Synopsis: The rapture of the church is a hotly debated subject in Christian circles these days. The same passages that we believe teach the pretribulation rapture are viewed differently by others. Revelation 3:10 tells us that we can escape the Tribulation and the wrath of God that comes upon the whole world. This verse should be enough to justify the pre-trib rapture, but as you’ve heard today, there’s another controversy that has sprung up recently. Some are teaching that the Greek word apostasia should actually be translated as depart or departure instead of a falling away or spiritual apostasy, indicating that this passage proves the rapture.
We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think.
We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think.
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