Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Current Events And Commentaries
“And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come,
he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.”
~ Jesus
Luke 12:39

Public School Forces Students To Make
Islamic Prayer Rug, Recite Islamic Prayers

Tea Party News Network

By Matthew Burke — When the dupes and useful idiots were told by Obama that he would “fundamentally transform” America, they applauded like seals with no interest whatsoever what he meant by the term.

Every time the man who was referred to as “The One,” by Democrats, said the word “change,” the progressive sycophants in the audience would go into fainting spells, slobbering all over themselves.

With each passing day, we’re learning just what “fundamental transformation” meant.

Related Article & Video
» Judge Jeanine on Fire After Obama’s Anti-Christian National Prayer Breakfast Hate

Ron Wagner, who said he admittedly doesn’t normally pay as much attention to his son’s school assignments as he should, just happened to read from his son’s world history book a statement which read, “There is no god, but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.”

Wagner found out that his son is being indoctrinated in the religion of Islam in his 10th grade class from a history book used in school districts across the State of Florida.

“Students were instructed to recite this prayer as the first Pillar of Islam, off of the board at the teacher’s instruction,” Mr. Wagner, who says he himself is not religious, told WFTV.

Wagner, with a little further investigation, found out that his son was given an “Islam packet” and required to make an Islamic prayer rug for the world history class.

WFTV reports (emphasis added):
Inside of the book is a chapter dedicated to the “Rise of Islam,” including prayers and scriptures from the Quran. What’s more disturbing for Wagner is that the first 100 pages discussing Judaism and Christianity are missing. The district blames a manufacturer defect in 68 books that are only a year old.

According to Wagner, Dr. Michael Blasewitz, who oversees the high school curriculum, said, “The Pillars of Islam are benchmarks in the state curriculum.”

Wagner’s concerns prompted a district investigation that found the teacher never tried to indoctrinate or convert students.
“For it to be mandatory and part of the curriculum and in the textbooks, didn’t seem right,” Wagner said....

The Mark Levin Show
U.S. Woman Murdered By ISIS

Also, Obama Is Giving Every Illegal Alien A Social Security Number
And $24,000 “Earned Income” Via U.S. Legal-Citizens Tax Dollars

Broadcast Synopsis — On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show: Kayla Mueller was murdered by ISIS and the U.S. now needs to take care of business and be more like George S Patton in fighting these Islamo-nazis. If we don’t blow them off the face of earth they will do it to us. The Obama administration is the most corrupt and detestable administration in American history because they are hostile to Jews and Israel more than any administration ever. We keep hearing President Obama, Josh Earnest, and Jen Psaki play word games with human lives, acting like blatant terrorism is just a terrible accident. This should demonstrate to people on the fence that the left has no compassion for human lives. Also, Obama wants to diversify America through executive amnesty. We’re not supposed to get comfortable with foreign cultures; immigrants are supposed to get comfortable with the American culture. Finally, Senator Ben Sasse calls in to discuss Obama’s ‘temporarily’ suspending deportations but giving social security numbers to illegals. Once you have a social security number you can signed up for the earned income tax credit and collect $24,000.

Obama To Seek Permission For World War On ISIS
‘The administration would be free to expand to other countries’

WND, On Capitol Hill — President Obama, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize only months after he was inaugurated but quickly became a war president, responsible for nearly 75 percent of U.S. troop deaths in Afghanistan, now is preparing to formally ask Congress to take the fight against ISIS worldwide.

That’s according to Bloomberg’s Josh Rogin, who said two senior congressional aides shared details with him.

Obama has been operating under authorizations created more than a decade ago when circumstances were vastly different and ISIS didn’t exist in the form that now threatens nations and beheads journalists and aide workers.

“The president has crafted the bill so it can engender bipartisan support on Capitol Hill while still preserving an enormous amount of flexibility on the battlefield without micromanagement from Congress, one senior Republican Senate aide said,” Rogin reported....

America In Retreat:
The Price Of Obama’s Indifference

Washington Free Beacon
President Obama touts his retreating approach to foreign policy as violent conflict engulfs the globe. Images by the Associated Press.

Here’s Why This Guy Will Be
The Next President Of The United States…

By L. Todd Wood, Western Journalism — I have long said that the next president of the United States will be a Republican. I’ve also said he will be a dark horse candidate and a governor.

Americans are hungry for a leader. No disrespect to Jeb, but Americans also don’t want another Bush—and they sure don’t want another ineffective or treasonous leftie. The public wants someone who can tell Americans the truth and show them what needs to be done to get to where we want to be: safe, free, and prosperous.

Republicans also need a candidate who can unite the different wings of the party, from the Wall Street country club Republicans, social conservatives in Iowa and the rest of the heartland, and national defense hawks.

Scott Walker is that man.

Matt Lewis wrote a prescient article in The Week recently called, Scott Walker and the Art of Winning. This paragraph captures the problem the Republicans have faced in recent presidential elections:
Conservatives have very obviously had enough of politicians who cave. That hold-the-line, never-give-in attitude has burned at the heart of the Tea Party for years. Less noticed, but equally important, is the fact that we have plenty of conservative lawmakers whose reputations are built on their adherence to principle, their total commitment to never cave — and who inevitably lose. They may make excuses and point fingers to try and claim that losing is winning — but they are still losers.
Scott Walker is no loser.

He has fought for conservative principles, primarily smaller government and balanced budgets, and won, time and again. He has taken everything the Soros-funded leftist, commie, union crowd could throw at him and won, three times.

Scott Walker is a winner.

He relates to all of the wings of the Republican Party. People trust him.

So he didn’t finish college. He’s in good company. Neither did Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or George Washington.

And for all these reasons, I’m going to Vegas and putting it all on Scott Walker for President of the United States....

The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by

Obama Admin Scrambles
To Correct Obama Kosher Deli Gaffe

By Al Weaver, The Daily Caller — The Obama administration is trying vociferously to clean up the mess made by President Obama during his interview with Vox, in which he called the attack on the kosher deli in Paris “random.”

Earlier Tuesday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest and State Department spokesman Jen Psaki both refused to label the attack on the kosher deli as “anti-Jewish” or say that the store was attacked for a connection to Judaism as a whole.

“It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris,” Obama told Vox in an interview posted on Monday....

ISIS And Al Qaeda Don’t Exist

CleanTV: Family-Friendly Television and Video On Demand

Partial Transcript: ISIS and Al Qaeda don’t exist. More on that in a moment.

But first it is foundational to know that old adages often ring true. One is: If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. Oddly enough, people can even believe their own lies if they lie to themselves long enough.

Even when something is as big as the elephant in the room or the king with no clothes, sheeple often ignore the obvious, going their merry way, wherever Big Brother Government and their lapdog media lead them.

Whatever happened to independent thinking? You know, the truth on the Internet that actually tells the rest of the story. Oh, that’s conspiracy theory stuff, they scoff. You’re not one of those people wearing tin foil hats, are you? When are they going to get it right? It's aluminum foil.

Perhaps one of the greatest modern era examples of this is case of ISIS, Al Qaeda and the next imaginary boogey man. There is no nation called ISIL or ISIS or even their shortened name, IS. And regardless of what your definition of IS is, or Islamic State is, they are not a state or a city and certainly not a nation. In fact, they don’t exist. They are fictitious straw men designed to keep our eyes off the real offender. Sometimes the diversion is a name of an organization. At other times it is a man puffed up by the media as the purported ring leader, such as bin Laden, who supposedly did al that mischief from a cave in Afghanistan or from a small room in Pakistan without our CIA knowing where he was. How much more laughable can you get? NSA has every phone of every America in databases and analyzed.... read full transcript here

Believe It Or Not We Can Defeat ISIS By Using
The Bible And Without Firing A Single Bullet

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) — Americans. I Gave them a video on the burning of a pilot by ISIS and literally millions flocked to my blog to watch it and a thousand commented “destroy ISIS”. But when you tell Americans how to defeat ISIS, so few even will read it, guaranteed. This says something about folks who love to only talk too much but read an article unless its a thousand words of less. To explain the problem and the solution at times takes a full day of surgical procedures.

Now you might ask: defeating ISIS By Using The Bible And Without Firing A Single Bullet?

Hard to imagine?

It’s easy if you try Dick.

Here, I will explain it all so that even a dumb American will get it and the ‘smart’ American whom I divide into two camps, one that will always remain as dumb as a door nail while they make believe that they are smart, the other that is smart and uses old fashioned wisdom but that the dumb others in charge continually ignores.

Americans should have learned that when it comes to Arabs, that the Jordanian pilot had to become the sacrificial burnt offering that backfired on ISIS and this has galvanized (temporarily) and finally unified the Arab members of the coalition. Such tragedy of sacrifice and revenge is just the way the Middle East will always be until Kingdom comes.

This sad and ugly scenario made the calculus change last week as Jordan redoubled its involvement in the anti-ISIS coalition that the U.S. forged late last year.

Now many are wondering, what’s next? And will other Arab nations step up as well? And what are the current and long-term future problems if and when ISIS is defeated, what other, even bigger issues should we also consider in this coming Armageddon? And is defeating ISIS completely, without considering other tyrannical players is even a good idea at this point? Is a complete end of ISIS the best scenario? Will we learn lessons from history, even recent history that completely ending Saddam Hussein was a bad idea, that killing Saddam brought in Islamists, both Sunni and Shiite Iran into the mix? The Bible, including history are our best lessons on how not just to defeat ISIS, but this whole Islamic revolution, to put an end to it once and for all. Hernán Cortés arrived at the port in Veracruz and conquered the Aztec empire with 500 conquistadores by pinning Aztec on Aztec. And I ask, where are the Aztecs today? Did we simply reform their stupid religion, or did we wipe it off completely to be in the dust bin of savage history?

And what if we completely wipe off ISIS? Even if you completely wipe out ISIS, would this mean that Muslims will stop their Caliphate dream? Hardly. So why not have the Middle East balance itself out on its own, while we tune in Fox or CNN (whichever you prefer) and watch it all happen while the U.S. logistically aids non-Islamists far far away from home. Will the ‘smart’ Americans listen? Probably not, since what we have are dumb Americans like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Kerry who think they are being so smart. But these dummies are not the problem. The problem is that smart Americans are simply too lazy in their activism. Americans can learn a thing or two from the Middle East, in that if they make a sound loud enough, the nation will finally listen. Just look at Egypt. Level headed Egyptians have finally woke up and wanted more to keep their western acquired civilization, while they gave lip service to Islam and through brute force, they ousted tyranny, yet America is still insisting to throw great Egypt under the bus. This is the sad dilemma we have....

Obama: Iran Has “No Aspiration To Get
A Nuclear Weapon” Because
“It Would Be Contrary To Their Faith”

By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch — It was reported back in September 2013 that “although talk of such a fatwa has been around for at least eight years, there’s no evidence it was ever issued, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, which flatly called the fatwa a hoax. MEMRI claims the phony fatwa is promoted by Iranian diplomats and Turkey’s Islamist prime minister, Recep Erdogan. ‘There is no such fatwa. It is a lie from the Iranians, a deception, and it is tragic that President Obama has endorsed it,’ MEMRI Founder and President Yigal Carmon told In July, the Iranian website Tasnimnews, which is linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, published an extensive list of 493 fatwas from Khamenei dating back to 2004. None forbade the pursuit of nuclear weapons.”

“Obama: Iran Won’t Pursue Nuclear Weapons Because It’s ‘Contrary to Their Faith,’” by Bradford Thomas, Real Clear Politics, February 9, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
In a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Monday, President Obama said he believed a deal with Iran on nuclear weapons was possible because Supreme Leader Khamenei said it would be “contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon.”...

NewsBusted: February 10, 2015
The Green Light For Conservative Laughter!

Topics for this Edition of NewsBusted
U.S. Cuba Relations
Josh Earnest
Obama’s ISIS Strategy
Donald Trump
School Sex Party
CNN Ratings

Gallup CEO Warns That
He May ‘Suddenly Disappear’
For Telling Truth About Unemployment Rate

By J. D. Heyes, Natural News — Was it hyperbole or was he serious? It's hard to say, but the head of one of the country's premier polling services just made a startling statement for simply being honest about the Obama Administration's employment numbers. Specifically, he is afraid that he could "suddenly disappear" for telling what he believes is the truth -- that the administration is dramatically fudging its unemployment figures in a bid to make the president look better.

Here's what started it all....

SHAPIRO: Shut Up, Because The Crusades

By Ben Shapiro, Truth Revolt — This week, President Obama spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast, where he proceeded to inform an audience of Christians that they ought not judge radical Muslims currently engaged in beheading journalists, defenestrating gays, crucifying children, and engaging in mass rape of women. Why, pray tell, should Christians remain silent? Because, Obama informed them with Ivy League pride, "Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ. So it is not unique to one group or one religion."

At some point in our collective history, our ancestors engaged in tribal warfare and cannibalized their fallen enemies. So shut up about the Nazis, you hypocrites.

Forget Obama's historical ignorance, if you can, for just a moment. Forget that the Crusades, for all their brutality and horror, were a response to Islamic aggression; forget that the Inquisition was an attempt to systematize legal punishment for anti-Christian activity rather than leaving it to the heated mob; forget that all abolitionist leaders were devout Christians; forget that hundreds of thousands of Christians marched to their deaths during the Civil War singing the words "as He died to make men holy, so we die to make men free"; forget that the chief leaders of the civil rights movement were Christian leaders like Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

Focus instead on the fact that President Obama felt the necessity to defend radical Islam at all. Why defend radical Islam? What is the point?

Obama defends radical Islam because he does not think in terms of ideology, but in terms of power dynamics. If radical Muslims commit terror, it is because they feel helpless and hopeless. If they feel helpless and hopeless, it is because Westerners made them feel that way. If Westerners made them feel that way, it is because Western ideology must be exploitative and evil.

In other words, Obama cites the Crusades as justification for shutting Christians up because the Crusades caused all of this. If Christians had just kept their pieholes shut several thousand years ago, none of this would have happened. Obama's ignorant and bigoted gloss on Christian history isn't a throwaway line: it's the centerpiece of his philosophy. Radical Islam isn't the problem because Christianity is. And we know that Christianity is the problem because radical Islam is violent. In this skewed version of reality, modern Christianity's fantastic record is a direct outgrowth of its disreputable past....

Prays or Preys?

Jesus Privately Briefing His Inner Circle of Disciples
Regarding The Last Days
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. ~ Matthew 24:3-14