Synopsis: A shocking and blood-curdling explanation of how modern Bible translations are intentional corruptions of God's Word by members of evil secret societies. It is a must-see for every Christian.
All modern translations are first based upon corrupt gnostic-made copies of scripture from Alexandria and Rome. Wescott and Hort used these to create a new Greek translation. Later, Nestle and Arland made yet another translation based largely upon the Wescott-Hort translation. All of these men - Wescott, Hort, Nesgtle, and Aland had pagan, non-Christian views and were heretics:
Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort » Read Entire Description via Source: NephilimFree
• Heretics who held esoteric, gnostic views about God and Christianity.
• Thought the death of Christ on the cross for our atonement was immoral and could not be true.
• Dabbled in the occult with famous occultists (The Ghost Club/Ghostly Guild & The Eranus Club)
• Acknowledged to each other that their views were heretical to protestant Christianity
• Did not believe Genesis 1-3 were actual history
• Expressed favour of Charles Darwin's evolution theory of common ancestry
• Expressed disgust at the doctrine that scripture is the highest authority
• Did not believe the autographs (original New Testament documents) of the apostles were infallable.
• Despised democracy and expressed communist views
• Expressed favour of the communist/socialit views of atheist philosophers such as LaSalle
• Supporters of the Roman Catholic Church and commended it's heretiucal practices
• Despised protestantism
• Despised the Majority Text
Linkster Note: Majority Text aka Textus Receptus (Latin: “Received Text”)
• Spoke to each other of the need to get their translation widespread into the public to undermine it's expected rejection
• Heretics who held esoteric, gnostic views about God and Christianity.
• Thought the death of Christ on the cross for our atonement was immoral and could not be true.
• Dabbled in the occult with famous occultists (The Ghost Club/Ghostly Guild & The Eranus Club)
• Acknowledged to each other that their views were heretical to protestant Christianity
• Did not believe Genesis 1-3 were actual history
• Expressed favour of Charles Darwin's evolution theory of common ancestry
• Expressed disgust at the doctrine that scripture is the highest authority
• Did not believe the autographs (original New Testament documents) of the apostles were infallable.
• Despised democracy and expressed communist views
• Expressed favour of the communist/socialit views of atheist philosophers such as LaSalle
• Supporters of the Roman Catholic Church and commended it's heretiucal practices
• Despised protestantism
• Despised the Majority Text
Linkster Note: Majority Text aka Textus Receptus (Latin: “Received Text”)
• Spoke to each other of the need to get their translation widespread into the public to undermine it's expected rejection
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Now The End Begins
With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author And Editor-in-Chief

Why All The Christian Celebrities Have Worked Overtime To Get Rid Of The
God-Honoured King James Holy Bible
God-Honoured King James Holy Bible
We show you the shocking truth about the plot to get rid of the King James Bible as exposed in New Age Bible Versions from Gail Riplinger
Tonight you will discover the endless bounty of riches contained in your King James Authorized Version Holy Bible, and why nearly every, major Christian celebrity over the past 100 years has tried to stop it.
It has never been about ‘updating the old English’, or putting it in a form that’s easier to understand, it has always been about one thing and one thing only – getting rid of the ‘word of a king’. Since the dawn of the 20th century, a battle has been raging with the King James Bible on one side, and 250+ other versions on the other side. Billy Graham spent years promoting one of the worst ‘bibles’ ever created, the notorious NIV bible that included a practicing lesbian on the translation committee. Then along came ‘New Age Bible Versions’ and the ruse was finally exposed.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we show you the shocking truth about the plot to ‘kill the king’ in getting rid of the King James Bible, we show you the demonic influences behind nearly every one of the modern versions, and we show you the manifold and manifest errors contained in the those versions. In addition to all this, one of the main reasons for getting rid of the King James Bible is so that you are unable to follow the prophetic cross-references related to the coming, short-lived kingdom of Antichrist. Did you know that in 2011, the NIV removed all 75 instances of the word On this episode of Rightly Dividing, ‘Selah’ in their bible? They do that so you won’t know where the Jews are driven to in Revelation 12, among other things. Tonight you will discover the endless bounty of riches contained in your King James Authorized Version Holy Bible, and why nearly every, major Christian celebrity over the past 100 years has tried to stop it.
We highly recommend you get a copy of ‘New Age Bible Versions’ and ‘Which Bible Would Jesus Use?’ both of which we will be looking at and reading from tonight.
It has never been about ‘updating the old English’, or putting it in a form that’s easier to understand, it has always been about one thing and one thing only – getting rid of the ‘word of a king’. Since the dawn of the 20th century, a battle has been raging with the King James Bible on one side, and 250+ other versions on the other side. Billy Graham spent years promoting one of the worst ‘bibles’ ever created, the notorious NIV bible that included a practicing lesbian on the translation committee. Then along came ‘New Age Bible Versions’ and the ruse was finally exposed.
“Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?” Ecclesiastes 8:4 (KJV)
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we show you the shocking truth about the plot to ‘kill the king’ in getting rid of the King James Bible, we show you the demonic influences behind nearly every one of the modern versions, and we show you the manifold and manifest errors contained in the those versions. In addition to all this, one of the main reasons for getting rid of the King James Bible is so that you are unable to follow the prophetic cross-references related to the coming, short-lived kingdom of Antichrist. Did you know that in 2011, the NIV removed all 75 instances of the word On this episode of Rightly Dividing, ‘Selah’ in their bible? They do that so you won’t know where the Jews are driven to in Revelation 12, among other things. Tonight you will discover the endless bounty of riches contained in your King James Authorized Version Holy Bible, and why nearly every, major Christian celebrity over the past 100 years has tried to stop it.
We highly recommend you get a copy of ‘New Age Bible Versions’ and ‘Which Bible Would Jesus Use?’ both of which we will be looking at and reading from tonight.
The RIGHTLY DIVIDING King James Bible Study Program:
Every Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 PM EST, an in-depth rightly dividing and dispensationally correct rocket ride through the preserved word of God. » The NTEB King James Bible Radio Network Broadcast Studio