Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! October 17, 2023

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Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired 10.16.23
 With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
The World Holds Its Breath Waiting To See What Israel Will Do In Gaza As Prophecy Timeclock Now At One Second To Midnight

The Knesset has reopened its parliamentary session after taking a 40-minute break sparked by a rocket salvo at Jerusalem that sent attendees to bomb shelters.

Incoming rocket sirens are sounding in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, as terrorists in the Gaza Strip launch long-range rockets at Israel’s largest cities in possibly the largest barrage since the initial salvo on October 7. Several loud explosions are heard over the areas, but there are no immediate reports of injuries or damage. The rockets are launched during the opening session of the Knesset, sending lawmakers and other attendants to bomb shelter and delaying the session. The question on everyone’s mind is will Israel take Gaza?

“Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron; for her expectation shall be ashamed; and the king shall perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.” Zechariah 9:5 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the world is literally holding its collective breath waiting to see when Israel makes its move with ground troop in Gaza. We have heard statement from Iran, China and Russia against this, and we shall soon find out just how passionately they hold that position. Today here on Day 1,309 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, Gaza is being flattened but the rockets haven’t stopped. Things were so bad in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv this morning the emergency meeting of the Knesset was stopped and all members including Netanyahu hustled off to a bomb shelter. Israel has thus far wreaked apocalyptic destruction on Hamas in Gaza, but Hamas isn’t even close to stopped or slowing down. All this and more on today’s Prophecy News Podcast.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 10.17.23

Synopsis: “Language Warning”

Harbingers Daily
Hatred Against Israel Is Not About Land, Rights, Or Money—It Is A Religious Tenet

By Hal Lindsey: Israel longs for peace. I’ve been there dozens of times and spent quality time with political leaders, such as Benjamin Netanyahu, and with legendary military leaders. I’ve spoken at length with regular soldiers and regular people, Jews and Palestinians. I can tell you with certainty that Israel desperately longs for peace, probably more than any other nation in the world. Look at how many times they have been willing to compromise their safety for so-called “peace agreements” where the “peace” ended up being only a mirage in the desert.

But when someone comes in and murders over 1,300 of your citizens and injures over 3,000 more, what do you do? Hamas took 150 Israelis as hostages. They fired on unarmed young people at a music festival as though it were a shooting gallery. They launched thousands of missiles into civilian areas, even hitting and mostly destroying a children’s hospital. Hamas gunmen invaded Israeli neighborhoods, murdering whole families in their homes — families eating breakfasts or who were still in bed at 6:30 on a Saturday morning. The terrorists set houses ablaze. They killed scores of babies and toddlers. They beheaded babies! How should Israel respond? No matter how much it wants peace, how would any nation respond?

Prophecy News Watch
What To Expect From
The Israeli Ground Offensive

By Yaakov Lappin/JNS.org: As Israel's security cabinet and the Israel Defense Forces finalize plans on Sunday ahead of the expected Israeli ground offensive into the Gaza Strip, it is becoming clear that Israel's objective will be to eliminate all Hamas military and political infrastructure in the Strip, from bottom to top.

The IDF has called for residents of northern Gaza and Gaza City to evacuate south, crossing the Wadi Gaza river, to avoid their use as human shields by Hamas's terrorist army, which is commanded by Mohammed Deif and which has some 30,000 operatives.

Since Hamas came to power in Gaza in 2007 via a violent coup, it has built, trained and armed a terrorist army and guerilla force, and has entrenched it in high-rise buildings, subterranean bunkers and tunnels, in the midst of Gaza's civilian population.

Up To 1 Million Gaza Refugees
Looking For New Homes
And U.S. Is First To Raise Its Hand

By Leo Hohmann: When will we ever learn.

Palestinians coming to America? Yes, that’s what a group of Democrats in Congress are already clamoring for.

This is exactly the scenario I laid out in my 2017 book, Stealth Invasion: The U.S. gets involved in the affairs of another country, funding one or both sides of a war, and then when everything is destroyed and the refugees start to flow out of those areas, we are the first to volunteer to take them in. It usually starts with a trickle, a few thousand in the first batch, then it continues on and on and on until we have 50,000 to 100,000 or more refugees from a given country living in enclaves.

This is how we ended up with tens of thousands of refugees living in America from jihadist-harboring countries that hate us, places like Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Syria, and the list goes on.

Frontpage Mag
Muslim Schoolgirl Threatens To Decapitate A Teacher –
Welcome To Cultural Enrichment

By Hugh Fitzgerald: A 12-year-old Muslim girl in Evreux, France, made death threats to her teacher for his classroom discussion on Islam. More on this disturbing tale can be found here: “In Dreux, a student threatens to kill her teacher during a lesson on Islam,” translated from “À Dreux, une élève menace de mort son enseignante pendant un cours sur l’islam,” by Ambre Lepoivre, Le Figaro, October 3, 2023:
The student spread terror in her class. Last Friday, a 12-year-old girl made death threats against her teacher in a middle school in Dreux, in Eure-et-Loir, Le Figaro learned from police and judicial sources.

During a class devoted to Islam, the student said to his teacher: “If your lessons do not please the students, the same thing could happen to you as to him,” pointing to a photo of Samuel Paty. This history and geography teacher at a college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine was beheaded in 2020 after showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his students.

Hagmann Report
We’ve Infiltrated Our Enemies

End Of The American Dream
Is It Just A Coincidence That We Witnessed A “Ring Of Fire Eclipse” Just As The Great Middle East War Begins?

By Michael Snyder: We sure have been experiencing a lot of “coincidences” lately, haven’t we? On Friday, Israeli forces conducted their first localized raids inside Gaza. Then on Saturday, the path of a spectacular “ring of fire” solar eclipse marched across the continental United States. Is it just a coincidence that this eclipse has happened just as the Great Middle East War is commencing? Throughout human history, eclipses have often coincided with tragic events and major historical turning points. For example, earlier today I came across an article that took a look back at “the World War I eclipse”…

Lisa Haven
Creepy Globalist Map Reveals Nightmare Future! Does Your City Still Exist?

Geller Report
More Footage From Hamas Body Cams Show Mass Murder, Going House to House Murdering Civilians, Including Elderly

By Pamela Geller: Another recording from Hamas’ terrorists’ body cameras. Terrorists who broke into the city of Ofakim, went from house to house and murdered civilians, including old people.

Unimaginable horrors.

The David Knight Show
Mass Migration: They Stopped Unvaxed Travel But NOT Illegal Migration

Synopsis: We always knew mass immigration has caused conflict so why is Kissinger saying it now? We see what they're doing. Now even Breitbart pushes for Palestinians to be brought to USA when Egypt and every other Arab nation refuses them?

Paul McGuire
💥 GMO Food For GMO Mankind!

The Common Sense Show
UN To Process 1 Million Migrants Per Month Crossing Into The USA

Dr. Steve Turley
The Woke Left Is Getting Canceled!!!