Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! November 8, 2023

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
As War Rages In The Middle East, French President Emmanuel Macron To Lead 2023 Paris Peace Forum That’s Working Towards Global Government

Emmanuel Macron preparing to head the 2023 Paris Peace Forum where all eyes will be on what to do about Israel and the Palestinians as war in Gaza rages on

The idea for the Paris Peace Forum was initiated in 2017 by the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, during his speech at the Ambassadors’ Conference where he ‘called for the need to take concrete steps to strengthen multilateralism and preserve peace’. Wow, that’s quite ambitious for a brand-new president to undertake, especially one that had zero prior political experience. Not only that, but 2017 was also the year that Emmanuel Macron said his desire was to ‘rule over France like the god Jupiter’. So far, so good I would say. You will notice that the official logo for the forum is the universal symbol for 666, as you see in the left side of the main image.

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV)

Macron’s Paris Peace Forum has a number of state goals, and all of them that sound exactly like when Klaus Schwab is talking about the Great Reset. Maybe that’s because Emmanuel Macron was one of Schwab’s hand-picked Young Global Leaders and was put in power by him through that program.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 11.07.23

Synopsis: “Language Warning”

Harbingers Daily
Creating Families Counter To God’s Design Is Wrong And Harmful To Children

By Ken Ham: Do adults have a right to have children? That’s an important question to consider in our day of reproductive technologies and growing numbers of LGBTQ couples. Consider a recent BBC news article titled “The ‘gay tax’ facing same-sex couples starting a family.” What does this mean?

Well, according to the article:
In England, the NHS will fund in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) for heterosexual couples who have been trying for a baby unsuccessfully for at least two years and meet certain other criteria such as age and weight.

But same-sex couples are often expected to demonstrate their infertility before the NHS will fund IVF – and to do so must pay privately for between three and 12 rounds of artificial insemination.

Couples say they have spent more than £20,000 [$24,000] on the treatment.
In other words, because these lesbian couples are not following God’s design of marriage as one man for one woman, they cannot naturally get pregnant in their relationship, but before the UK government will pay the hefty price tag for these couples to try IVF (a reproductive technology that involves creating babies in a petri dish and implanting usually only some of them in a womb), the government requires a couple to “demonstrate their infertility” by trying (and paying for) multiple rounds of intrauterine insemination first. This has been labeled by some activists as a “gay tax,” and one of the women in the stories the BBC shared said her discovery of this requirement was “the one time in my life I’ve felt discriminated against.”

Who’s Funding the Protests?

Host Derek Gilbert: Billionaire George Soros has sent $15 million to groups behind the pro-Hamas protests in the U.S.. Ironically, criticism of Soros is characterized as “antisemitic” because Soros is Jewish.

5) Soros finances groups demonstrating on behalf of Hamas;

4) Iran’s long game;;

3) Debunked “Khazarian Jews” conspiracy theory makes a comeback;

2) Highly pathogenic avian flu hits poultry farms in Oklahoma, Alabama;

1) Indianapolis woman botches her own hate crime.

Prophecy News Watch
America’s Misguided Plan —
The ‘Two-State’ Solution To Murder Jews

By Bassam Tawil/gatestone Institute: Since Hamas's October 7 massacre, thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank have been taking to the streets almost on a daily basis to voice support for the Iran-backed terrorist group based in the Gaza Strip.

This is the same West Bank that the Biden administration and many Westerners are hoping will be part of a future Palestinian state next to Israel. Those who continue to promote the dangerous idea of a "two-state solution" are ignoring the fact that Hamas is sitting not only in the Gaza Strip, but in the West Bank as well.

Bizarrely, President Joe Biden and some Western leaders are continuing to talk about the need for establishing a sovereign and independent Palestinian state, even after the Hamas atrocities in October. What they are actually saying is: Now that Hamas has used the Gaza Strip to invade Israel and slaughter Jews, let's give this Islamist terror group the West Bank so it, too, can use it to butcher Jews.

Forbes Breaking News
Trump Drops The Hammer On DeSantis On His Own Turf At Florida Freedom Summit

Synopsis: Former President Trump slams Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) in raucous remarks to the Florida Freedom Summit.
Islam Is Getting Restless At Home And Abroad, And Tthe U.S. Government Loves It

Attacks On U.S. Assets Domestically And Overseas Are All Part Of A Broader Plan To Destabilize, Divide, Demoralize And Deconstruct The Waning American Empire

By Leo Hohmann: In case you haven’t noticed — and I’ll forgive you if you’ve checked out in need of a respite from the continuous barrage of insane “news” recently — the barbarians are inside the gates and they’re getting restless.

On Saturday night in D.C., tens of thousands of useful idiots stormed the White House gates, spread feces and fake blood all over, defaced statues, and generally were out of control in showing their support for the Hamas butchers. I doubt many of them realize exactly who or what they are supporting but it must have felt good so they did it. People, especially young people, are angry. And angry people are easily manipulated through their emotions.

The Ben Armstrong Show
The Vax Changes Your Heart’s Metabolism and an Increase in Cardiac Arrest

Synopsis: Dr. Peter McCullough talks about disturbing new studies on the vaccine. Dr Robert Malone says there is no evidence that the current boosters are "safe and effective" against the dominant HV.1 variant.

Frontpage Mag
69-Year-Old Jewish Man Killed By
Terror Supporter At Los Angeles Rally

Terrorist Supporters Are Bringing Terror To America

By Daniel Greenfield: There’s nothing peaceful about pro-terror rallies. It’s no wonder that violence accompanies the pro-Hamas crowd, whether it’s the assaults on Capitol police officers during the pro-Hamas insurrection, bottles thrown at police at a pro-Hamas rally in Brooklyn, or this killing in Los Angeles, terrorist supporters keep showing that they’re terrorists.

A Minute To Midnite
How should we Respond to the Escalating Middle East War?

Synopsis: Joanie Stahl joins Tony K to discuss the division and polarization occurring as a result of the Israel vs Hamas war, and the widening of the war into other countries.