Crosstalk America Christian Radio
News Roundup & Comment
Synopsis: Below are highlights from Jim’s look at news events from our nation and around the world. Stories included:
• U.S. Border Vaccine Rules Remain As Biden Ends Covid National Emergency
• Kamala Harris Compares Killing Babies With Abortion Pills To Chemotherapy
• California Bill Would Teach 7th Graders How To Have An Abortion
• Trump Backlash: House GOP Unleashes Legislation To Block Local Prosecutions Of Presidents
• News Docs Tie Biden To FBI Raid On Mar-A-Lago
• Bank Records Show Millions In Transactions Between Hunter Biden, China Firms
• Trudeau Wants Hard Drugs Available For Kids
• Federal Court Orders Kentucky Governor To Pay Legal Fees For Churchgoers Who Violated His Lockdown Orders
• U.S. Approves First 3 Covid Vaccine Injury Claims And Pays Out A Total of $4,634.89
• Maryland’s Largest School District Is Teaching 4-Year-Olds About LGBT Pride Without Parents’ Consent
div style="text-align: center; color: #57a9a3; font-size: 30px;">The Planned Destruction of America
• U.S. Border Vaccine Rules Remain As Biden Ends Covid National Emergency
• Kamala Harris Compares Killing Babies With Abortion Pills To Chemotherapy
• California Bill Would Teach 7th Graders How To Have An Abortion
• Trump Backlash: House GOP Unleashes Legislation To Block Local Prosecutions Of Presidents
• News Docs Tie Biden To FBI Raid On Mar-A-Lago
• Bank Records Show Millions In Transactions Between Hunter Biden, China Firms
• Trudeau Wants Hard Drugs Available For Kids
• Federal Court Orders Kentucky Governor To Pay Legal Fees For Churchgoers Who Violated His Lockdown Orders
• U.S. Approves First 3 Covid Vaccine Injury Claims And Pays Out A Total of $4,634.89
• Maryland’s Largest School District Is Teaching 4-Year-Olds About LGBT Pride Without Parents’ Consent
Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
They’ve Named The Latest COVID Variant ‘Arcturus’ Which Is From The KJB Book Of Job Speaking About Antichrist But Missing From All The Modern Versions
A new variant of COVID-19 dubbed ‘Arcturus’ is behind a fresh surge of coronavirus infections in India right now, and it’s found only in your King James Bible
With my eyes still crusty from sleep, I opened my phone to look at the news while coffee was brewing this morning, and I saw a headline that hit me like a ton of bricks. It said ‘NEW COVID VARIANT ‘ARCTURUS’ CAUSING SURGE IN INDIA’, and right away I knew where I had heard that word before. “In astronomy class”, you say? No sir, I reply, it’s in the pages of my King James Bible, and it’s a direct reference to the last days. Oh, and guess what? For ‘some strange reason’, all of the modern versions have removed the word ‘Arcturus’, I wonder why?
With my eyes still crusty from sleep, I opened my phone to look at the news while coffee was brewing this morning, and I saw a headline that hit me like a ton of bricks. It said ‘NEW COVID VARIANT ‘ARCTURUS’ CAUSING SURGE IN INDIA’, and right away I knew where I had heard that word before. “In astronomy class”, you say? No sir, I reply, it’s in the pages of my King James Bible, and it’s a direct reference to the last days. Oh, and guess what? For ‘some strange reason’, all of the modern versions have removed the word ‘Arcturus’, I wonder why?
Harbingers Daily
Accident Of History?:
Why Do So Many Mainstream Denominations Get This Wrong?
Why Do So Many Mainstream Denominations Get This Wrong?
By Dr. David Reagan: The great scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, who was a diligent student of Bible prophecy, once wrote: “About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition.”
Newton proved to be right on target with this prediction. Once the Bible became accessible in printed form and in national languages, people began to interpret it for its plain sense meaning. Four hundred years ago, in the late 16th Century, the Puritans began to apply literal interpretation to the Bible’s prophecies, resulting in the conclusion that in the end times, God will regather the Jewish people in unbelief and reestablish the state of Israel. One of the greatest of the English Puritan theologians was John Owen (1616–1683) who wrote, “The Jews shall be gathered from all parts of the earth where they are scattered, and brought home into their homeland.”
Newton proved to be right on target with this prediction. Once the Bible became accessible in printed form and in national languages, people began to interpret it for its plain sense meaning. Four hundred years ago, in the late 16th Century, the Puritans began to apply literal interpretation to the Bible’s prophecies, resulting in the conclusion that in the end times, God will regather the Jewish people in unbelief and reestablish the state of Israel. One of the greatest of the English Puritan theologians was John Owen (1616–1683) who wrote, “The Jews shall be gathered from all parts of the earth where they are scattered, and brought home into their homeland.”
The Economic Collapse
The IMF Has Just Unveiled A New Global Currency Known As The “Universal Monetary Unit” That Is Supposed To Revolutionize The World Economy
By Michael Snyder: A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened. The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda. The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week…
Frontpage Mag
Crime Killed a Quarter of a Million Black People
– And The Racist Pro-crime Left Wants More
– And The Racist Pro-crime Left Wants More
By Daniel Greenfield: Over the last decade, BLM, and assorted leftist and libertarian groups dismantled our criminal justice system. Police forces were defunded, pro-crime prosecutors refused to lock up criminals, federal and state prison systems released tens of thousands of them, and a wave of legislative decriminalization legalized everything from shoplifting, to drug dealing and mugging.
The pro-crime policymaking that eliminated public safety and cost over 3,000 lives in 2020 alone was done under the guise of fighting racism. Statistics which showed that black people were more likely to be arrested, imprisoned or shot during criminal encounters with police were used to spread conspiracy theories falsely accusing the criminal justice system of systemic racism.
The pro-crime policymaking that eliminated public safety and cost over 3,000 lives in 2020 alone was done under the guise of fighting racism. Statistics which showed that black people were more likely to be arrested, imprisoned or shot during criminal encounters with police were used to spread conspiracy theories falsely accusing the criminal justice system of systemic racism.
Geller Report
Washington Passes Bill Allowing Children to Legally Be Taken From Parents if Parents Don’t Consent to Gender Mutilation
By Pamela Geller: Even Mengele did his vicious medical mutilation experiments in secret. The Democrats are mandating and legalizing them – enforced minor sterilization, sexual mutilation surgery for minors. What’s next, imprisoning those who oppose?
Life News
Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks Lower Court Ruling Banning Mail-Order Abortions
By Steven Ertelt: The Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a lower court ruling banning mail-order abortions and putting safety measures in place to protect women who are currently being injured at high rates by the abortion pill. The high court made the decision to allow but sides in the legal battle the chance to provide additional information and to allow it to more fully consider the case next week.
Also, another federa judge issued a contrasting ruling that allows the abortion pills to be sold without limits and upheld the illegal FDA approval process.
Also, another federa judge issued a contrasting ruling that allows the abortion pills to be sold without limits and upheld the illegal FDA approval process.
The Gateway Pundit
OBAMA’S DREAM: Minneapolis Becomes America’s First Major City To Allow Muslim Prayer Call 5 Times A Day
By Joe Hoft: Under Obama major US cities began filling up with Muslims from the Middle East. This program of bringing in individuals from around the world has expanded under the Biden-Obama regime. The fruits of their work are now in the open. Obama hated America and although he claimed to be a Christian he went overseas and gave hints that this was not the case.
A few days before President Trump’s inauguration and while he was behind the scenes spying on Trump, conjuring up lies of Trump being a Russian spy, and doing all he could to cover up his corruption by going on the offense, Obama was widely recognized as being America’s first Muslim President.
A few days before President Trump’s inauguration and while he was behind the scenes spying on Trump, conjuring up lies of Trump being a Russian spy, and doing all he could to cover up his corruption by going on the offense, Obama was widely recognized as being America’s first Muslim President.
All News Pipeline
Mass Corporates SuicidesS
Mass Corporate Suicides Taking Place All Across America As Countless Corporations Are Going Broke After Going Woke While Forcing Their Anti-Christian, Pro-LGBTQ Agendas Upon America
By Susan Duclos: It is corporate suicide no matter which way you turn. Bud Light, Victoria’s Secret, Old Navy, Coca-Cola, Nike, Disney, Adidas, Kellogg and so many more are pushing a “woke” agenda that is ruining their brands hard fought good names. Why?
Natural News
Russia Says U.s. Government Working On “universal” GMO BioWeapon At Ukrainian BioLabs That Would Cause MASS DEATH Of Humans, Animals And Crops
By Ethan Huff: A Russian parliamentary commission investigation has found that the United States is working on developing a “universal” genetically engineered bioweapon designed to inflict “nuclear winter”-style damage on a target. Not content with the horrors it has already inflicted on the world, the U.S. wants to procure new technology that not only infects humans with a deadly bioweapon but also animals and agricultural crops.
Not content with the horrors it has already inflicted on the world, the U.S. wants to procure new technology that not only infects humans with a deadly bioweapon but also animals and agricultural crops.
Not content with the horrors it has already inflicted on the world, the U.S. wants to procure new technology that not only infects humans with a deadly bioweapon but also animals and agricultural crops.
Tearing Down Society
Host Derek Gilbert: It’s not just about beer: TikTok influencers like Dylan Mulvaney are getting rich from corporate sponsors endorsing their mockery of normal behavior. Sadly, he doesn’t realize he’s a pawn in a bigger game.
5) China damages U.S. standing in Middle East;
4) Biden gaffes mar visit to Ireland;
3) Huge fire kills 18,000 dairy cows in Texas;
2) Retailers fleeing largest U.S. cities;
1) TikTok influencers modeling the destruction of societal norms.
5) China damages U.S. standing in Middle East;
4) Biden gaffes mar visit to Ireland;
3) Huge fire kills 18,000 dairy cows in Texas;
2) Retailers fleeing largest U.S. cities;
1) TikTok influencers modeling the destruction of societal norms.
Daily Veracity with Vincent James
FBI Caught Infiltrating Catholic Churches to Find Out if Members Are
‘Racist’ Or ‘Antisemitic’
‘Racist’ Or ‘Antisemitic’
The Ben Armstrong Show
Australia Proves The Vaccine Is a Bio-Weapon
Synopsis: Australia has been the testing lab for the globalists war against the west. But their testing lab is also a source of evidence against them for the world to see.
The Common Sense Show
The Real Reason The Docs Were Leaked
Dr. Steve Turley
Americans Take Back Their Health as Toxins Spread Throughout Nation!!
And We Know
An Informed Public Holds All The Keys. Information Warfare! WWIII!
Sons of Liberty
With Host Tim Brown
Kate Shemirani On Honey: Sweet For The Body + The Latest From Englandizbekistan
Synopsis: Nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me in this episode to talk about the benefits of honey and the amazing things that the bees do, all courtesy of our Creator! We'll also give an update on what is taking place in England in both the deathcare system and on the immigration front.
Jim Crenshaw on BitChute
Doctor Explains How Babies Are Murdered During Abortions -
Everything Comes At A Cost
Everything Comes At A Cost
Synopsis: Yes it’s murder. Their body, someone else’s choice. Just like with the whole covid fraud. Someone else making decisions on who lives and who dies.
div style="text-align: center; color: #57a9a3; font-size: 30px;">The Planned Destruction of America
1958: Elitist Insiders’ Strategy For Undermining U.S. Sovereignty
Synopsis: In 1974, American businessman, political activist, author and founder of the John Birch Society, Robert W. Welch, Jr. gave a speech reiterating his 1958 outlining of the elites’ long range 10-point plan for systemically disassembling U.S. sovereignty.
Joe Dan Gorman’s Intellectual Froglegs
The Great Reject
Connect With Joe Dan Gorman
Joe Dan Gorman is the writer, host & producer of AWARD WINNING Intellectual Froglegs, the funniest conservative show anywhere. Unapologetic Christian. Former Real Estate Investment Broker until real estate collapse in 2007. Began new career in 2011 - Intellectual Froglegs is like a one-man band... and Joe Dan is that one man. Put God first and everything else will fall into place.