Crosstalk America Christian Radio

News Roundup & Comment
Synopsis: Below are some of the highlights from Jim’s look at news events from our nation and around the world. Stories included:
• A 53 year old Israeli taxi driver who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th has been murdered. His body is still held by Hamas in Gaza.
• IDF soldiers on Tuesday recovered one of the largest stockpiles of weapons belonging to Hamas, again showing how Hamas uses Palestinian citizens as human shields.
• A compromise 900 billion dollar defense bill doesn’t contain any restrictions on paying for military members traveling to get an abortion, nor does the bill block coverage of transition surgeries for transgenders and hormone treatments.
• The Israeli security minister says his ministry is now approving up to 3,000 gun applications per day.
• The Biden administration is considering getting behind new restrictions on who can seek asylum and an expanded deportation process to secure new aid for Ukraine and Israel in the supplemental funding bill.
• A young, male, African migrant expressed his gratitude to President Biden for the opportunity at a better life in the U.S. Jim provided the audio.
• President Putin of Russia arrived in the Middle East where he’s meeting with the leaders of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to shore up support from the major oil producers.
• The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill to reform FISA.
• The U.N. Human Rights Bureaucracy released a scathing report last month slamming America as a bastion of horrors.
• Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be retiring from Congress at the end of this year.
• Representative Marjorie Taylor Green has introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden.
• In a report on the status of their investigation released Tuesday, House Republicans claim that the Department of Justice is preventing two, would-be whistleblowers from testifying in the Biden impeachment investigations.
• Banks filed at least six reports concerning Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings that flagged President Joe Biden’s home address in Delaware and raised concerns about criminal activity involving money laundering or human trafficking, according to a U.S. Senator who investigated the first-family’s finances for years.
• Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine charges including 3 felonies for allegedly failing to file taxes, evading an assessment and filing a fraudulent form.
• FBI Director Christopher Wray was grilled in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday with Senator Ted Cruz questioning Wray about the actions he was taking at the FBI, noting that he was concerned about how the DOJ has become deeply politicized under Attorney General Merrick Garland and that the FBI has become so as well. Jim provided audio from the exchange.
• A 53 year old Israeli taxi driver who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th has been murdered. His body is still held by Hamas in Gaza.
• IDF soldiers on Tuesday recovered one of the largest stockpiles of weapons belonging to Hamas, again showing how Hamas uses Palestinian citizens as human shields.
• A compromise 900 billion dollar defense bill doesn’t contain any restrictions on paying for military members traveling to get an abortion, nor does the bill block coverage of transition surgeries for transgenders and hormone treatments.
• The Israeli security minister says his ministry is now approving up to 3,000 gun applications per day.
• The Biden administration is considering getting behind new restrictions on who can seek asylum and an expanded deportation process to secure new aid for Ukraine and Israel in the supplemental funding bill.
• A young, male, African migrant expressed his gratitude to President Biden for the opportunity at a better life in the U.S. Jim provided the audio.
• President Putin of Russia arrived in the Middle East where he’s meeting with the leaders of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to shore up support from the major oil producers.
• The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill to reform FISA.
• The U.N. Human Rights Bureaucracy released a scathing report last month slamming America as a bastion of horrors.
• Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be retiring from Congress at the end of this year.
• Representative Marjorie Taylor Green has introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden.
• In a report on the status of their investigation released Tuesday, House Republicans claim that the Department of Justice is preventing two, would-be whistleblowers from testifying in the Biden impeachment investigations.
• Banks filed at least six reports concerning Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings that flagged President Joe Biden’s home address in Delaware and raised concerns about criminal activity involving money laundering or human trafficking, according to a U.S. Senator who investigated the first-family’s finances for years.
• Hunter Biden has been indicted on nine charges including 3 felonies for allegedly failing to file taxes, evading an assessment and filing a fraudulent form.
• FBI Director Christopher Wray was grilled in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday with Senator Ted Cruz questioning Wray about the actions he was taking at the FBI, noting that he was concerned about how the DOJ has become deeply politicized under Attorney General Merrick Garland and that the FBI has become so as well. Jim provided audio from the exchange.
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Jason A
Something Biblical Is Happening Worldwide!
Harbingers Daily

People Are Using Israel’s War With Hamas As An Excuse To Hate Jews
By Hal Lindsey: The world finds excuses to hate Jews. People across the globe are blaming individual Jews for Israel’s war on Hamas. Even Jews who do not support the invasion of Gaza are being blamed for it. On US college campuses, Jewish students are threatened, harassed, and no longer feel safe. Hate crime against Muslims is on the rise, but it’s even worse for Jews. The Bible says that this tendency toward Jew-hatred would get worse in the end times. And we’re seeing it right now.
You may have heard about the Williamsburg, Virginia street festival canceling a Hanukkah-related menorah lighting ceremony. After receiving criticism for the snub, festival organizers told the press that they rejected the menorah lighting because they have a policy against any kind of religious ceremony. But in an email to the rabbi who was supposed to have conducted the lighting, they said they would allow it if an Islamic group also took part. So, apparently, religious expression is okay if it includes Muslims.
You may have heard about the Williamsburg, Virginia street festival canceling a Hanukkah-related menorah lighting ceremony. After receiving criticism for the snub, festival organizers told the press that they rejected the menorah lighting because they have a policy against any kind of religious ceremony. But in an email to the rabbi who was supposed to have conducted the lighting, they said they would allow it if an Islamic group also took part. So, apparently, religious expression is okay if it includes Muslims.
Prophecy News Watch

The Spiritual Reason Democrats Call Christians ‘A Bigger Threat Than Al-Qaeda’
By Ben Johnson/The Washington Stand: Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville made headlines over the weekend, when he accused Speaker of the House Mike Johnson of being a "Christian nationalist" who poses "a bigger threat than al-Qaeda." But Carville's calumniations served a deeper purpose: They point out the profound spiritual void that causes liberal politicos to dehumanize faithful Christians for believing in eternal, pre-political morals.
"Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States. I promise you, I know these people," Carville raged on the "Overtime" segment of Bill Maher's HBO show, which (confusingly) airs on CNN.
"You're talking about Christian nationalism," said Maher.
"This is a bigger threat than al-Qaeda to this country," asserted Carville.
"Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States. I promise you, I know these people," Carville raged on the "Overtime" segment of Bill Maher's HBO show, which (confusingly) airs on CNN.
"You're talking about Christian nationalism," said Maher.
"This is a bigger threat than al-Qaeda to this country," asserted Carville.
Stew Peters Network
Debunking the Lies: Climate Change Is Class Warfare Repackaged
Debunking the Lies: Climate Change Is Class Warfare Repackaged
Synopsis: The UN Climate Summit just proved how classist the climate change agenda really is. The truth is, global warming is a hoax & they are using it to stoke class warfare.
Geller Report

New Survey Shows That The Students Who Hate Israel The Most Know
The Least About It
The Least About It
By Pamela Geller: The Left’s Long March Through the Institutions has been a resounding success. Most of our nation’s colleges and universities, including — indeed, especially — those who enjoy an outsize influence on American politics and culture, have long ago ceased to be centers of higher learning and have become centers of far-Left indoctrination. Marxist sloganeering and agitprop masquerades as genuine intellectual inquiry, and so it’s no wonder that once American youth graduate from their once-renowned institutions, they happily take jobs in government or social media that involve stripping free speech and self-defense rights from Americans. They also hate Jews and Israel, in large numbers. But in emblematic of what American academia has become is the fact that those who hate Israel the most know the least about it.
Greg Reese
Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake
Synopsis: A brief look at why millions of people question the Apollo moon landings.
End Of The American Dream

Pastor John Kilpatrick Just Issued An Ominous Prophetic Warning About What Is Coming That You Must Hear
By Michael Snyder: For only the third time in his 53 year ministry, Pastor John Kilpatrick has issued an urgent prophetic warning to the public. The first warning came just before 9/11, the second warning came just before the COVID pandemic, and now this new warning is the third one. Kilpatrick has ominously declared that “the land is going to manifest the sins that are proliferating” in our nation. He says that there will be problems with “earthquakes”, “volcanoes” and “the weather”. Of course this lines up perfectly with what Perry Stone was just shown and with what I warn about in my latest books. Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we will soon witness unprecedented shaking.
If you have not seen Kilpatrick’s new prophetic warning yet, you can view it right here…
If you have not seen Kilpatrick’s new prophetic warning yet, you can view it right here…