By Jim Virkler: Prior to discussing the significance of codes in terms of the works of The Creator of All Things, we recall a wonderful set of experiences while I was in college. In the summer of 1957, evangelist Billy Graham held a famous evangelistic crusade in Madison Square Garden in New York City. It ran from May 15 to September 1 and drew two million people, many of them “repeat” attendees. It was Graham’s longest crusade of the 417 crusades he held in 185 countries from 1947-2005.
As a college student in 1957, local churches in my home area organized bus trips to the Billy Graham crusade venue at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The meetings were held during the college summer vacation. I was able to attend more than ten Graham crusade rallies. The highlight of the 3000-voice choir was their rendition of “How Great Thou Art,” sung 99 times during the many weeks of meetings. It remains one of the best loved hymns in Christendom. The original lyrics of verse 1 stated…
O Lord My God when I, in awesome wonder
consider all the works thy hands have made…
Music editors have modified the lyrics of “How Great Thou Art” in past years. The term ‘works’ has transitioned to ‘worlds.’ Both terms give glory to The Creator. This popular Swedish hymn dates to the late 19th century...
As a college student in 1957, local churches in my home area organized bus trips to the Billy Graham crusade venue at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The meetings were held during the college summer vacation. I was able to attend more than ten Graham crusade rallies. The highlight of the 3000-voice choir was their rendition of “How Great Thou Art,” sung 99 times during the many weeks of meetings. It remains one of the best loved hymns in Christendom. The original lyrics of verse 1 stated…
O Lord My God when I, in awesome wonder
consider all the works thy hands have made…
Music editors have modified the lyrics of “How Great Thou Art” in past years. The term ‘works’ has transitioned to ‘worlds.’ Both terms give glory to The Creator. This popular Swedish hymn dates to the late 19th century...
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Linkster Note: Who are these “Music editors” to tamper with and change the Swedish composer Carl Boberg (1859–1940) work of creativity that was based on Psalm 8? The Psalm only mentions earth, its moon and the stars we see from earth. What was their motive to change the lyrics to “worlds”? It’s like many of the new bible translations published today in English that twists God’s word to mean something else and in some omit entire passages. That is why I only read, listen to, and study from the 411-year-old unchanged King James Bible.