Monday, May 29, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! May 29, 2023

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Pride Month 2023 Is Shaping Up To Be The Most Contentious One Ever As The Corporate World Aims To Silence Christians And Conservatives

Pride Month 2023 is shaping up to be the most contentious ever, with the greatest pushback we’ve ever seen.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. Barack Obama and Joe Biden did not create Pride Month, but they codified it as an ordinance of the United States of America in 2009. In 2023, we are halfway through Obama’s third term, and the seeds he planted are finally ready for harvest.

“He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.” Job 41:34 (KJV)

Pride Month 2023, which is scheduled to started in 3 days, will be the 14th one that we have written about and chronicled since NTEB started. With each passing year, the corporate push to promote Pride Month has steadily increased, what started in the millions has now well reached the several billions. That type of money and support can greatly sway public opinion through relentlessly wearing down the opposition. But this year, something is different, Christians and conservatives are pushing back. Take a look at these recent events...

Prophecy News Watch
School Board Refuses To Let Church Use Space Due To Christian Principles

By PNW Staff: A Maine church that outgrew its meeting space applied with the local school board to lease space at a high school for worship services, but the school board appeared to apply a religious test to the church and negotiations fell through. Now, the church is suing.

"Public institutions that seek to lease their facilities for revenue should not be able to discriminate based on religious or political conviction," Mariah Gondeiro, vice president and legal counsel of Advocates for Faith & Freedom, the law firm representing the church, said in a press release exclusively provided first to The Daily Signal.

Harbingers Daily
Franklin Graham:
The Storm Is Coming… Preach —
Don’t Back Up, Don’t Make Excuses

By BGEA: When it comes to using television and radio to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Billy Graham and Franklin Graham have worked to maximize their impact over the decades. But now Franklin Graham has a somewhat dire warning to those who use these mediums to spread Good News. “The storm is coming where we’re going to be off the radio and television and the internet,” Graham said.

During his 29-minute keynote speech in Orlando, Florida, the evangelist gave examples of the challenges facing Christian media. He also offered advice to those concerned about religious persecution in areas like data centers, banking, and insurance.

Frontpage Mag
Like the Rest of Us, Sen. Feinstein Isn’t Sure What Kamala is Doing as VP

“What is she doing here?”
Feinstein asked, according to the report

By Daniel GreenfieldRobert SpencerFPM Editor/Raymond Ibrahim: Democrats and their media claim that Sen. Jon Fetterman (D – Psych Ward) is absolutely fit to be in the Senate despite not being able to understand what anyone is saying and having to occasionally be institutionalized. Sometimes his handlers have to electroshock him, but he’s completely qualified.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D – One Party State) on the other hand is being pressured to retire so Gov. Newsom can oversee a deathmatch between black, Latino and Asian groups over who gets appointed to the sinecure because she is reportedly “out of it”. Since the same is true of Joe Biden, who’s running for a second term, the party is being accused of sexism for demanding that Feinstein, but not Fetterman or Biden, retire.

Geller Report
Arizona Election Officials Illegally Break Sealed Voting Machines Reprogram Memory Cards, and Reinstall Them

By Pamela Geller: If evidence mattered…..

One thing that’s become crystal clear in the election coup in America, is the American people have no recourse, no redress for hijacked stolen elections.

Life News
Justice Neil Gorsuch Blasts Lockdowns and Mandates That Closed Churches During COVID

By Liberty Counsel: In Arizona, et al. v. Mayorkas, et al, where the U.S. Supreme Court sent the Title 42 case dealing with immigration back to the lower court with instructions to dismiss the states’ request as moot, Justice Neil Gorsuch took the opportunity to state that the COVID-19 crisis may have resulted in “the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country,” on the state, local, and federal levels.

In his eight-page opinion, Justice Gorsuch blasts the lockdowns and mandates, and presents the truth with startling clarity. Importantly, this statement from the High Court comes as so many other agencies, intellectuals, and journalists are in flat-out denial of what happened to the country.
How Rachel Levine Tried To Block The Nasty Truth About Fluoridation’s Devastating Effect On Childhood IQs

By Leo Hohmann: Covid showed us how corrupt the medical establishment has become not only in America but worldwide. Doctors know where their bread is buttered and rarely speak out of school or provide advice based on their own independent research. They will support almost any government health narrative if that’s what it takes to make sure the money continues to flow, even if it means violating their oath to “do no harm.”

Next in line for top honors in terms of corruption, after the biomedical-security complex, is the media.

The Gateway Pundit
Charges Dropped Against Sai Kandula – The East Asian Migrant Terrorist with Nazi Flag Who Tried to Ram White House and Take Over the Country

By Jim Hoft: Last Monday night, one week ago, a young migrant from Chesterfield, Missouri drove a U-Haul truck and attempted to ram his way through a White House barrier. his plot failed and police arrested the young man in shorts. Police investigators then pulled an apparent Nazi flag from a U-Haul truck after the crash near the White House and laid it on the street for photographers. It was a white supremacist attack!

As Kristinn Taylor reported — Eyewitnesses say the truck was driven twice into a barrier before stopping. The incident took place at the north side of Lafayette Park at 16th and H St, NW. Police laid out the flag on the sidewalk near the truck, apparently for the media to film, before folding it up and taking it away.

All News Pipeline
The DHS Is Out Of Control:

Biden Regime Weaponizes Anti-Terror Program Against Americans For Wrong-Think While Asking For People To Snitch On Pro-Life Radicalized Moms

By Susan Duclos: At the bottom of this article we have embedded the Media Research Center (MRC) PDF document for readers to go through the entire detailed report exposing what the Biden regime has done, and continues to do, to target Americans for "wrong-think" aka being Christian and/or conservative. Because the PDF is 49 pages, we are going to highlight specific portions that captured our attention, hoping that readers will list what they find the most egregious within the report, in the comment section below.

The title of the in-depth report is "How Biden's DHS is weaponizing an anti-terror program against conservatives, Christians and the GOP EXPOSED." Within the information MRC has gathered, we see that as part of the "Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP)," which provides grants to a variety of groups, $352,109.00 of taxpayer money was given to the University of Dayton.

Natural News
Border Officials See Significant Increase In Illegal Crossings By Chinese Nationals, Increasing Risk Of Chicom Infiltration And Spying

By JD Heyes: Between October 2022 and April, Border Patrol has encountered a total of 9,711 Chinese migrants at the southern border, which represents a significant increase of approximately 393 percent compared to the entire fiscal year of 2022. According to a report from The New York Times in July, migrants from Latin America pay an average of around $4,000 each to smugglers in order to facilitate their journey.

That said, Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” a Gatestone Institute distinguished senior fellow, and a member of its advisory board, believes many young Chinese migrants are fleeing China due to a lack of hope for their future in the country, he told the DCNF.

World War 3 By Degrees

Host Derek Gilbert: President Biden this week authorized supplying F-16s to Ukraine, while images on social media purportedly showed U.S.-made equipment destroyed during a raid inside Russia. We’re getting closer to open war between Russia and the U.S.

5) Support for continuing Ukraine war falling in Eastern Europe;

4) Debt ceiling talks in U.S. going down to the wire;

3) Growing popularity of barbaric behavior on social media;

2) Internet searches for terms questioning sexual orientation and gender identity up more than 1300% since 2004;

1) Using AI to help negotiate your next pay raise.

Wretched Watchmen
Synopsis: A lot of backlash with Target’s pride month clothing is coming down but I want to talk about how this is actually part of the coming One World Religion...

This clip taken from the must-see Episode 106: The Watchtower 5/23/23

Hagmann Report
The Nefarious Plans Of
The World Health Organization

The Ben Armstrong Show
This Is The Only Way To Stop The Deep State

Synopsis: Most conservatives are not telling you this. They still think they can win elections and change Washington D.C. from within. This video hopes to wake up everyone to the truth, regardless of whether you like the truth or not.

The Common Sense Show
When The Internet Is Taken From Us We Will Have To Use “Samizdat” To Keep Freedom Alive!

Dr. Steve Turley
Here’s The TRUTH
Aout A Government Default!!!

Stew Peters Network
Uncensored: Globalists Prepare Electricity, Cyber Shut Down as People Demand WHO Exit

Synopsis: As the world wakes up to the conspiracy fact of the worldwide takeover by the WHO, WEF and UN, the globalists are preparing their final draw card - a worldwide shut down of internet, electricity, and all communications. James Roguski joins us to discuss what we need to do, while we still have time.

SGT Report
Lucifer’s Minions

Synopsis: Ben Armstrong from the New American and the Ben Armstrong Show returns to SGT Report with a startling breakdown of the satanic Left's Marxist agenda to enslave humanity to a future which is sure to be hell on earth for those who survive the depopulation effort which is currently underway. And stay tuned for a surprise at the very end which I shot in Nuevo Vallarta Mexico on the evening of May 24th.

Making A Killing Documentary
Unmasking The Truth Behind Deadly Hospital Protocols

Synopsis: This film follows Patty Myers as she fights for change within the hospital industry. She shares how her late husband, Tony Myers, was poorly treated due to lack-of-care, malpractice and restrictive (and ultimately deadly) hospital protocols. She also chats with senators and other individuals who have seen similar situations occur across the country. Join her on this journey as she not only fights for her husband, but also for patients to be in control of their healthcare journey. Enough is enough. It's time to speak up. It's time to take a stand. It's time for change.

Off Grid With Doug & Stacy
Don’t Listen To Your Friends,
It’s Happening Now!
Chemtrails Are NOT Contrails!

Jim Crenshaw on BitChute
Many Cannot See Lucifer’s Deception That Is Right In Front Of Them

Synopsis: Many participate in the deception. They even have fooled themselves in to believing in it and and the so called "good" it does. Just like the drawing of the upside down cross. The more holy than you and the do gooders of the world...

Willing to break commandments and laws for the result they want. Not thinking about the sin involved or the harm they are causing with the collateral damage of their so called "good" deeds. The ends justify the means is not a Christian ideology. But I see this often and especially among those most holy.

The actions of the "order takers" who quickly abandon Christ in their doing of the right thing or the good thing are those most deceived. They tend to be by far the most blind and ignorant. They are in many ways the most dangerous.

The Planned Destruction of America
Welch Quote
1958: Elitist Insiders’ Strategy For Undermining U.S. Sovereignty

Synopsis: In 1974, American businessman, political activist, author and founder of the John Birch Society, Robert W. Welch, Jr. gave a speech reiterating his 1958 outlining of the elites’ long range 10-point plan for systemically disassembling U.S. sovereignty.