Friday, October 6, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! October 6, 2023

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Months After A Bill Gates Funded Malaria Vaccine Administered In Kenya, 90 School Kids Begin Exhibiting ‘Unexplained Paralysis’, Coincidence?

90 schoolgirls in Kenya develop mysterious paralysis months after first-ever malaria vaccine funded by Bill Gates started shipping to Africa

On July 5th of 2023, the World Health Organization reported that 18 million doses of a ‘first-ever’ malaria vaccine had been allocated to 12 African countries, in a 2-year rollout. Further down in that same article, it noted that the source of these vaccines come from GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, a group funded and started by Bill Gates. Who is the world’s largest private donor to the WHO? Bill Gates.

“So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof.” 2 Kings 4:40 (KJV)

Back in 2020, we reported to you about the protests taking place in Africa where the people there rejected a COVID vaccine from the GAVI Alliance, because they knew it was no good. They were right. We also showed you how a polio vaccine, funded by Bill Gates, actually caused a polio outbreak in Africa. Here in 2023, nearly 100 schoolgirls in Kenya all developed paralysis with ‘unexplained symptoms’, I think those symptoms have a very simple and easy to understand explanation. Bill Gates.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 10.05.23

Synopsis: “Language Warning”

Harbingers Daily
Doctrines Of Demons:
Bent On Indoctrinating Young Minds

By Decision Magazine: Colossians‬ ‭2:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬ – “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

The Apostle Paul’s warning in Colossians 2:8 couldn’t be more urgent for today’s world. The very essence of God’s creative order and divine purpose is being warped by radicals plotting vain things that run counter to God and His unchanging Word. What is male and female? What is a family? What does it even mean to be human? The question has never been whether or not human beings, especially young people, are going to be challenged by deceptive doctrines. The question has always been, will God’s people be faithful in their generation?

The news hit without warning: “I’ve decided I am an atheist.” The son, 18 and looking forward to his freshman year in college, had experienced a Christian education from kindergarten on. The family was faithful in a Bible-honoring, healthy church. Despite all of his parents’ efforts and prayer over 18 years, he had fallen prey to the “empty deceit” of popular atheism found in writers such as Sam Harris and the late Christopher Hitchens.

McCarthy Out; Who's Next?

Host Derek Gilbert: Kevin McCarthy was ousted as Speaker of the House Tuesday. Who will replace him is unclear, but the process should be entertaining.

5) Kevin McCarthy out as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi evicted from office in the Capitol;

4) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. may run for president as independent;

3) Meta using Facebook, Instagram posts to train AI;

2) EV owner in Glasgow kidnapped by his car;

1) Retired Australian couple books 51 back-to-back cruises because it’s cheaper than living in retirement home..

Prophecy News Watch
Prophetic Partners - The Russian/Turkey Alliance Deepens

By Burak Bekdil/Gatestone Institute: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is trying to get the most from Turkey's theoretical Western allies while in reality allying with Russian President Vladimir Putin - like sort of a Muslim Fidel Castro.

In an article published last month, this author suggested:

"Once again, Western optimists are misreading Erdoğan, that he is 'rekindling fraught relations with the West.' He just needs Western money, a few pats on the shoulder and legitimacy for his sultanship."

The New York Times, in an editorial, woke up and agreed...

The Last Refuge
Newt Gingrich, Hillary Clinton And
Mark Levin Are All Apoplectic That
Kevin McCarthy Has Been Removed

By Sundance: In what can only be compared to the prior mask dropping by conservatives when Donald Trump announced in 2015 that he would build a wall to stop illegal immigration, Matt Gaetz has triggered a similar round of revelations as New Gingrich, Hillary Clinton and Mark Levin all align against the removal of Kevin McCarthy.

The only common thread that binds all three is Ukraine and money. Funny how the personal economics of the thing always seems to surface when contrast against policy.

Stew Peters Network
Pope Clears Way To Bless Sodomy: Francis Caves & Is Open To Approving Gay Marriages

Synopsis: Is the Pope going soft on gay marriage? Recent headlines surrounding the Pope state he has weakened the Vatican's ban of blessing gay marriages, causing a lot of turmoil not only in the church but for church leaders around the world fighting each day to represent strongly against such sin. In a world where open sin and blasphemy are being treated as the upmost good, representatives of Christ and the virtues presented in Scripture are hard pressed to share, protect and uphold the truth. 5 Conservative cardinals asked for clarity on the pontiff's stance on the issue that continues to divide the Catholic faith, the Pope responding with the motion to bless same-sex marriages. Michael Hichborn is the founder and president of the Lepanto Institute has spent spent seven and a half years as American Life League’s Director of the Defend the Faith project.

Frontpage Mag
Shoot Up At IRS Nonprofit Crackhouses
The IRS Decided That Drug Dens Should Have Tax-exempt Status

By Daniel Greenfield: The Department of Justice has spent years in litigation with Safehouse. The Philly based nonprofit wants to run a ‘crackhouse’ where addicts can use drugs under ‘supervision’.

‘Safe injection sites’ have become popular with pro-crime policymakers but, like a lot of drug-based efforts, are illegal at a federal level. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 makes it a crime to “knowingly open, lease, rent, use, or maintain any place, whether permanently or temporarily, for the purpose of manufacturing, distributing, or using any controlled substance” punishable by a fine of $2 million and as much as 20 years in prison.

“The issue is that people who are addicted to narcotics, that get to heroin, are no different than anyone with high blood pressure, or diabetes, or cancer,” Mayor Jim Kenney argued in defense of the crackhouse. “We don’t question the fact that people go for treatment for these diseases.”

End Of The American Dream
Putin Warns That When Russia Nukes America “There Is No Chance Of Survival” And “There Will Be No Single Enemy Left”

By Michael Snyder: The Russians are feverishly preparing to fight a nuclear war, but our leaders continue to insist that nuclear war is not a threat because the Russians would never use their nuclear weapons against us no matter how much we may provoke them. In fact, I was just reading an article on the official NATO website that was authored by a former U.S. defense official in which he openly admitted that he is assuming “that the war in Ukraine will end without Russian nuclear use”. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin continues to make public statements about nuking America. This week, he told the entire world that there will be “no chance of survival” once he launches his nuclear missiles at us…

Geller Report
Teachers’ Union Wants Homeless People To Sleep On Public School Grounds

By Pamela Geller: Yes, that would be wonderful for the children. A real life learning opportunity – drugs, crime, sexual violence up close and personal.

Teachers Unions are our children’s worst enemy.

The Ben Armstrong Show
Can Anything Be Done to Save America?

Synopsis: A nation that has fallen would have rigged elections, an out of control government, and a 2 tier justice system. This is America today! If it was any other nation you would say it has fallen. Why is America still limping along? Can anything be done to save it? I answer those questions in this video.

The David Knight Show
“Crypto King” Has Lost the Password to — HIS DOG

Synopsis: Biographer says Sam Bankman-Fried doesn't know the password for his dog that's been trained to kill on command! — oops!

Dr. Steve Turley
Humiliated Biden Forced To Build The Wall!!!

Natural News
87-Year-Old Woman Gets Prison Time For Criticizing Invading Migrants Who Commit Violence

By Cassie B.: An 87-year-old German woman is going to prison after speaking out on social media against migrants and asylum seekers, some of whom commit atrocities such as rape and murder.

The woman, who had gone into hiding for several months following her conviction and sentencing, was apprehended by authorities in Rothenburg and transferred to a correctional facility to serve out her sentence.

A court in the town of Verden convicted her last year based on two posts she made on Facebook that they said incited violence against migrants to Germany. An appeal court in Rothenburg later upheld the ruling. She was sentenced to eight months in prison.

Greg Reese
Nobel Peace Prize For Shot That Killed Over A Hundred Thousand American Children

Synopsis: The perpetrators of this mass murder remain free, pushing for round two, and awarding themselves the Nobel Peace Prize.