Synopsis: Much of the world has never studied the Bible and they look at the Bible through skeptical eyes. Rumors of supposed contradictions, Bible characters who they claim never existed, suggestions that the Bible has undergone massive changes over the years … you know what they call those objections? Fake news. The Bible is a book that can be trusted. How do we know that for sure? Biblical archaeology and Bible prophecy.
We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think.
We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think.
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