Synopsis: A shocking and blood-curdling explanation of how modern Bible translations are intentional corruptions of God’s Word by members of evil secret societies. It is a must-see for every Christian.
All modern translations are first based upon corrupt gnostic-made copies of scripture from Alexandria and Rome. Wescott and Hort used these to create a new Greek translation. Later, Nestle and Arland made yet another translation based largely upon the Wescott-Hort translation. All of these men - Wescott, Hort, Nestle, and Aland had pagan, non-Christian views and were heretics: Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort.
• Heretics who held esoteric, Gnostic views about God and Christianity.
• Thought the death of Christ on the cross for our atonement was immoral and could not be true.
• Dabbled in the occult with famous occultists (The Ghost Club/Ghostly Guild & The Eranus Club)
• Acknowledged to each other that their views were heretical to protestant Christianity
• Did not believe Genesis 1-3 were actual history
• Expressed favour of Charles Darwin's evolution theory of common ancestry
• Expressed disgust at the doctrine that scripture is the highest authority
• Did not believe the autographs (original New Testament documents) of the apostles were infallable.
• Despised democracy and expressed communist views
• Expressed favour of the communist/socialit views of atheist philosophers such as LaSalle
• Supporters of the Roman Catholic Church and commended it's heretiucal practices
• Spoke to each other of the need to get their translation widespread into the public to undermine it's expected rejection
• Despised protestantism
• Despised the Majority Text (Textus Receptus)
All modern translations are first based upon corrupt gnostic-made copies of scripture from Alexandria and Rome. Wescott and Hort used these to create a new Greek translation. Later, Nestle and Arland made yet another translation based largely upon the Wescott-Hort translation. All of these men - Wescott, Hort, Nestle, and Aland had pagan, non-Christian views and were heretics: Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort.
• Heretics who held esoteric, Gnostic views about God and Christianity.
• Thought the death of Christ on the cross for our atonement was immoral and could not be true.
• Dabbled in the occult with famous occultists (The Ghost Club/Ghostly Guild & The Eranus Club)
• Acknowledged to each other that their views were heretical to protestant Christianity
• Did not believe Genesis 1-3 were actual history
• Expressed favour of Charles Darwin's evolution theory of common ancestry
• Expressed disgust at the doctrine that scripture is the highest authority
• Did not believe the autographs (original New Testament documents) of the apostles were infallable.
• Despised democracy and expressed communist views
• Expressed favour of the communist/socialit views of atheist philosophers such as LaSalle
• Supporters of the Roman Catholic Church and commended it's heretiucal practices
• Spoke to each other of the need to get their translation widespread into the public to undermine it's expected rejection
• Despised protestantism
• Despised the Majority Text (Textus Receptus)
Linkster Note: Majority Text aka Textus Receptus: (Latin “Received Text”)

Note: You can watch this teaching from its embedded video in the upper right sidebar.