Saturday, September 23, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! September 23, 2023

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Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired 09.22.23
 With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
America Has No Functioning Government,
We Have The Political Theater
The New World Order Has Given Us

We have long told you that the New World Order cannot fully be realized until America is neutralized, and that is happening right now.

If you live in America, take a good look around you and tell me what do you see? I see a country whose real leaders stand in the dark shadows of anonymity, pulling the levers of the clown show they have created for us. A president who shakes hands with imaginary people, a vice president without an intelligible thought in her head, senators who become mute while attempting to speak, dress codes removed to accommodate people who have no business even being in office. What is all that? Glad you asked, we are happy to tell you all about it.

“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.” Genesis 49:1 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, you have a front row seat to the end of an empire, perhaps the greatest empire since Rome, and it is crumbling faster than I can type this sentence. It’s not simply that America has bad government, we do, or that we have corrupt leaders, we do, but it is the sheer lunacy taking place that we are expected to look at and accept as normal. Nothing about any of this is anything remotely approaching normal by any rational standard. On this episode, we talk a little bit about the clown show government, and we talk a lot about the actual, and deadly serious power that is behind it. We have long told you that the New World Order cannot fully be realized until America is neutralized. This is what we are watching here on Day 1,285 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 09.22.23

Synopsis: “Language Warning”

Harbingers Daily
Jury Orders Christian Clerk Pay $100k For Hurting The ‘Feelings’ Of
Same-Sex Couple, Liberty Counsel Says

By Decision Magazine: Former Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis has been ordered by a federal jury to pay $100,000 in damages to a same-sex couple she refused to sign a marriage license for in 2015. Davis is represented by attorneys with Liberty Counsel, who plan to appeal the decision on her behalf.

The decision was made in court on Thursday, Sept. 14, when same-sex couple David Ermold and David Moore requested $50,000 each in damages. They claimed that Ermold had lost his job at the University of Pikeville as a result of the case with Davis. The University’s Director of Human Resources then testified that this claim was false and that Ermold’s position was one of several terminated due to downsizing. According to Liberty Counsel, Ermold and Moore then “changed gears during the trial to allege they should receive damages for hurt feelings.”

Liberty Counsel argues that evidence provided in court does not match the jury’s decision and, for that matter, did not even warrant being given over to the jury. As a result, they claim that the judge violated a rule of civil procedure by sending the case to the jury without sufficient evidence warranting damages. “Binding Sixth Circuit law states that the mere testimony of a plaintiff that he was embarrassed, humiliated, etc., without any other evidence of damages, cannot suffice to merit a damages award,” they state.

Jerusalem Dateline
Prime Minister Netanyahu
To Speak With Biden, Address UN

Synopsis: Prime Minister Netanyahu travels to the US to meet with President Biden, other world leaders and Elon Musk. Five Americans return to the US from Iranian imprisonment, UNESCO declares Jericho a Palestinian Heritage site and OB brings help to Morocco.

In a time where the world’s attention is riveted on events in the Middle East, CBN viewers have come to appreciate Chris Mitchell’s timely reports from this explosive region of the world. Mitchell brings a Biblical and prophetic perspective to these daily news events that shape our world.

Prophecy News Watch
Big Tech Beast System? Technology Tycoons Influencing Society Worldwide

By Mondo Gonzales/Prophecy Watchers: Technology is advancing at a staggering pace. But it merely parallels advances in other arenas the coming Antichrist will leverage to fulfill his evil plans to enslave humanity during the Tribulation.

The coming Beast system will require political, economic, social, governmental, religious, and technological advances that will enable the Antichrist to accomplish all of his desires.

We must also remember that the Antichrist needs help to accomplish his goals. Even though he is empowered by the Dragon himself (Rev 13:2, 4), the Antichrist manipulates a coalition of ten kings to implement his worldwide Beast system. He will then subdue or remove three of them at a future time. Let's consider how the Scriptures describe these ten "kings."

Stew Peters Network
Ray Epps Finally Charged To Discredit Fed Informant Rumors,
ADL’s War Against Free Speech

We should never again allow one group of people to eradicate others because they disagree.

E. Michael Jones, Ph.D is the founder of Culture War magazine and author of ‘Logos Rising’ and joins to discuss the weaponization of anti-Semitism.

In May of this year, Biden released the plan for the Patriot Act Part 2, by signing in a document called, "U.S. National Strategy to Counter-Antisemitism.”

Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland has already been caught targeting conservative Catholics- putting parents and conservative catholics on domestic terrorist watch lists.

The Feds are losing complete control of the J6 fake narrative.

Darren Beattie from Revolver News is here to talk about Ray Epps and the reporting that suggests he works for the FEDS.

Congressman Thomas Massie recently exposed Merrick Garland’s J6 lies during a congressional hearing.

Frontpage Mag
The Clintons Welcome Trans Queens, Muslim Politicians, Foreign Oligarchs

Get Your Organs Regenerated Or Your Money Back At The Latest Clinton Foundation Event

By Daniel Greenfield: The Clintons are back in Manhattan, baby.

Once again random celebrities, Orlando Bloom, Matt Damon, Patrick Dempsey, Karlie Kloss, will rub shoulders with random foreign leaders like Mia Mottlev, the Prime Minister of Barbados,

Irfaan Ali, the President of Guyana, Biden administration officials, the heads of nonprofits with made up titles like “intersectional environmentalist”, heads of UN agencies, New York Times reporters, professional humanitarians and shady foreign oligarchs. (Mostly the latter.)

Getting to the Midtown Manhattan Hilton may not be easy due to its proximity to the masses of illegal aliens clustering around hotels that have been turned into homeless shelters, but once there delegates to the Clinton Global Initiative 2023 will have the chance to be in the same room as Atiqul Islam, the Mayor of Dhaka, and Qween Jean, the founder of Black Trans Liberation, not to mention Ashley Judd, who hopefully will not beat each other to death with swag bags.

Hagmann Report
GenSix Expeditions: Mexico Alien Artifacts Unearthed

Geller Report
President Donald Trump Says He Will Carry Out The ‘Largest Domestic Deportation Operation In American History’ If Re-elected In 2024

By Pamela Geller: Trump’s comments come as more than 4,000 migrants crossed the U.S. Southern Border Wednesday.

Wretched Watchmen
The Watchtower Clip Synopsis (Not Affiliated With JW): With the latest allegations against Russell Brand we take a look at his connection to Yuval Noah Harari, his 33 tattoo and his sudden switch from liberal to right wing... We also discuss Alex Jones' lawsuit and how all of this falls into the Hegelian Dialectic...

This clip taken from the must-see Episode 137: The Watchtower 9/19/23

Natural News
Researchers Express SHOCK After Learning That Pfizer’s mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Contains DNA Contamination

By Ethan Huff: In a recent testimony before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee, cancer genomics expert and University of South Carolina professor Phillip Buckhaults revealed that Pfizer's mRNA "vaccine" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments.

According to Buckhaults, who holds a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, "there is a very real hazard" with these foreign DNA fragments because they have the ability to insert themselves into a person's genome and become a "permanent fixture of the cell."

This genetic modification (GMO) process could explain why many "fully vaccinated" individuals are developing what Buckhaults described as "rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest."

The Ben Armstrong Show
Bombshell FOIA Request Shows White House And CDC Knew Vax Was Killing People

Synopsis: Almost all the top officials in the Biden administration received information telling them the vaccine was extremely dangerous. They all became aware that blood clots and myocarditis were killing people due to the jab and they covered it up.