Saturday, July 9, 2022

Dragging Your Anchor

John Ankerberg
By R. L. Wilson: Do you have something that is keeping you firmly anchored in your past? Perhaps childhood abuse. Perhaps rape. Perhaps debilitating injury. Perhaps the loss of a child. Whatever that anchor may be, you find yourself incapable of moving past it and moving on with life.

Or perhaps you are dragging some anchor that is keeping your forward motion to a snail’s pace. Perhaps disappointment. Perhaps confusion. Perhaps chronic illness. Whatever that anchor is, it is limiting your ability to move forward with any kind of success.

Now, when I think of dragging an anchor, it’s nearly always in the negative sense (as illustrated above.) In fact, I did an informal poll of my coworkers asking: “What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase ‘dragging your anchor’?” Responses included...

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