Sunday, July 30, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! Weekend Edition

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Crosstalk America Christian Radio

News Roundup & Comment

Synopsis: We had the pleasure of having Dalton Windsor host our usual Friday News Roundup. Here are the headlines he shared with us:

McConnell Suffers Spell At Capitol, He Insists ‘I’m Fine’

Speaker McCarthy Indicates Republicans Are Moving Toward Impeachment Inquiry Of Biden

Senate Republicans Pour Cold Water On McCarthy’s Biden Impeachment Suggestion

Former Air Force Intelligence Officer Drops Bombshell: ‘I Know The Exact Locations’ Of UFOs In United States

DOJ Drops Campaign Finance Charge Against Dem Megadonor, Alleged Fraudster

Hunter Biden Pleads Not Guilty After Judge Puts ‘Unusual’ Deal With DOJ On Hold

Hunter Biden Files Telling Legal Motion After Sweetheart Plea Deal Backfires Horribly

Page 2 Of Hunter Biden’s Conditions Of Release Orders Him To Get A Job – But That’s Not All

White House Rules Out Pardon For Hunter Biden

Trump Faces Additional Charges In Classified Documents Case

Professors Urge Biden To Defy ‘Mistaken’ Rulings By ‘MAGA’ Supreme Court Justice

Biden’s Mind So Gone He Now Says He Has ‘Ended Cancer As We Know It’

Is The Supreme Court ‘Out Of Control’? Majority Of Americans Stand With The Court On Recent ‘Controversial’ Rulings

Vladimir Putin Approves Bill Introducing Central Bank Digital Currency In Russia

JPMorgan Chase Debanks Dr. Mercola’s Business, Including Employees And Their Family Members

Body Of Obama’s Personal Chef Found In Lake Near Ex-President’s Mansion

Bud Light Brewer Hit With Layoffs In Tough Year

Good News Club Gets Another Court Victory!

Joe Dan Gorman’s Intellectual Froglegs

Connect With Joe Dan Gorman
Joe Dan Gorman is the writer, host & producer of AWARD WINNING Intellectual Froglegs, the funniest conservative show anywhere. Unapologetic Christian. Former Real Estate Investment Broker until real estate collapse in 2007. Began new career in 2011 - Intellectual Froglegs is like a one-man band... and Joe Dan is that one man. Put God first and everything else will fall into place.

Wretched Watchmen
The Watchtower (Not Affiliated With JW) Synopsis: Elon Musk is making headway in his everything app dream as Twitter has now become X... Amazon is prepping to launch their own broadband satellites...

This clip taken from the must-see Episode 123: The Watchtower 7/25/23

The Ben Armstrong Show
Dr. Robert Malone Gives Confidential Information That Our CIA Was Behind Covid-19!

Synopsis: Dr. Malone, "once upon a time, I believed we were the good guys". An amazing conversation about the CIA and the Deep State between Dr. Robert Malone and Steve Bannon. If you like details you will love this video.

Greg Reese
Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control And The CIA

Synopsis: We need to be focused on the disease if we ever want to end this.

In 1987 Tallahassee, Florida police responded to an anonymous phone tip about six malnourished children covered in bug bites and scratches being accompanied by two well-dressed men in a public park. The two men were arrested for child abuse and suspicion of trafficking children across state lines. And so the U.S. Customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department, and the FBI all got involved.

The two men arrested had multiple fake IDs and were found to be members of a group known as the Finders. The Finders owned multiple properties in the D.C. area. The investigation of these properties reportedly found evidence of child pornography, and photographs of “three children and three white-robed men dismembering two goats”...

Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired 06.28.23
 With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Jim Caviezel Says Donald Trump Is The ‘New Moses’ Leading Mormons And Roman Catholics To The Promised Land

Donald Trump as the ‘new Moses’ is being ushered forward into the ‘promised land’ on the backs of shadowy and powerful Mormons and Roman Catholics, the question is why.

I have voted Republican since first casting my vote for Ronald Reagan back in 1980, and if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee for president in 2024, I will absolutely be voting for him, Lord willing, on November 4th. That’s the disclaimer. But just as our article boldly proclaiming a Trump landslide in 2016 really ‘rocked the boat’ amongst our readers, so I expect that this Podcast will also. Donald Trump the 47th president of the United States? Possibly, but the waters ahead are quite treacherous when viewed through the filter of your King James Bible.

“Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:” Daniel 2:20-21 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Donald Trump is absolutely not a born again Christian, he has no testimony of salvation and could not give you the gospel of the grace of God if he had a gun to his head. His path to the presidency is ten times more chaos-filled than it was in 2016, if you can imagine such a thing, and he now has powerful and shadowy figures at the highest levels of the Mormon church propelling him forward. Why would that be? Trump is surrounded by cultists, not Christians, and there are agendas everywhere you look. The new movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’ is being promoted by Angel Studios, as in the angel Moroni, and there is a definite and terrifying connection to Freemasonry lurking in the mix as well. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, hardcore Mary-worshipping Roman Catholic Jim Caviezel says that ‘he is Jesus, and that Donald Trump is the ‘new Moses’, and we will discuss why this should not a comforting idea to the Bible believer. All this and much more!

Harbingers Daily
More Than 12,000 Begin Relationship With Christ In Venezuelan City Overrun With Witchcraft

By BGEA: During the first weekend of July, the city of Mérida in the Andes Mountains of northwestern Venezuela welcomed a two-day evangelistic outreach in which tens of thousands of people heard the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ at the Guillermo Soto Rosa Stadium.

Festival de la Familia began with a special outreach event for children on Saturday morning. David Ruíz, guest speaker and associate evangelist with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), followed with two nights of proclaiming the Good News to all ages.

Since 2019, the Evangelical Council of Venezuela has taken Festival de la Familia to different cities of this tropical country—most recently in Puerto La Cruz, Isla de Margarita, and San Fernando de Apure.

“Our vision is for Venezuela to be reached for Jesus Christ,” said César Mermejo, president of the Evangelical Council. “We strongly believe that the only way a country can be changed is by first knowing the truth about our spiritual condition. … This is why we want to take the Gospel to all regions of Venezuela through these events.”

Prophecy News Watch
Digital Services Act: A Framework To Gain Global Control Of The Internet

By Daisy Luther/Organic Prepper: Frameworks for control are being put up all over the world. Daisy wrote recently about the implementation of FedNow, a framework for ending financial freedom and privacy as we know it. A few months ago, we wrote about the WHO's Pandemic Treaty, which, if signed by all parties, will put in place a framework for global health mandates. And Europe will shortly begin enforcing its Digital Services Act, which will put in a framework for intense control of online speech.

When people see current systems failing, they are more likely to be open to bigger changes. As Daisy noted, when FedNow was announced in March, it came on the heels of multiple large bank failures.

Likewise, many people now recognize that the worldwide response to Covid was a total fiasco. The WHO is trying to use this as an excuse to centralize control. The causes behind both the bank failures and the events surrounding Covid are still highly debatable. People worldwide have been discussing these issues for years.

Europeans may lose their ability to even complain about current events.

Frontpage Mag
Stop The Marxist Makeover Of The U.S. Military
Biden’s War On American National Security

By Frank Gaffney: It’s time we face an unpalatable reality. Nothing less than the national security of the United States hangs in the balance.

The truth is we are in the midst of the third Obama-Biden administration. The cumulative damage is incalculable as we are reaping the whirlwind of having elected in 2008 Barack Obama – a man who, in a moment of hubris-driven candor on the eve of his first presidential election, declared the incipient “fundamental transformation” of America.

As president, Obama did as much as he could get away with to morph the nation. Domestic policies eroded our constitutional order and the freedoms it guarantees. Remember his pronouncement that “I have a phone and a pen,” his pretext for taking actions he had previously acknowledged he could not legally do?

Among the worst of his enduring legacies is that, far from being the promised post-racial president, Obama deliberately and repeatedly exacerbated race-relations.

End Of The American Dream
If They Are Openly Admitting That They Have Recovered “Non-Human” Bodies From UFOs, What Do They Have Planned Next?

By Michael Snyder: I definitely understand that this is a topic that a lot of people don’t want to talk about. If there really are “non-human” creatures flying around in the skies above us, that is a really big deal. What are their intentions? Are they hostile? Most people have enough problems without having to consider such things. For a long time, the U.S. government worked exceedingly hard to suppress legitimate information about the UFO phenomenon, but now there has been a dramatic reversal. All sorts of extremely shocking things are being revealed to the public during congressional hearings, and that is something that never would have been allowed in the old days.

So why is this happening?

Are they trying to prepare us for something?

As I write this, highly anticipated testimony from former intelligence official David Grusch continues to make headlines all over the globe. He had previously given interviews to a couple of news outlets, but when he testified in front of Congress he was under oath.

So if he didn’t tell the truth he could potentially go to prison.

During his testimony, Grusch dropped bombshell after bombshell…