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Matt Walsh | Full Documentary
Synopsis: It’s the question you're not supposed to ask. So I asked it. Join Matt Walsh on his often comical, yet deeply disturbing journey, as he fearlessly questions the logic behind a gender ideology movement that has taken aim at women and children. Watch “What is a Woman?”
Jerusalem Dateline
End-Time Prophecies
Synopsis: Are we living in what the Bible calls the “end times?” We talk to people who believe these are the days Jesus had in mind when he spoke about the end of the age, and we examine how you can prepare for the days to come.
Harbingers Daily

How Can You Not See The Fulfilling Of Biblical Prophecy Everywhere You Look?
By Jonathan Brentner: Leanna Crawford’s story behind her latest song immediately captured my attention. She related a time from her childhood when she saw fireflies light up her yard at night. Her dad responded to her amazement by asking, “How can you not see the Creator in all this?”
The song that came as a result of her father’s question, “How Can You Not See God?” has become a favorite of mine. How can people not see God in the beauty and wonders of creation?
You might guess where my mind goes when I hear this question; I wonder, “How can you not see the fulfilling of biblical prophecy everywhere you look?” I am, no doubt, taking liberties with her title.
The song that came as a result of her father’s question, “How Can You Not See God?” has become a favorite of mine. How can people not see God in the beauty and wonders of creation?
You might guess where my mind goes when I hear this question; I wonder, “How can you not see the fulfilling of biblical prophecy everywhere you look?” I am, no doubt, taking liberties with her title.
Prophecy News Watch

An Entire Month That Is Going To Show Exactly Where Everybody Stands
By Michael Snyder/End of the American Dream: You have probably noticed that cultural issues are bitterly dividing our nation right now. Bud Light, Target and other companies that have taken controversial stands on cultural issues have been dominating the headlines for weeks, and now the month of June is here.
An entire month is set aside to celebrate "Pride", and you can't escape it even if you wanted to do so. Not even pet snacks are safe from the left's radical gender agenda this year as the dog biscuit brand Milk-Bone has unveiled a new "pride-themed" snack box to help canines "celebrate the LGBTQ+ community."
An entire month is set aside to celebrate "Pride", and you can't escape it even if you wanted to do so. Not even pet snacks are safe from the left's radical gender agenda this year as the dog biscuit brand Milk-Bone has unveiled a new "pride-themed" snack box to help canines "celebrate the LGBTQ+ community."

Frontpage Mag

Biden’s Handlers Think They Have A NATO Ally In Erdogan
But Erdogan Has Other Ideas
By Robert Spencer: Old Joe Biden’s congratulatory message to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan upon his highly questionable (hey, what election isn’t these days?) reelection was boilerplate from whoever writes his tweets, but nevertheless, it revealed yet again the growing gap between the world views of the two men. That gap has serious geopolitical implications that go all the way back to the anniversary that was observed on the day after the Turkish strongman’s reelection: May 29 marked 570 years since the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks and the extinguishing, after over two thousand years of continual existence, of the Roman Empire.

Death By Injection:
Top Insurance Researcher Provides Data Showing Staggering Number
Top Insurance Researcher Provides Data Showing Staggering Number
By Leo Hohmann: Using data from the United Kingdom, a top insurance industry analyst estimates 600,000 Americans per year are dying from the Covid shots
The United States has become one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to medical transparency. But one smart analyst has found an end-run around the U.S. system that places a dark shroud of secrecy over common statistics.
The U.K. has been more transparent with its data. And that’s where some are going to get stats that allow them to calculate the number of excess deaths in the U.S. since the roll out of the controversial Covid jabs two and a half years ago.
The United States has become one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to medical transparency. But one smart analyst has found an end-run around the U.S. system that places a dark shroud of secrecy over common statistics.
The U.K. has been more transparent with its data. And that’s where some are going to get stats that allow them to calculate the number of excess deaths in the U.S. since the roll out of the controversial Covid jabs two and a half years ago.
Life News

Biden Admin and Democrat DAs are Lowering Charges Against Leftists Who Attack Churches
By Micaiah Bilgert: If you have the “correct” views, chances are you’ll get a lighter sentence in court for crimes targeting your political opponents. Justice is supposed to apply equally to everyone in American law, no matter what an individual’s political views, income level, social status, race or gender. But many believe the Biden administration and Democrat leaders are quietly destroying this fundamental principle to punish their political opponents.
Last month, for example, a Michigan man only was sentenced to community service after he shot an elderly pro-life woman while she was canvassing ahead of the November election. Richard Harvey was sentenced to 100 hours of community service, a suspended jail sentence of two months and one year of probation. This week, the Washington Examiner highlighted several other examples involving radical activists caught vandalizing Catholic churches.
Last month, for example, a Michigan man only was sentenced to community service after he shot an elderly pro-life woman while she was canvassing ahead of the November election. Richard Harvey was sentenced to 100 hours of community service, a suspended jail sentence of two months and one year of probation. This week, the Washington Examiner highlighted several other examples involving radical activists caught vandalizing Catholic churches.
World Net Daily

Navy Quietly Kills LGBT Promotions From Its Web Pages
Rainbow Imagery Disappears
Rainbow Imagery Disappears
By Bob Unruh: The Navy, very quietly and with no explanation, has removed the rainbow imagery promoting the LGBT ideology from its web pages.
A report from Fox News said the changes appeared on the Navy's Twitter and Instagram pages.
The social agenda program of the LGBT community was on the pages on Thursday, but not Friday.
A report from Fox News said the changes appeared on the Navy's Twitter and Instagram pages.
The social agenda program of the LGBT community was on the pages on Thursday, but not Friday.
The Gateway Pundit

Outrageous! Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol
Capitol Police Claims it is a Form of “Demonstration” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft: Editor’s note: The man talking to the choir director was one of the guides who was told by the Capitol police to walk over and stop the choir immediately.
In a shocking turn of events, the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir was interrupted and stopped while singing the National Anthem in Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol.
The children, part of the esteemed Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, had traveled to Washington, D.C. last Friday, May 26th, for a scheduled Capitol tour and had received prior approval to sing a short set of patriotic songs inside the historic Statuary Hall.
In a shocking turn of events, the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir was interrupted and stopped while singing the National Anthem in Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol.
The children, part of the esteemed Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, had traveled to Washington, D.C. last Friday, May 26th, for a scheduled Capitol tour and had received prior approval to sing a short set of patriotic songs inside the historic Statuary Hall.
All News Pipeline

As America’s Fall Into Despotism Nears Completion
The ‘Government’ Wages A Losing War Upon God And All That Is Good, We’ve Gotten A ‘Communist Church’ With Brainwashed Pulpiteers
By Rob Pue of Wisconsin Christian News: I guess I sort of consider myself a “visionary.” No, I don’t mean I see “visions” or am any sort of “prophet.” But I can see things as they are and ENVISION what could be. I can look at a broken-down, ramshackle house or car and see how it can be brought back to life. I can see a yard with badly neglected landscaping and lawn and see the beauty that it could be.
In the 1990s, I envisioned a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin — a virtually impossible feat to pull off, but the Lord God Himself TOLD me to start one, and now our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News is putting out more copies than ever before and it’s distributed nationally — not just for Wisconsin anymore. And I can also look upon a lost soul, consumed and deceived by worldly enticements and see a new creation in Christ, IF only they’ll seek Him in humble repentance and faith.
In the 1990s, I envisioned a Christian newspaper for Wisconsin — a virtually impossible feat to pull off, but the Lord God Himself TOLD me to start one, and now our newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News is putting out more copies than ever before and it’s distributed nationally — not just for Wisconsin anymore. And I can also look upon a lost soul, consumed and deceived by worldly enticements and see a new creation in Christ, IF only they’ll seek Him in humble repentance and faith.
Natural News

Covid Jabs Found To Contain
Green Monkey DNA
Covid Jabs Found To Contain
Green Monkey DNA
By Ethan Huff: The mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), including those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna, are loaded with toxins that contaminate human DNA, according to microbiologist Kevin McKernan, a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project.
One major contaminant that McKernan identified is simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters, which are linked to mesotheliomas, lymphomas, and various cancers of the brain and bone.
SV40, by the way, is the same contaminant used in polio vaccines that a 2002 study published in The Lancer found causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, causing up to 50 percent of the 55,000 new cases of the disease that are diagnosed every single year.
One major contaminant that McKernan identified is simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters, which are linked to mesotheliomas, lymphomas, and various cancers of the brain and bone.
SV40, by the way, is the same contaminant used in polio vaccines that a 2002 study published in The Lancer found causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, causing up to 50 percent of the 55,000 new cases of the disease that are diagnosed every single year.
America’s Progressive Paradise
Host Derek Gilbert: More than 50 people were shot in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend, while illegal migrants are reportedly using hotels-turned-shelters in New York City as centers for unrestrained drug use, sex, and violence.
5) Former employee of New York City hotel turned into migrant shelter describes “free for all” of drugs, sex, and violence;
4) Dozens shot in Chicago as “peacekeepers” deployed by state of Illinois fail to keep the peace;
3) Liberal pundit tells MSNBC that boycott of Target over transgender clothing for kids is “literally terrorism”;
2) Woman forced to remove brain implant that stopped epileptic seizures because company that made it ran out of money;
1) Beluga whale off Sweden’s coast could be lonely—or a Russian spy.
5) Former employee of New York City hotel turned into migrant shelter describes “free for all” of drugs, sex, and violence;
4) Dozens shot in Chicago as “peacekeepers” deployed by state of Illinois fail to keep the peace;
3) Liberal pundit tells MSNBC that boycott of Target over transgender clothing for kids is “literally terrorism”;
2) Woman forced to remove brain implant that stopped epileptic seizures because company that made it ran out of money;
1) Beluga whale off Sweden’s coast could be lonely—or a Russian spy.
Wretched Watchmen
The Watchtower (Not Affiliated With JW) Synopsis: Pride month is here and now is the time when persecution rises and the veil is lifted to see who is true and who is not...
This clip taken from the must-see Episode 108: The Watchtower 5/30/23
This clip taken from the must-see Episode 108: The Watchtower 5/30/23
Daily Veracity with Vincent James
A Massive Right-Wing Reaction is Brewing as the Gay Agenda is Forced Down Throats of Americans
The Ben Armstrong Show
Jan 6th Video Proves John Strand’s Innocence Yet a 32 Month Sentence
Synopsis: Political prisoners are acceptable to Democrats, and they are looking to take down anyone who disagrees with their evil ways.
The Common Sense Show
China Is Planning For Multiple Pearl Harbor Attacks As A Prelude To Invasion
Dr. Steve Turley
Citizen Black Belt TAKES DOWN Robber In Convenience Store!!! 👍👍👍
Stew Peters Network
Uncensored: WARNING - GRAPHIC! UN/WHO Pedophile Agenda Exposed
Synopsis: Dr. Rima Laibow joins Maria Zeee to detail the end goal of the UN/WHO driven pedophile agenda and the impact on our children and society. Dr. Laibow emphasises the need to immediately cut ties with these globalist organisations.
Paul McGuire
💥 Spiritual Warriors
Are God’s Super Soldiers!
Are God’s Super Soldiers!
Making A Killing Documentary
Unmasking The Truth Behind Deadly Hospital Protocols
Synopsis: This film follows Patty Myers as she fights for change within the hospital industry. She shares how her late husband, Tony Myers, was poorly treated due to lack-of-care, malpractice and restrictive (and ultimately deadly) hospital protocols. She also chats with senators and other individuals who have seen similar situations occur across the country. Join her on this journey as she not only fights for her husband, but also for patients to be in control of their healthcare journey. Enough is enough. It's time to speak up. It's time to take a stand. It's time for change.
Off Grid With Doug & Stacy
Don’t Listen To Your Friends,
It’s Happening Now!
Chemtrails Are NOT Contrails!
It’s Happening Now!
Chemtrails Are NOT Contrails!
Jim Crenshaw on BitChute
Many Cannot See Lucifer’s Deception That Is Right In Front Of Them
Synopsis: Many participate in the deception. They even have fooled themselves in to believing in it and and the so called "good" it does. Just like the drawing of the upside down cross. The more holy than you and the do gooders of the world...
Willing to break commandments and laws for the result they want. Not thinking about the sin involved or the harm they are causing with the collateral damage of their so called "good" deeds. The ends justify the means is not a Christian ideology. But I see this often and especially among those most holy.
The actions of the "order takers" who quickly abandon Christ in their doing of the right thing or the good thing are those most deceived. They tend to be by far the most blind and ignorant. They are in many ways the most dangerous.
Willing to break commandments and laws for the result they want. Not thinking about the sin involved or the harm they are causing with the collateral damage of their so called "good" deeds. The ends justify the means is not a Christian ideology. But I see this often and especially among those most holy.
The actions of the "order takers" who quickly abandon Christ in their doing of the right thing or the good thing are those most deceived. They tend to be by far the most blind and ignorant. They are in many ways the most dangerous.

The Planned Destruction of America

1958: Elitist Insiders’ Strategy For Undermining U.S. Sovereignty
Synopsis: In 1974, American businessman, political activist, author and founder of the John Birch Society, Robert W. Welch, Jr. gave a speech reiterating his 1958 outlining of the elites’ long range 10-point plan for systemically disassembling U.S. sovereignty.