Friday, December 2, 2022

Perilous Times Are Here! December 2, 2022

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Now The End Begins
Wearing A Freaky Black Nylon Hood Over His Face, Kanye West Appeared On InfoWars With Alex Jones Praising Adolf Hitler And Trashing The Jews

By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author, Editor-in-Chief And Host
Kanye West praised Adolf Hitler during an appearance on Alex Jones’ InfoWars program on Thursday, December 1st.

Kanye West, having lost over $2 billion in contracts and endorsements due to his rabidly antisemitic statements about the Jews and Israel doubled-down today while appearing on a segment of InfoWars with Alex Jones. Not only did he confirm most of his previous antisemitism, he upped the ante by legitimately praising Adolf Hitler. You can only blame so much of this on being bi-polar, at this point, it’s fair to say he has an obvious and open agenda against the Jews and the nation of Israel. What does this have to do with Bible prophecy? Plenty.

“And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.” Deuteronomy 28:37 (KJV)

Jesus prophesied that in the last time, the Jews would experience something called the time of Jacob’s trouble, and we talk about that a lot here at NTEB. If we are as close to those days as I think we are, then persecution of the Jews is going to dramatically increase, which it has been for the past several years. Kanye West is obviously speaking for Satan when he says the things he says, praising Hitler and tearing down the Jews, but from a prophetical point of view, that’s right on the money. Did you know that Adolf Hitler was a perfect type of the biblical Antichrist? He sure was, and you should read that article. » Full Ariticle

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