With Host Tim Brown:
Synopsis: Ann Elliott has been in social work for 25 years in New York City. Recently, she has been blowing the whistle on child trafficking inside the Child Protective Services system. She joins me in this episode to answer a few questions from our first interview and confirms that churches and schools are working with CPS to take children from good homes and her opinion is the parental rights amendments are just another way government is trying to snooker the people to take children from loving families.
Connect With Sons of Liberty Radio Live: The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization. We believe that the Judeo-Christian ethic has provided the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is our belief that these principles provide not only the foundation and framework for American government and society, but are also essential to the maintenance of a fair and just society. All content is based on a Christian, Biblical world-view.
Connect With Sons of Liberty Radio Live: The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization. We believe that the Judeo-Christian ethic has provided the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is our belief that these principles provide not only the foundation and framework for American government and society, but are also essential to the maintenance of a fair and just society. All content is based on a Christian, Biblical world-view.