Thursday, February 23, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! February 23, 2023

Signs of The Times Banner

The Planned Destruction of America
1958: Elitist Insiders’ Strategy For Undermining U.S. Sovereignty

Synopsis: In 1974, American businessman, political activist, author and founder of the John Birch Society, Robert W. Welch, Jr. gave a speech reiterating his 1958 outlining of the elites’ long range 10-point plan for systemically disassembling U.S. sovereignty.

Now The End Begins
PHARMAKEIA ALERT: Street Drug Xylazine Known As ‘Tranq’ Is Creating Literal Zombie Populations In Predominantly Democrat-Controlled Cities Across U.S.

Synopsis: Xylazine — otherwise known as ‘tranq’ — is wreaking havoc in major cities across the country with its devastating effect of turning users into Pharmakeia zombies.

We have said this many, many times, and it bears repeating here again in this article today on the street drug tranq. The world you live in, in 2023, is opening and fervently preparing itself to receive the coming Antichrist, and you are watching the ‘advance team’ for his kingdom assembling itself in real-time. Remember that little Greek work called Pharmakeia that we use in English for ‘pharmacy’ and ‘medicine’? The main meaning of that word is ‘sorcery’ as it relates to ‘medicine’, and if you know anyone who has been severely impacted after receiving the government injection, then you need no further explanation.

Harbingers Daily
Imposing Their Will On The Unsuspecting: Examining The Deadly Delusions Of The Elite

Synopsis: The books of Daniel and Revelation tell us that in the years prior to the Second Coming, a vicious and exceedingly evil world empire will emerge and briefly rule over the nations. The Apostle Paul describes its leader as the “man of lawlessness” who will defile a Jewish temple in Jerusalem before Jesus destroys him at His return to earth (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10).

Do we see evidence today of Satan’s minions preparing the way for the antichrist to enslave humanity? Absolutely! It’s like a bear coming out of hibernation. The beast kingdom is gaining strength throughout the world, just as Scripture said would happen in the last days. For over a century, the globalists have been putting the pieces in place for the coming new world order. Now it’s coming to fruition.

Frontpage Mag
Why Are Churches Celebrating Sin? –
Affirming Sin Is Not The Same As Forgiving It

Synopsis: There’s a lot to celebrate in Christian worship services. Singing hymns, prayers, and the learning of God’s Word are all part of corporate worship, and I happily participate in that. I also participate in confession. The Protestant tradition involves both a public and silent confession of sins. It’s an acknowledgement that we are sinful by nature, and have sinned by thought, word and deed. Through this confession and our earnest repentance, we seek and receive forgiveness through God’s grace.

I sin every single day. I don’t like that I sin but as a member of the human race, it is an inescapable truth with which we’re stuck. As the apostle Paul wrote to Christians in Rome, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” That includes me. Rational people can agree that sin is bad, and I do not embrace my sin; I confess it and seek forgiveness. Jesus Christ said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him,” so I reject any celebration of my sin.

Geller Report
Media Says Americans Should Just Skip Meals To Cut High Grocery Bills

Synopsis: Democrats want you miserable, poor and hungry. Who votes for this?

This is the left’s economy of scarcity replacing American’s economy of abundance.

All News Pipeline
As The Globalists Use One False Flag After Another To Hammer Home The Great Reset, America Gets Hit By Much More Grey Terror On Tuesday While Clinton Body Count Gets A No Way!

Synopsis: On Monday, February 20th, we published this story on ANP titled As The Destruction Of America's Infrastructure Is Carried Out Before Our Eyes, A Map From The Global Incident Report Shows America Under Attack With Grey Terror Happening Nationwide within which we warned if stay on the same suicidal path the biden cabal has us on right now, we'd be witnessing mushroom clouds across America in the not-so-distant future so not a bit surprising, the following day we witnessed 4 more such events of 'grey terror.

With Tuesday alone bringing us a 12-car train derailment in Nebraska, a massive explosion at an industrial building in Florida, a massive fire at a warehouse in New York and a massive fire at a manufacturing plant in West Virginia, those 4 events follow at least 10 similar events in the past month alone and as we'd reported in our Feb 20th ANP story, hundreds of such events over the last few months here in the biden cabal's USA.

Life News
New Mexico House Passes Bill Forcing Schools to Facilitate Secret Abortions on Kids

Synopsis: The New Mexico House passed a radical pro-abortion bill Tuesday that could force teachers and school nurses to help students get secret abortions without their parents’ knowledge. Lawmakers voted 38-31 to approve state House Bill 7, with six Democrats joining Republicans in voting against it. The bill now moves to the state Senate for consideration.

“An insane and inhumane bill to force public bodies to facilitate abortions and transgender surgeries just passed the House 38-31. Horrific and vile,” state Rep. John Block, R-Otero, wrote on Twitter after the vote. Sponsored by state Rep. Linda Serrato, D-Santa Fe, the bill is supposed to protect “access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care” in New Mexico by prohibiting school boards, city councils and other local governments from discriminating against people based on their “reproductive” choices.
Are You Ready To Be ‘Upgraded’ To Humanity 2.0? Klaus Schwab And Yuval Harari Say It’s Just A Matter Of Time Before You Will Be

Synopsis: I’ve seen several reports that ChatGPT, the new artificial intelligence program that’s all the rage, has been found to have a built-in bias against whites, Christians and Jews.

In an article published at Business Insider, they claimed that ChatGPT must be “woke” if its owner, OpenAI, wants to attract major investors. That’s because the large investors are concerned about their ESG scores and wouldn’t want to invest in any tech firm that’s not woke, meaning they “value diversity, equity and inclusivity,” which is code for those who worship at the altar of racial division, climate hysteria, abortion and LGBTQ-plus.

Tom Emmer Unveils Bill to Ban Fed from Issuing Government-Controlled Digital Currency

Synopsis: House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) on Wednesday introduced legislation to prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), which he and others say could surveil Americans’ financial activity.

“Today, I introduced the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act to halt efforts of unelected bureaucrats in Washington, DC from stripping Americans of their right to financial privacy,” Emmer, a staunch cryptocurrency advocate, wrote.

The Gateway Pundit
Arkansas Police Rule Suicide in Death of Clinton Aide Found Hanging From Tree with Shotgun Blast to Chest – Despite No Sign of Gun!

Synopsis: Mark Middleton, Bill Clinton’s special advisor from Little Rock, Arkansas who connected the former president to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died at the age of 59 last May. At first, no details of Middleton’s death were disclosed, however, the case was blown wide open after a FOIA request by Radar Online revealed the former advisor was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest. Mr. Middleton was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast to his chest and an extension cord wrapped around his neck 30 miles from his Arkansas ranch.

The investigation into the so-called ‘suicide’ was reopened after Middleton was found dead on an 1,100 acre Perryville farm linked to Bill Clinton. The Middleton family is reportedly angry about the ‘ unsubstantiated conspiracy theories’ spreading online about the death of their loved one. According to a new report, Arkansas police ruled Middleton’s death a suicide despite no sign of a weapon!

Natural News
East Palestine Launched “MyID” Emergency Service To Surveil Locals’ Biometrics Data Just One Week Before Train Derailment

Synopsis: Exactly one week before a Norfolk Southern freight train carrying noxious, cancer-causing chemicals derailed and subsequently exploded in a “controlled release,” residents of East Palestine, Ohio, were told to sign up for a MyID tracking device from the local fire department. An announcement from the East Palestine Fire Department explained that MyID provides “an easy method to provide valuable medical information to first responders in the event of an emergency.”

“Roll out [sic] is scheduled to begin in November, 2022,” it further reads. “The base service will be free to residents of East Palestine as an added service of the Fire Department.” Bob Moore, a local 70-year-old farmer and longtime East Palestine resident, told the independent media that he ignored local news reports prior to the disaster urging residents like himself to sign up for MyID, allowing them to receive a biometric tracking device capable of relaying updates to first responders about their health conditions amid an emergency or “major disaster” not unlike the one that occurred in real life a week later.

Dueling Speeches And More!

Synopsis: Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin delivered speeches Tuesday, one year after Russia recognized the independence of the breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine. Both blamed the other for the war in Ukraine, and Putin announced Russia’s suspension of the New START nuclear treaty.

5) Biden, Putin deliver competing speeches;
4) Democrats panic over Tucker Carlson’s access to all 41,000 hours of Jan. 6 video;
3) House Republicans introduce bill to stop federal payments to big tech companies for censoring content;
2) Willie Wonka goes woke;
1) Asbury revival gets so big, school forced to move it off campus.

The Common Sense Show
Is Cern The Modern Day 'Tower Of Babel' With All Of Its Evil Intentions?

The Ben Armstrong Show
Globalists Want A.I. Transhumanism So They Can Live Forever and Escape God

Synopsis: Evil people usually know they are evil. The elite evildoers are doing everything they can to escape the judgement of God. Watch the video to learn more about what they are doing.

Dr. Steve Turley
Liberals PANIC as Constitutional Carry SURGES across the Nation!!!

Greg Reese
An Act of Terror Against the American People

Synopsis: The Ohio train derailment appears to be a catastrophic attack against millions of American civilians.

Health Ranger Report
The Global Elite’s GENOCIDAL WAR Against the American People

Jim Crenshaw
Buckingham Palace is empty and has been for a while just like the White House. What do they know?

Synopsis: That we don't know? What are they expecting? Worse yet, what are they planning? They emptied out the palace before they emptied out the White House. It is my thoughts that we have already lost our government and been folded into the new world order and they are now really getting serious about killing us off and enslaving us. All of this while most of society is walking down the train tracks deaf and blind to the toxic train approaching them at high speed. Most will never know what hit them. The problem is they are dragging us down the tracks with them.

Dr. William Mount
Why Are Hundreds Of Toxic Rail Cars Parked On Farmland?

Synopsis: Is This Another Disaster Waiting To Happen?

The Exposure Report
The Quantum. Why Are Some People Seeing Demonic Entities After The Ja8?

Jim Crenshaw
Klaus Schwab Re-Imagines
John Lennon’s Timeless Classic

There’s No Difference Between Lennon’s Original And This Parody.
The Parody Simply Tells You How Lennon’s Dream Will Be Achieved.
–B Whalin aka Linkster