Friday, November 24, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! November 24, 2023

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Latest Videos & Breaking News 11.23.23

Synopsis: “Language Warning”

Harbingers Daily
When The Intent Is To Mislead…
People Can Use The Bible To Justify Any Position They Want

Linker Note: Text Without Context Is Pretext

By Ken Ham: People can use the bible to justify any position they want when they take words out of context, or read into the text what is not there.

On April 22, 2014, a new attack on the reliability and perspicuity of Scripture was released. “God and the Gay Christian” was a book that sought to teach readers that the Bible condones living a monogamous homosexual lifestyle. That attack continues today in the church.

The author was Matthew Vines, openly homosexual man and a professing Christian. Being an openly practicing homosexual and claiming to be a Christian often means the person has an agenda to attempt to make the Words of Scripture fit with his worldview. This was certainly the case with Matthew Vines. His attitude toward Scripture was like that of Christians who believe in evolution and millions of years, and thus reinterpret the clear words of Genesis to fit their already held beliefs. It is compromise right down the line. We do pray the church realizes this!

Sadly, a number of Christian leaders offered their praise of Vines’s book.

Dr. Steve Turley
Christianity Declared Necessary In Politics!

Geller Report
Genocidal Jew-Haters Try To Shut Down Iconic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade By Gluing Themselves To Parade Path

By Pamela Geller: Pro-Hamas Jew-haters have glued their hands to 6th Avenue, disrupting the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, floats, bands and balloons are being diverted.

Emulating climate terrorists. By this time, law enforcement should have plenty of acetone (to break the seal) on hand. That, or go full on sharia (seeing as they support it so violently) and chop off their hands.

These annihilationists ruin everything, every happy thing. That’s all they do. They destroy everything that’s good about America.

Hope For Our Times
These Seven Things Are Coming!
Be Prepared!

Frontpage Mag
How Obama is Running America’s Response to Oct. 7

“They hold the Iran file.”

By Lloyd Billingsley: Like Robert Spencer, many people wonder why Joe Biden and his henchmen “are considering sending $10 billion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the chief funder of Hamas.” David Samuels had some thoughts on the subject in “The Obama Factor,” a landmark Tablet interview with David Garrow, author of Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.

“Why are they still fixated on Iran after the Iran deal failed, it’s premises are exploded?” wonders Samuels, Tablet’s literary editor. “I don’t follow the Iranian stuff super carefully,” Garrow replied, “but I have been puzzled at the Biden administration’s continuing attachment to the Iran deal.” Samuels is on to it.

“The easy explanation, of course, is that Joe Biden is not running that part of his administration. Obama is. He doesn’t even have to pick up the phone because all of his people are already inside the White House. They hold the Iran file. Tony Blinken doesn’t.”

“Rob Malley was the guy on that,” Garrow recalls.

The Common Sense Show
The Destruction Of American Cities Is Intentional! Please Share This Obvious Truth

Jihad Watch
Greece: Muslim Migrant Strangles
17-Year-Old Girlfriend To Death

“She Kept Cursing Me And Muhammad”

By Robert Spencer: “Pakistani receives life sentence for murder of 17-year-old Greek girl: ‘She cursed Muhammad,'” Greek City Times, November 23, 2023:

A Minute To Midnite
Trust And Betrayal In The World Of
The Digital Beast

Synopsis: Messages from both Tony and Holly in regards to what is occurring in today’s dystopian world. Betrayal in the world requires us to trust more in God.

Life News
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Signs Radical Bill Allowing Partial-Birth Abortions

By Steven Ertelt: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signed a suite of extreme pro-abortion bills to enact the radical promises established by the passage of Prop 3. The measures remove the partial-birth abortion ban, eliminate health and safety standards for abortion facilities required for any other medical facility, and allow abortion facilities to conceal information from women about risks and complications. Right to Life of Michgan president Barb Listing condemned the signings in comments to LifeNews