Thursday, December 1, 2022

Perilous Times Are Here! December 1, 2022

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‘Now The End Begins’ Prophecy News Podcast
A Sit Down With David W. Daniels, The Hand-Picked Successor To Gospel Tract Artist Jack Chick

By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author, Editor-in-Chief And Host Jack Chick personally picked David W. Daniels to succeed him as Chick Tract author and artist, training him for nearly 20 years before handing him the reins to the publishing company he started in the 1960’s

Jack Chick had been praying about someone who could help him research topics for the tracts. In August, 2000, Jack hired David W. Daniels to be his tract writing partner. David learned Jack’s style of using an engaging story to drive home the truth of the gospel. Before his Homegoing, Jack Chick chose Bro. Daniels to continue the ministry of Chick Publications. In 2022, David now writes both the story and draws the cartoon artwork for Chick tracts.

“And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.” 2 Kings 2:9 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, prolific author, artist and gospel tract creator David W. Daniels is our guest as we visit with Chick Publications, the world’s leading producer of gospel tracts. Jack Chick left very big shoes to fill, starting in 1962 with the first Chick Tract called ‘A Demon’s Nightmare’, and by 1979 sales of Chick Tracts had hit 100 million. As growth continued during the 1980’s and 1990’s, Jack began to pray for someone who could help him research topics for the tracts, it was then that Bro. David Daniels was welcomed into the fold. With the passing of Jack’s long-time friend and illustrator, Fred Carter, Bro. Daniels found himself with the entire Chick Tract legacy on his shoulders. Today on the NTEB Sit Down, we visit with Bro. Daniels to see the amazing ways the Lord is using him on the end times battlefield!

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