Saturday, December 10, 2022

Perilous Times Are Here! December 10, 2022

Signs of The Times Banner

Now The End Begins
Pretend Doctor Jill Biden Urges Americans To Get Pretend Vaccine That’s Really Gene Editing In Time For Christmas To Please Pretend President ‘The Big Guy’

By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author, Editor-in-Chief And Host
The COVID vaccine is actually mRNA gene editing technology, but ‘doctor’ Jill Biden wants you to take it anyway. Do it for ‘the Big Guy!’

Unless you’ve just arrived from Outer Space, by now you know that the COVID vaccine never was, is not now nor ever will be what you could call a vaccine. It does not function as a vaccine and was not created as a vaccine. According to the inventor of mRNA technology, Robert Malone, mRNA is gene editing technology, a view also backed up by people like Stefan Oelrich, the president of Bayer Pharmaceuticals in Germany. So let’s stop calling whatever is actually in those syringes a vaccine, shall we? Anyhoosies, ‘doctor’ Jill Biden has a Christmas present she wants to give you. My advice? Return it immediately.

“If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.” Proverbs 29:12 (KJV)

Our overlords constantly tell us to ‘follow the science’, and when we do just that, what do we find? We find that the COVID vaccine is not a vaccine, never was, and is actually mRNA cell and gene therapy that edits your genetic structure. So why do they call it a vaccine when it clearly is not? Because if they called it gene editing technology, about 95% of the entire world would have refused it, or so says many of the people who run Big Pharma.

Frontpage Mag
#TwitterFiles Reveals a Secret Censorship System - “A Way For Us To Suppress What People See To Different Levels”

Geller Report
The Twitter Files Part III: Removing
The President, Rigging the Election

All News Pipeline
The Twitter Nuclear Bombshells That Keep Dropping On Joe Biden And The Democrat Party Should Be An Extinction Level Event Proving They Lied And Cheated Every Step Of The Way!

Life News
Appeals Court Blocks Joe Biden’s
Mandate Trying To Force Christian Doctors
To Do Abortions

The Right Scoop
‘STOP GASLIGHTING!’ Elon Musk Slaps Ted Lieu’s Gross Disinformation, But Dem Is Far From Only Propagandist Panicking

World Net Daily
Charity Apologizes After Telling Chaplain He'd Be Disciplined For Wearing Cross – But Apologizes After Being Informed International Court Already Had Decided Issue

The Gateway Pundit
Update: Biden’s DOE “Pup Handler” Sam Brinton Accused of Stealing Jewelry Worth $1,700 in Las Vegas Luggage Theft –
Arrest Warrant Issued
Global Central Banks Racing To Implement Digital Currencies As Cities Convert To ‘Smart’ Infrastructure: Track And Control Grid Being Erected Right Under Our Noses

Natural News
Desantis Promises To Hold Pfizer, Moderna Accountable For Making False Claims About Covid “Vaccines”

The Hagmann Report
Invade, Infiltrate, Colonize, Murder And Takeover of the U.S. And West

Stew Peters Network
Uncensored: Graphene Ribbons Connecting Nanotech Inside Injections

The Glazov Gang
Presidential Takedown

Dr. William Mount
Your Government Hard At Work
Killing Folks Worldwide

Dr. Steve Turley
AOC Under ETHICS Investigation
As Met Gala Stunt BACKFIRES!!!

Benny Johnson
🚨 BREAKING: Senator Sinema NUKES Democrats! SWITCHES Party Overnight Throwing Biden, DC into PANIC

Media Research Center TV
Scarborough Goes Into Roid Rage
And Other Leftist Media Horrors

The David Knight Show
Power Stations:
Are Feds Building a False Flag Narrative?

Jim Crenshaw
There Is A Living Creature Inside The Vaccine. It Is Immortal. The “Hydra Vulgaris”

Jason A
2022 Is Scary: What Is Going On?