Synopsis: In our April 2023 Prophecy Update, we look at current events inside Israel as well as their dealings with other nations, including the deteriorating relationship with the U.S. As we watch these situations that could signal the Last Days begin to develop, we are reminded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and be the light as the world gets darker.
Connect With Athey Creek:
Welcome to Athey Creek Christian Fellowship, based in West Linn, Oregon! Join us in-person or online as we work our way through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book. We like to keep things simple by focusing on God's Word and its application to our daily lives. Whether it's through weekly teachings, monthly Prophecy Updates, or a host of other resources and events, we are passionate about sharing Biblical truth. For more information, subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Connect With Athey Creek:
Welcome to Athey Creek Christian Fellowship, based in West Linn, Oregon! Join us in-person or online as we work our way through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book. We like to keep things simple by focusing on God's Word and its application to our daily lives. Whether it's through weekly teachings, monthly Prophecy Updates, or a host of other resources and events, we are passionate about sharing Biblical truth. For more information, subscribe to our YouTube Channel.