Monday, November 28, 2022

Perilous Times Are Here! November 28, 2022

Signs of The Times Banner

Now The End Begins
Gullible Laodicean Christians Watching Series
‘The Chosen’ Are Being Led To ‘Mother Rome’ And Praying To Mary By Catholic Actor Jonathan Roumie

By Geoffrey Grider, Editor-in-Chief and Founder, NTEB —
Actor who plays Jesus on ‘The Chosen’ Jonathan Roumie announced today his launch of ‘The Rosalet’, a rosary for all those Laodicean Christians who support this Roman Catholic series.

The actor who plays Jesus is a hardcore, pope-worshipping Roman Catholic who greatly desires to ‘convert’ born again and Bible-deficient Christians to Rome and its Pontifex Maximus. We wrote about this over a year ago, showing you Jonathan Roumie standing in the head of the serpent and paying obeisance to the unholy, childless ‘father’ Pope Francis. Today on Twitter, Roumie excitedly announced his launch of his new jewelry offering called ‘The Rosalet’, which is a beginners version of the Mary-worshipping Rosary. I wonder who his primary customer base will be? Hmm, that’s a tough one.

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows.” Jeremiah 44:25 (KJV)

Just kidding, that’s super easy to answer. The target market for Jonathan Roumie’s new ‘artisanal quality & the most innovative & fashion-fwd prayer weapon’ the Rosalet is you. By you I mean any and all Christians who fawn over this streaming series produced by Mormons and Roman Catholics like it was Bible, it’s not, and who watch more tell-a-vision than they do spending time in Bible study. Bible study for the born again Christian is so important, it’s the subject of an entire message on our Sunday Service today. For many of you it will be an eye-opener to say the least. » Full Ariticle by Geoffrey Grider

Frontpage Mag
Trudeau: I Had to Use Martial Law to Suppress Freedom Convoy Because “What If Someone Had Gotten Hurt”? – Seven Police Officers Were Injured After BLM Riots In Toronto

Geller Report
Biden, World Leaders Sign Declaration To Adopt Vaccine Passports For International Travel

The Last Refuge
New COVID Variant Drama,
Anthony Fauci “Not Sure” If States Will Need To
Lockdown Schools Again

Life News
Abortionist Willie Parker: It’s Okay to Kill Unborn Babies Because They’re Not People

The Washinton Standard
As CDC Claims New “XBB” COVID Strain,
This Is What Is Really Going On

World Net Daily
Christian Ministry Forced To Hire Non-christians? We Now Have The Answer –
“Like-Minded Employees Who Share The Mission’s Purpose Are Essential”

Donald Trump: Kanye West a ‘Seriously Troubled Man’ That ‘Can’t Win’ in 2024

The Gateway Pundit
Irish Government to Criminalize Hate Speech, Effectively Silencing Those who Hold Different Opinions- Penalty is up to 5 Years Imprisonment

Natural News
Clueless New Yorkers Want THOUSANDS Of 5G Towers In The City To Be Gone For Being “Unsightly,” Oblivious To Their Real Purpose

Daily Veracity with Vincent James
The FBI Basically Admits
They Orchestrated January 6th For Political Gain And To Use Against Trump

Stew Peters Network
World Premiere: Died Suddenly

The Benny Johnson Show
China is COLLAPSING Right Now -
The Communists DO NOT Want You To See This

Ritchie From Boston
The Great Reset Movie
Proves What We Already Knew

Lisa Haven
Alert! When You See What They Have Planned For Americans You’ll Freak!

Judicial Watch With Tom Fitton
BEST OF: Biden Family Corruption, Fauci Cover-Up, What Did Obama Know about Anti-Trump Targeting?

Greg Reese
Canadian Psychiatric Association
Targets Anti-Vaxxers

Proof Of Bluetooth In Vaccines! Turning Humans Into Robots!!

Jim Crenshaw
This Is What Happens In China When They Switch Your QR Code
To Yellow And You Need A PCR Test

Health Ranger Report
America At BREAKING POINT As VAX Deaths, Inflation And Desperation All Collide