Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! October 18, 2023

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
King Abdullah II Issues A Fiery Declaration That Neither Jordan Nor Egypt Will Accept Any Palestinian Refugees As It Would Be A ‘Red Line’ To Cross

‘I think I can speak here on behalf of Jordan … but also our friends in Egypt: This is a red line … no refugees to Jordan and also no refugees to Egypt,’ King Abdullah II said at the press conference.

Incredible news coming out of the Middle East today as King Abdullah II of Jordan, speaking on behalf of both Jordan and Egypt, has said that under no condition will any Palestinian refugees from Gaza be allowed into either nation. What about the ‘poor oppressed Palestinian’? They want nothing to do with them because they know that if you let them in, Hamas comes in right behind them. You know what King Abdullah is? He’s smart, a whole lot smarter than any of the jackasses in Washington wanting to import hundreds of thousands of them.

“Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;” Joel 3:4 (KJV)

The Hashemite kingdom of Jordan is a place near and dear to our hearts for one outstanding reason. It is the land where Selah Petra resides, the place where the Jewish remnant will flee to at the start of the Matthew 24:15 time of great tribulation. Christian, if you’re watching the news coming out of the Middle East and the hair is not standing up on the back of your head, then you’re only reading the news and not your King James Bible. Whether you can see it or not, it’s happening at an astonishing rate of speed.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 10.XX.23

Synopsis: “Language Warning”

Harbingers Daily
The Wishes Of Hamas, Hezbollah,
And Iran Will Not Come To Pass—
Israel Will Not Cease Being A Nation

By Amir Tsarfati: As we watch the atrocities unfold in Israel and mourn the devastating loss of life, our minds ask the questions, “How long oh Lord? How much longer will evil bring pain and suffering into this world and impact the lives of your people?”

John 16:33 KJV – “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Knowing we will have tribulation in this life is not a comforting thought. Knowing He (Jesus) has overcome the world reminds us that this tribulation-filled life and world are temporary. Yet in the midst of our current status as strangers and pilgrims in a world that is largely against Jews and Christians, there are important reminders for us of the faithfulness of God in this life.

Hamas Holding Nearly 200 Hostages

Prophecy News Watch
What An Expanded War
In The Middle East Could Look Like

By Mordechai Kedar/ I hesitated quite a bit about whether to publish this piece because of the panic it might cause in Israel. However, in the Middle East environment and particularly in Iraq, these things are known and serve as a topic of open discussion, so it is unthinkable that the Israeli public should not be aware of them as well, especially since they concern Israelis much more than the citizens of Iraq.

A source I've known for years--an expatriate from the Middle East, a supporter of Israel, who lives in Europe and is in continuous contact with people in Iran and Iraq--conveyed to me their assessment that Iran plans to launch a combined attack on Israel in the foreseeable future that will include all the forces at its disposal in several Arab countries:

In Lebanon: Hezbollah and Hamas, with many thousands of missiles, some of them precision-guided, and UAVs.

Stew Peters Network
Palestinians To Invade America & Europe: Breitbart’s Joel Pollock Apologizes For Urging Genocide

Americans continue to be lied to by our leaders concerning lucrative foreign wars in the Middle East that result in an invasion of foreigners to western countries mistakenly called “immigration”.
Five Time World Champion MMA fighter Jake Shields is here to talk about the coming influx of Palestians to western nations because of the devastation of the Gaza strip at the hands of Israel.
Why did so many American conservatives jump off the anti-war bandwagon they were on during the Ukraine/Russia war?
International lawyer And freedom Advocate Reiner Fuellmich Seized By German Government In Mexico

By Leo Hohmann: German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who had been working on a project known as the “Second Nuremburg” to hold the originators of the Covid bioweapon plot accountable, was seized over the weekend by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. He was promptly flown to Germany and arrested.

Fuellmich had reportedly lost his passport and scheduled a visit to the German embassy in Tiajuana, Mexico. When he arrived, German authorities were waiting for him and whisked him onto a plane bound for Munich, Germany, where they then arrested him. He is reportedly now sitting in a jail in Frankfurt. The exact charges remain unclear as of this post. But please be in prayer for Reiner and his family.

Daily Veracity with Vincent James
The Banned Truth About The War In Israel That The Ruling Class Doesn’t Want You Knowing About

Frontpage Mag
Muslim Who Deliberately Drove Into People In California Treated As A Local Crime Story

“Struck Pedestrians And Multiple Vehicles”

By Daniel Greenfield: A landlord stabbing his tenants in Chicago is being treated as a national story because the tenants are Muslim. But a Muslim deliberately driving into people in Long Beach, California, that’s a local crime story.

Even though the FBI is on the scene.

Hagmann Report
The Middle East & Prophetic Events

The David Knight Show
Trump’s Gag Order —
Will Shut Down His Entire Campaign

Synopsis: What is it, what would be the punishment for violating? Although the gag order is narrow it goes to the heart of his campaign.

Natural News
Biden’s $6 Billion Ransom Payment To Iran Motivates Hamas To Take More American Hostages

By Cassie B.: Iran-backed Hamas has been all too eager to take Jewish people hostage in Israel as part of its brutal attacks on the country, but they have 6 billion reasons to take American hostages in particular after Iran got a huge payout as part of a prisoner exchange deal reached with the Biden administration last month.

Under the deal, $6 billion worth of Iran’s assets that had been frozen in South Korea were unfrozen and transferred to bank accounts in Qatar in exchange for the release of five detained Americans. While the Biden administration insists that the money may only be used for humanitarian efforts, it means that a considerable amount of money has been freed up and Iran is now in a better position financially to support the terrorists.

The Ben Armstrong Show
Is China The Puppet Master
Behind The Israeli War?

Synopsis: If China wants America's military distracted and stretched thin, this would be the way to do it. Don't worry about the thousands upon thousands of Chinese special forces entering America through the southern border, they just want some ice cream.

Geller Report
“We Want Them To Cut Off The Heads Of The Jews With Knives.”

By Pamela Geller: Just so that we are clear, Islamic Jew hatred as dictated by Islamic text and teachings is the motive, the root cause of this war against the Jews.

Paul McGuire
The Politics Of
Genetically Engineered Cyborgs!

The Last Refuge
Hamas Claims 250 Hostages Taken During Terrorist Attack – However, Hamas Only Controls 200 and Is Willing to Release the Foreign Nationals

By Sundance: Everything, and I do mean e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g, that comes from the mouth of Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson Abu Obaida, should be viewed through the prism of extremist propaganda. Hamas is doing and saying everything possible to manipulate media and create pressure on Israel in advance of the ground invasion.

That said, Abu Obaida is claiming that “at least” 250 hostages were taken during the terrorist attack on October 7th, yet some of the hostages were not taken by official Hamas groups, but by other members of the Palestinian resistance who crossed the border behind Hamas to retrieve hostages “for their own purposes.”

Jason A
What Is Going On?!

The Common Sense Show
Proof That 5th Column Terrorists Are Entering The U.S. By The Tens Of Thousands

Dr. Steve Turley
RINOs Panic As Patriots Demand
Jim Jordan For Speaker!

A Minute To Midnite
Campfire And Cabin. Life.
Thoughts On What Really Matters

Synopsis: Off grid escape. What things are most important?

Wild Bill For America
America, Bless God Again!
When Violence Comes

Synopsis: Violence is coming to America. Be prepared.

American Military News
Royal Caribbean Sends Cruise Ship To Rescue Americans From Israel

By Richard Tribou - Orlando Sentinel: Royal Caribbean has partnered with the U.S. Department of State to send a cruise ship to Israel to rescue Americans who have not been able to leave the country.

In a letter to employees, Royal Caribbean Group CEO Jason Liberty announced that Rhapsody of the Seas would be used to safely evacuate American citizens. The ship had its sailings in the region canceled after the Hamas attack from Gaza Strip on Israel last week and the Israeli response that has left thousands of Israelis and Palestinians dead.

The State Department said Sunday the number of Americans killed in the conflict since it began has risen to 30, and that it believed several Americans were among the nearly 200 people Hamas kidnapped after the surprise attack on Oct. 7.