Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! October 25, 2023

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
The Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs Calls For ‘Death To All Jews’ Until East Jerusalem Belongs To The Muslims

In a startling revelation, an official document recently published by the supposedly moderate Palestinian Authority is shown to outline explicit calls for the murder of Jews, as it calls on imams to incite violence against Jews in Friday sermons, citing a religious text for Muslims to ‘fight the Jews’ and ‘kill them all’.

One of the big lies circulating right now is that while Hamas may be a deadly terrorist force, the Palestinian people are ‘moderate’ and should not be lumped in together with Hamas. All that sounds good as press bytes in the Liberal media, but the recent discovery of an official document from the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs proves otherwise by a factor of 10. Does ‘kill all the Jews!’ sound very moderate to you?

“Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;” Joel 3:4 (KJV)

This document instructs imams on how best to incite their followers to violence, saying that it is their religious, moral and national duty to do so. It quotes from the Hadith which says ‘ ‘O Muslim, O servant of God, this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’ America needs to immediately stop all aid to the Gaza, and all aid to the Palestinian people until such time as they are willing, as a people, to renounce their demonic hatred of the Jews and their desire to ‘drive Israel into the sea’.

UN, EU Want Ceasefire
Between Israel Aand Hamas

Host Derek Gilbert: The UN and EU back a “pause” in fighting between Israel and Hamas to allow aid into Gaza. The US isn’t likely to support the idea, but the Biden administration has reportedly pressured Israel to allow more time to negotiate release of hostages.

5) Hamas now believed to hold as many as 222 hostages;

4) Pro-Palestinian protests in U.S. look like BLM protests of three years ago;

3) FY 2023 sets record of 3.2 million illegal migrant encounters with Border Patrol;

2) Green energy activists oppose the mining and construction needed to achieve their clean energy goals;

1) Homeless sex offender in San Francisco allowed to camp next to elementary school with sign offering “free fentanyl 4 new users.”

Prophecy News Watch
Biden’s Demands Could Delay Israel’s Ability To Win War Quickly

By Caroline Glick/ In nearly every statement and speech U.S. President Joe Biden gave during his brief sojourn in Tel Aviv, he insisted that Hamas does not represent the Palestinians and that the Palestinian Authority is their true representative. The P.A., the president insisted, does not share Hamas's goal of eradicating the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Biden foresees a future where the P.A. is in charge of the Gaza Strip, and Israel agrees to a Palestinian state in Gaza, as well as in Judea and Samaria.

On Friday morning, the P.A. provided guidance to its mosque preachers ahead of its weekly services. They were told to declare war on Israel and join the jihad whose goal is the annihilation of the Jewish state and people.

As HaKol HaYehudi news service and Regavim's research department revealed in a joint release, the P.A.'s guidance read: "We call upon our Palestinian people: The preservation of public and personal property is a religious and moral national duty ... our Palestinian people ... cannot raise a white flag until the occupation [aka Israel] is removed and the independent Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital."

Stew Peters Network
WRONGTHINK: Don’t Be Fooled, Sleeper Cells Were Always Part Of The Plan

Synopsis: Con Inc. is freaking out because Joe Biden is on vacation while the threat of war looms, and America faces the fact that we already have terrorists in our country. It's all fake outrage and shock. The truth is, not only is he not presiding over this country anyway, but the plan to destroy this country is already in place. The Obiden regime fulfilled their duty long ago. We've been doomed for quite some time.
Consumed By Hubris, U.S. Military-Undustrial Complex Looks Ready To Step Right Into A Trap Laid By Russia And China That Will Forever Change The World For You And Your Children/Grandchildren

By Leo Hohmann: John Helmer, in a brilliant article for the Burning Platform, has put together the best analysis I’ve seen about the military maneuvering going on right now in the Middle East. If this article doesn’t make it real that we are teetering on a razor’s edge of full-blown World War III, then nothing will. You suffer from a hopeless case of normalcy bias and I can’t help you.

Both sides are engaged in a high-stakes game of chess, and one miscalculation by either side at this point leads to full-on war between the world’s two most heavily armed nuclear superpowers and their allies — U.S./U.K./NATO/Canada/Australia vs. China/Russia/Iran/North Korea. Two wildcards in this clashing of worldviews are Turkey and India. Nobody really knows for sure how these two very formidable nations, one Muslim the other Hindu, will act when the missles (conventional and otherwise) start to fly and the bodies start to pile up.

Hagmann Report
Iran, Middle East, The U.S. Dollar Outlook, Inflation, U.S. Economic Situation & Future

Frontpage Mag
CBP Warns Of Hamas And Hezbollah Fighters On Southwest Border

“Military Age Males” With “Weapons” And “Insignia Patches” Of Hamas, Hezbollah, And Islamic Jihad

By Daniel Greenfield: Having an open border also means having a big target on our backs. Beyond the millions of invaders, a more motivated group might decide to take a shot.

And this CBP memo raises some serious questions.

Lisa Haven
WW3 RED ALERT! Troops & Ships Deployed From All Sides! Prepare…Sleeper Cells!

Geller Report
Secretary General Defends Hamas Atrocities,
Endorses Genocide, Blames Israel

By Pamela Geller: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres accused Israel of violating international law in its retaliation against the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip and called for an immediate truce that would leave the terrorist organization in power after it massacred over 1,400 Israelis in the worst mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust.

The Israeli UN ambassador demands UN secretary-general resign after shocking speech.

The horrible irony of all this is the UN was founded over seventy years ago in the wake of the Holocaust to ensure “never again.” Democracies, both nascent and well-established, comprised the majority of the founding nations of the UN. America was confident that the UN would be an organization which would work in tandem with American national interests in promoting the welfare of humankind and the basic rights of every human spirit.

Wretched Watchmen
The Watchtower Clip Synopsis (Not Affiliated With JW): The end times is an insane time... Whether it's government policy, advancement in technology or just the downright illogical mindset of society, these times are absurd... One of the most absurd is the alphabet community supporting Palestine without even thinking of how Palestine respond to their lifestyle...

Natural News
HPV Vaccines Are Loaded With Toxic Ingredients, Including An “Upgraded” Version Of Aluminum

By Ethan Huff: One of the reasons why human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines like Gardasil (Merck & Co.) are so dangerous and deadly has to do with an "upgraded" version of a toxin they contain, the harms of which have been covered up by unethical studies for the past 90 years.

That "upgraded" ingredient is aluminum, and its serious toxicity really came to light back in August 2006 when an outbreak of bluetongue disease, caused by the bluetongue virus (BTV) started appearing in sheep and spreading across Europe.

It turns out that this outbreak led to a compulsory European vaccination campaign that ran from 2007 through 2010. A "new-and-improved" BTV vaccine was introduced during that time that contained aluminum (Al) in doses of 2.08 milligrams (mg) per millimeter of injection fluid, which functioned as an adjuvant.

The Ben Armstrong Show
How Did Hamas Pull This Attack Off? Whistleblowers Say China

Synopsis: How did Hamas have so much success and how is it that they seem to have an endless supply of weapons?

The David Knight Show
New Zealand 30 People Jabbed
Same Day, Die At Same Time Interval

Synopsis: The country that had the MOST draconian jab mandates.

Paul McGuire
Transforming Reality
Into Something Sinister!

The Common Sense Show
We’re In The 72 Hour ‘Calm Before The Storm’ - Consolidation Is Nearing Completion

Dr. Steve Turley
Liberals Are Turning Against The Woke Left And Embracing Trump!

Wild Bill For America
America, Bless God Again!
Inventing The Palestinians

Synopsis: The truth about the Palestinians and Israel.

American Military News
Video: Christian Beaten By ‘Pro-Hamas’ Protesters While Escorting Jews

By Timothy Frudd: A mob of pro-Palestinian supporters attacked two Turning Point USA workers and violently beat a Christian man who was escorting an elderly Jewish couple in Skokie, Illinois, on Sunday.

According to The Jerusalem Post, the violent attacks against the Turning Point USA workers occurred as pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli rallies took place at the same time on Sunday near Chicago.

Peter Christos, a Turning Point USA employee, posted a video on X, formerly Twitter, that identified him as the man being violently attacked by pro-Palestinian supporters.