Monday, April 17, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! April 17, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Macron Wins Again! Despite Millions Of French Protesting In The Streets Of Paris, Top French Court Passes Controversial Retirement Age Increase Bill

Carnage is erupting on the streets of France after French President Emmanuel Macron’s flagship pension reform passed a vital constitutional milestone despite months of disruptive strikes and protests.

People have been writing and messaging me ever since the mass protests on the streets of Paris over the much-hated retirement age hike by Emmanuel Macron first caused outrage. Certainly this time, they said, Macron will be taken down. He can’t last this out, it’s just not possible. 3 million people protesting on the city streets, Macron is finished!!! And yet, not only is he not finished, he got the French Constitutional Council, their top court, to agree with him and just like that, Macron wins again. Oh, he just has that ‘special something’, lol.

“And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.” Daniel 8:24 (KJV)

For 6 years now, we have told you that Emmanuel Macron looks like an excellent choice for the biblical man of sin, and during that entire time, he has not said or done anything to disappoint or prove otherwise. Remember when Macron was the first head of any nation to mandate the government shot for their citizens? Everyone said that that was the last straw. What happened? A whole bunch of other nations, including America, followed his lead.

Harbingers Daily
Attacking Faith-Based Education:
The Erosion Of Christianity Is A Necessity For Radical Leftists

By Dean Dwyer: Earlier this year, the Australian Law Reform Commission (“ALRC”) sought submissions on the Federal Government’s proposals to change the way Commonwealth anti-discrimination law applies to religious schools and other educational institutions. The Consultation Paper set out some general propositions which, if adopted, would...

Prophecy News Watch
The Biden 10-Step Plan For Global Chaos

By Victor Davis Hanson/Daily Signal: Why is French President Emmanuel Macron cozying up to China while trashing his oldest ally, the United States?

Why is there suddenly talk of discarding the dollar as the global currency?

Why are Japan and India shrugging that they cannot follow the United States' lead in boycotting Russian oil?

Why is the president of Brazil traveling to China to pursue what he calls a "beautiful relationship"?

Why is Israel suddenly facing attacks from its enemies in all directions?

What happened to Turkey? Why is it threatening fellow NATO member Greece? Is it still a NATO ally, a mere neutral, or a de facto enemy? ...and much more

Frontpage Mag
California Electric Bills Will Be Based On How Much You Earn –
“From Each According To His Ability,
To Each According To His Needs”

By Daniel Greenfield: Following the words of Karl Marx, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”, California’s corrupt power monopolies are going full Commie.

Three major utility companies in California are looking to restructure customer billing, and part of that means customers could be charged based on how much money they make. Sure, why not? Charging people based on what they use, rather than the tier they occupy in the social justice human pyramid is too capitalist anyway.

Geller Report
Dairy Farm Explosion Kills 18,000 Cows

By Pamela Geller: Another attack on our food supply.

Life News
Colorado Governor Jared Polis Signs “Kill More Babies”
Bill To Expand Abortion

By Steven Ertelt: Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed the “kill more babies” bill to expand abortions and limit pregnancy resources that help mothers choose life for their unborn babies. Pro-life advocates and lawmakers spoke out strongly against the abortion expansion, saying Colorado already is a destination state for women to abort their unborn babies.

“We are signaling to the rest of the union and the rest of the world that … Colorado will proudly end the life of any unborn child at any time during pregnancy,” said state Sen. Kevin Van Winkle, R-Highlands Ranch. “It seems to invite anyone wanting an abortion to come to our state to end the life of a child. … It is wrong. It promotes a culture of death.”
The Coming Globalized Digital Money System Just Got The Endorsement It Needed To Proceed As The Replacement For Fiat Paper Currencies

By Leo Hohmann: I have been warning for more than two years that the global beast system will be fully in place when we see the globalists succeed at implementing two key components: A global digital ID for all people and a new form of global digital money that will be designed to replace cash.

They have been racing toward reaching each of these two goals and 2023 may be the year they succeed, although that still remains to be seen. One thing’s for sure. If they don’t succeed, it won’t be for lack of trying.

All News Pipeline
The Coup Over America Happened Decades Ago

Evidence ‘The Coup’ Over America Happened Decades Ago And Was Nailed Into Place By The COVID-19 Bioweapon Attack That Allowed Massive Mail In Voting Fraud In The 2020 Election

By Stefan Stanford According to former Texas Congressman Ron Paul as he warns in this linked Liberty Daily video, 'the coup' over America didn't happen during joe biden's 2020 election steal but actually took place long, long ago, with Paul arguing 'the coup' actually took place all the way back on November 22nd of 1963, the day the government of the United States of America assassinated John F. Kennedy according to Dr. Paul.

Warning in the video that while everybody in the MSM, (and therefore most of America since the 'independent media' didn't exist back then as it does now,) was talking about Lee Harvey Oswald, 'the CIA got him,' none of us should be the least bit surprised by Dr. Paul's warnings with alarming proof that the CIA has made a habit of carrying out government coup's all across the planet, so why not here in the USA? As even the Washington Post had reported back in 2016, the US govt via the 'deep state' attempted to change the government's of other countries AT LEAST 72 times during the Cold War.

Natural News
Armed Federal Agents Threaten Amish Farmer:
Embrace Pesticides Or Be Destroyed

By Ethan Huff: For the past nearly 10 years, the federal government has been targeting and harassing a Washington, D.C.-area Amish farm for elimination. Miller’s Organic Farm, as it is called, has been in the crosshairs of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) since 2015 when an investigation was first launched into the food club’s activities.

The farm allows members to pay a small fee for access to clean and nutritious foods that are not processed at a USDA meat or dairy facility, as this is not necessary under food club status. The USDA is upset about this, naturally, and has been looking for ways to shut down the farm for many years now.

Tearing Down Society

Host Derek Gilbert: It’s not just about beer: TikTok influencers like Dylan Mulvaney are getting rich from corporate sponsors endorsing their mockery of normal behavior. Sadly, he doesn’t realize he’s a pawn in a bigger game.

5) China damages U.S. standing in Middle East;

4) Biden gaffes mar visit to Ireland;

3) Huge fire kills 18,000 dairy cows in Texas;

2) Retailers fleeing largest U.S. cities;

1) TikTok influencers modeling the destruction of societal norms.

Daily Veracity with Vincent James
FBI Caught Infiltrating Catholic Churches to Find Out if Members Are
‘Racist’ Or ‘Antisemitic’

The Ben Armstrong Show
Australia Proves The Vaccine Is a Bio-Weapon

Synopsis: Australia has been the testing lab for the globalists war against the west. But their testing lab is also a source of evidence against them for the world to see.

The Common Sense Show
The Real Reason The Docs Were Leaked

Dr. Steve Turley
Americans Take Back Their Health as Toxins Spread Throughout Nation!!

And We Know
An Informed Public Holds All The Keys. Information Warfare! WWIII!

Sons of Liberty
With Host Tim Brown
Kate Shemirani On Honey: Sweet For The Body + The Latest From Englandizbekistan

Synopsis: Nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me in this episode to talk about the benefits of honey and the amazing things that the bees do, all courtesy of our Creator! We'll also give an update on what is taking place in England in both the deathcare system and on the immigration front.

Jim Crenshaw on BitChute
Doctor Explains How Babies Are Murdered During Abortions -
Everything Comes At A Cost

Synopsis: Yes it’s murder. Their body, someone else’s choice. Just like with the whole covid fraud. Someone else making decisions on who lives and who dies.

div style="text-align: center; color: #57a9a3; font-size: 30px;">The Planned Destruction of America
Welch Quote
1958: Elitist Insiders’ Strategy For Undermining U.S. Sovereignty

Synopsis: In 1974, American businessman, political activist, author and founder of the John Birch Society, Robert W. Welch, Jr. gave a speech reiterating his 1958 outlining of the elites’ long range 10-point plan for systemically disassembling U.S. sovereignty.

Joe Dan Gorman’s Intellectual Froglegs
The Great Reject

Connect With Joe Dan Gorman
Joe Dan Gorman is the writer, host & producer of AWARD WINNING Intellectual Froglegs, the funniest conservative show anywhere. Unapologetic Christian. Former Real Estate Investment Broker until real estate collapse in 2007. Began new career in 2011 - Intellectual Froglegs is like a one-man band... and Joe Dan is that one man. Put God first and everything else will fall into place.