Monday, May 1, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! May 1, 2023

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Harbingers Daily
Teacher Tells Children They Would Be ‘Dealt With Severely’ For Objecting To LGBT Lessons

By Christian Concern: Parents are in uproar after a recording was released on social media revealing a teacher telling pupils that they would be ‘dealt with severely’ if they dared to reject LGBT teaching. The incident took place at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy in south London with the recording subsequently going viral on social media.

The school has also recently militantly embarked on several LGBT promoting events which has included Pride flags and badges as a means of showing allegiance to the LGBT cause. Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, concerned parents have raised a formal complaint saying that the approach of the teacher and the school to LGBT ideology has “infringed upon our rights.”

The Economic Collapse
The System Is Starting To Unravel At A Pace That Is Absolutely Breathtaking

By Michael Snyder: It should have been apparent to everyone that the dark clouds on the horizon would bring a storm, and now rain is furiously falling all around us. Our entire system is being viciously shaken, and the dominoes are going to continue to fall in the months ahead. Once Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank went down, we all knew that it was just a matter of time before more large banks started to implode. Now First Republic has failed, and over the weekend U.S. regulators were working very hard to arrange a sale…

IMF Publishes Plans To
Implement CBDCs

By Mac Slavo: The International Monetary Fund has published its multi-year plan to implement a central bank digital currency or CBDC. This is a necessary step to ensure the slaves never seek escape from the invisible prison the masters have built.

The Endgame: Central Bank Digital Currency

In order to fully control people, they need to control what they can buy, and sell, and how much they can do without permission. The slave state is expanding, and if humanity allows this to happen, quite frankly, we deserve it. In an April 10th document published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) called IMF Approach to Central Bank Digital Currency Capacity Development, the masters reveal their plans to subjugate humanity further. In this document, there is a section included about the development of a living CBDC Handbook for monetary authorities to follow.

Chapters 8–11 should be of particular interest to us slaves, as they relate to the centralized control over our lives using CBDCs that we, the “consumers”, are most concerned about.

Geller Report
Democrat Minnesota Just Gave State Power To Take Kids Away If Parents Don’t Approve Gender Mutilation Surgery

By Pamela Geller: They’re coning for our kids. Literally. The government is too big, over reaching and out of control. It is monstrous. You try to take a child from their parents to brainwash and mutilate them, you are braying for bloodshed. And that’s what they’ll get

Life News
Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Now Sells Millions in Hormones to Mutilate Children

By Ben Johnson: Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report reveals that the multi-billion-dollar business has diversified its portfolio beyond abortion, pushing deeply into the transgender industry by offering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to young adults and minors — often while explicitly withholding this information from parents.

While the organization does not list the number of transgender procedures it carried out, it has acknowledged the number of people seeking such services numbers in the tens of thousands. Planned Parenthood also aims to turn teens into “fighters” for their cause, bashing “ugly” legislation that would prevent surgeons from permanently castrating minors, and proclaiming that its sex education courses contain the information America’s children “need to be free.”

All News Pipeline
Peak Journalism 2023: We Are The Good Guys That Set The Agenda For Americans

The Biden Propaganda Networks Go All In To Protect Dementia Joe While Censoring Dem Challenger

By Susan Duclos: One would think a piece about the media, the day after the much talked about (by the media) White House Correspondents’ Dinner aka ‘Nerd Prom,’ would include my own take on the event, maybe a couple of videos, and maybe even a little rant about the event happening when so many Americans can barely pay their bills and eat. Nope.

I'll let the words of others suffice because I want to discuss the attempts by the MSM to rewrite their own history. So, first, Twitchy on the media event, to which the media then took to their computers to write about how wonderful said event was.

Natural News
The Worst Atrocity In The History Of The World Has Been Confirmed

By News Editors : The World Health Organization estimates that (worldwide) there have been 763,740,140 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,908,554 deaths as of April 19, 2023. This does not include additional components of the excess mortality during the COVIDcrisis being documented by many in western nations, for which scientists and the various governments seems to not know what the causative agent is and no government seems to want to investigate… Although most will agree privately that these deaths are also related to COVID-19 “public health” policies in some way or another. These include deaths from lockdowns (famine, suicide, violence, alcohol and drug abuse), long COVID, vaccine deaths, lack of medical care for cancer and other diseases, etc. All told, the estimate for total deaths from the COVIDcrisis is probably around ten million people or more. Ten million people is a very big number. It is hard to even fathom.

Jerusalem Dateline
Israel and Allies Working Together to Face Down Terror Threats

Synopsis: Israelis protest for judicial reform, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis visits Jerusalem, Ambassador Michael Oren's book '2048:The Rejuvenated State', the history of the IDF and Mike Bickle describes the upcoming Isaiah 62 prayer and fast for Israel.

Sudan Rebels Seize Major Biolab

Host Derek Gilbert: Rebels in Sudan this week seized a major biolab containing samples of polio, cholera, and measles, prompting a warning from the World Health Organization—and begging a question: Who puts a biolab in a failed state like Sudan?

5) 16,000 U.S. citizens stranded in Sudan;

4) War over control of children divides states;

3) Tucker Carlson’s time slot loses half its viewers after his firing;

2) Biblical illiteracy in America accelerated after COVID lockdowns;

1) Americans spent more on legal cannabis in 2022 than on chocolate, beer, or pain relievers..

The Ben Armstrong Show
No Sugarcoating: Tucker Off Fox News Is Really Bad And It Is Not Going To Be OK

Synopsis: Tucker’s removal from Fox News is just another sign America is in deep, deep trouble.

The Common Sense Show
The #1 Reason Why Tucker Was Fired Has Surfaced

Dr. Steve Turley
The World Rejects Globalism
As The Woke Left IMPLODES!!

Stew Peters Network
UNCENSORED: Can mRNA Bypass Our Stomach Acid If They Put It In Our Food?

Synopsis: We previously thought our stomach acid may protect us from mRNA in our foods, however Senior Researcher at MIT Dr. Stephanie Seneff joins Maria to discuss a recent paper published which suggests that mRNA can bypass our stomach acids.

Sons of Liberty
With Host Tim Brown
Biden Defends Child Abuse & Islam As Activist Shuts Down Media In Under 4 Minutes

Synopsis: In this episode, we'll look at some video in which an activist calls out the head editors at some of the biggest names in the Mockingbird Media for their failure to serve the people in their reporting, as well as the usurper-in-chief's attacks on Christians in support of Islam and child mutilation.

Paul McGuire
💥 Digital Babylon And
Techno Armageddon!

Jim Crenshaw on BitChute
Doctor Explains How Babies Are Murdered During Abortions -
Everything Comes At A Cost

Synopsis: Yes it’s murder. Their body, someone else’s choice. Just like with the whole covid fraud. Someone else making decisions on who lives and who dies.

The Planned Destruction of America
Welch Quote
1958: Elitist Insiders’ Strategy For Undermining U.S. Sovereignty

Synopsis: In 1974, American businessman, political activist, author and founder of the John Birch Society, Robert W. Welch, Jr. gave a speech reiterating his 1958 outlining of the elites’ long range 10-point plan for systemically disassembling U.S. sovereignty.

Joe Dan Gorman’s Intellectual Froglegs
The Great Reject

Connect With Joe Dan Gorman
Joe Dan Gorman is the writer, host & producer of AWARD WINNING Intellectual Froglegs, the funniest conservative show anywhere. Unapologetic Christian. Former Real Estate Investment Broker until real estate collapse in 2007. Began new career in 2011 - Intellectual Froglegs is like a one-man band... and Joe Dan is that one man. Put God first and everything else will fall into place.