Arab nations to choose. They're either with us or they’re against us. And stop with this nuclear negotiation nonsense. They don't operate the way we do. You can't negotiate. You can't mediate. You can't bargain. You can't even reason with these people!

Now, Egyptian President el-Sisi - a Muslim in a country 85-percent Muslim - rid Egypt - the largest Arab country - of Islamic fanatics. He threw out Hamas terrorists and outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood, the mother of all terrorist organizations.

And ironically, days before the attack in France that same President el-Sisi called for a religious revolution to take out violent jihadists. He called on the imams and the religious establishment to lead the fight, saying the entire world is waiting for their next move.

I've been telling you for a year that they're coming for us. That there is a reverse crusade in progress, a Christian genocide. Hundreds of thousands of innocents killed in the Middle East.
» Video Source | WesternFreePress...

Obama’s ‘Free’ College to Cost $60 Billion
Obama: “Now, there are no free rides in America.”

By Trey Sanchez, Ben Shapiro’s Truth Revolt — President Obama recently announced a plan to provide two years of tuition-free community college, but he qualifies that statement by saying, "Now, there are no free rides in America." That's a good thing to say, because according to White House estimates, this "free" college is going to cost federal taxpayers $60 billion over ten years. Add to that the $20 billion the states will need to provide, and now the grand total equals $80 billion, as was noted in The Washington Examiner. Obama is slated to provide a cost breakdown for this plan in next month's budget and he is expected to talk more about this during his upcoming State of the Union address....

Six Things Obama Didn’t Tell You
About His “Free” College Tuition Plan

By Conn Carroll, Townhall — Previewing yet another item on his 2015 State of the Union Friday, President Obama announced a new plan to make community college tuition "free."

"Today I'm announcing an ambitious new plan to bring down the cost of community college tuition in America," Obama said. "I wanna bring it down to zero. I wanna make it free."

Obama may have spoken for over half-an-hour in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he was joined by both Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN), but he left out a few details about his new program:

1) It Isn’t Free
Obama may have sold his plan as "free" college tuition, but it isn't free to students and it definitely isn't free to taxpayers. First, Obama's plan will only cover "three-qarters of the average cost of community college." States are expected to pick up the tab for the remaining 25 percent. But even then, the program will only cover the "average cost" of tuition. Many students who go to schools with higher tuitions will still be on the hook for money.

Second, nothing is ever free for taxpayers. On Air Force One today, Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz confirmed that the program will cost at least $60 billion over ten years.

2) It Will Drown Community Colleges In Red Tape
"There are no free rides in America," Obama insisted today. And he's right. Nothing is ever really free. "Colleges would to do their part by offering high quality academics and helping students actually graduate," Obama continued. "States would have to do their part to. This isn't a blank check. It is not a free lunch."

All this accountability may sound great in a political speech, but in real life what it all translates to is tons of paperwork and red tape for states and schools. If you loved the federalization of elementary education through No Child Left Behind, and all the millions of hours of paperwork that came with it, then you'll love Obama's plan to federalize community colleges.

3) Too Many High School Students Aren’t Prepared For Community College
Too many high schools are already failing to prepare their graduates for college and making community college as universal as high school, which is what Obama said the goal of his new plan was, would only make the situation worse.

A 2004 study found that not only did 68 percent of community college students take at least one remedial course, but of those that did take remedial courses, they had to take 2.9 of them. All Obama's plan would really do is create nationally funded 6-year high schools.

4) Community College’s Have A Poor Track Record
If community colleges had a strong track record of taking unprepared or financially strained students through graduation and onto four-year institutions, then maybe Obama's plan might begin to make some sense. But the simple fact is that they don't.

Less than 20 percent of first-time, full-time community college students complete their two-year degrees in three years. And of the only 20 percent of community college students who do transfer to four-year institutions, only 72 percent of them will finish or still be in school after another four years.

5) “Free Tuition Will Drive Up Costs
No government spending program exists in a vacuum. If the government subsidizes the price of a service, then the price of that service will go up. Which is exactly what has happened to the price of four-year college tuition since the federal government has been ramping up their grant and loan-guarantee spending.

6) Government Spending Crowds Out Private Sector Solutions
Not only will government subsidized tuition at public community colleges drive up the price of tuition at those colleges, but it will also crowd out private sector solutions. The Manhattan Institute's Judah Bellin explains:
Furthermore, the for-profit industry has proven to be successful for many students who enroll in short-term programs. Students at for-profits are more likely to obtain certificates and associate's degrees, which typically take one or two years to complete, than students who begin these programs at community colleges. And after their first year, they are more likely to stay in such programs and less likely to need to take remedial courses than their community-college peers. Recent data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center provides even more promising news. In 2007, among students attending two-year colleges, those who attended private, for-profit schools had a six-year completion rate of 62%, whereas their peers at community colleges and private non-profits had completion rates of 40% and 53%, respectively.

WW3 Will Be The West Vs. Islam
...And the globalists will profit regardless of outcome
Alex Jones breaks down the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack and how the globalists are trying to force WW3 between the West vs. Islam.

Islamophobia: Thought Crime Of The Totalitarian Future

By David Horowitz and Robert Spencer, Frontpage Mag — In the wake of the horrifying Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, leftists and Islamic supremacists are, once again, moving swiftly to portray Muslims as victims and any attempts to examine the real motives and goals of the Jihadist killers in Paris as unjustified and “Islamophobic.” To combat this pernicious tactic and the toxic delusion that impoliteness about the Prophet, and not planned Islamic terrorism, is somehow the cause of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in particular and the global jihad in general, Frontpage is running the Freedom Center’s pamphlet, Islamophobia: Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future, written by David Horowitz and Robert Spencer....

Insane Socialist French President Tells Country To Be Vigilant While Also Telling Them Muslim Terrorists Have Nothing To Do With Islam

By Ben Barrack, — Sounding like a character in George Orwell’s seminal work 1984 French President Francois Hollande delivered a statement in response to the terror attacks in Paris, telling people to be vigilant and stay on the lookout for terrorists like the ones who committed the attacks. In the very next sentence, he told them not to be on the lookout for terrorists connected to Islam, which were… the ones… who… committed… the… attacks. After meeting with Hollande – a reality which speaks to her rise in prominence – National Front Party leader Marine le Pen struck quite the opposite tone, which is resonating far more with the French people than is Hollande’s convoluted message rooted in denial...

Like Pigs to the Slaughter
Jihad Is Killing People And Governments Are Ignoring The Problem

Wild Bill For America

Jews Fleeing France In Record Numbers
As Antisemitism By Muslims Explodes

“For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.” ~ Jeremiah 30:3

By NTEB News Desk — Jews are fleeing terror-hit Paris because of growing anti-Semitism in France, one of Britain’s most influential Jewish journalists said today. Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicle, spoke out after an Islamic terrorist took six people hostage and held them captive in a Kosher supermarket in the French capital. The mayor’s office in Paris announced the closure of shops along the Rosiers street in Paris’ Marais neighborhood, in the heart of the tourist district and less than a mile away from the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were killed on Wednesday....

CNN: “Muslims Cannot Get A Break”

By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch — You can be absolutely sure: whenever the mainstream media raises the question of whether or not Islam is a Religion of Peace, it will answer that it is, and claim that Muslims are victims of unjust suspicion. But this CNN piece is particularly grotesque: after Muslims murder twelve people for transgressing Islam’s blasphemy laws, and four more for being Jewish, CNN gives us “Muslims cannot get a break.” Can Infidels get a break? Or will there just be more and more jihad, and then more and more denial, half-truth and obfuscation from the mainstream media?...

Connect The Holes... The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

» Cartoonist: Steve Breen is the two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the San Diego Union-Tribune. His provocative political cartoons that have captured the attention of some of the nation’s premier publications.

When The Pen Is Not Mightier Than The Sword...
 photo 011115JamesWoodsOnTwitter.jpg
What Does The Lamestream Media See When
They Look At Islamic Jihadists? THIS

By Jennifer Burke — The same media who condemns all gun owners and Second Amendment proponents when there is a mass shooting tells us that we should not condemn an entire religion, i.e. Islam, because of Muslim terrorists. For some reason, they are so eager to make excuses for those whose purpose in life is to kill infidels, that they will insult the intelligence of others with this nonsense and spit in the eye of our freedoms.

Actor James Woods tweeted a perfect cartoon that shows precisely what the lamestream media sees, according to their coverage, when they view Islamic terrorists.

When the pen is not mightier than the sword…
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) January 10, 2015

CNN even described the Charlie Hebdo Muslim terrorists as activists. Exactly what do they think these people are trying to activate?...

Jesus Privately Briefing His Inner Circle of Disciples
Regarding The Last Days
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. ~ Matthew 24:3-14