Saturday, December 2, 2023

Perilous Times Are Here! December 2, 2023

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The Economic Collapse
The Significance Of America’s Fallen National Christmas Tree

By Michael Snyder: America’s National Christmas Tree fell down this week. That tree is the most important national symbol of our most important national holiday. The National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony has been performed every year since 1923, and so the falling of the tree has happened as we approach the centennial anniversary of this tradition. Do you think that this was just a coincidence? I certainly don’t. I believe that the downing of the most important national symbol of our most important national holiday is significant. On Tuesday, a very powerful gust of wind knocked the 40 foot tree completely to the ground…
The National Christmas Tree near the White House was knocked over Tuesday when strong winds roared through the Washington area.

The National Park Service said the 40-foot tree from Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia fell over during a strong wind gust.
Interestingly, the tree had already been replaced in 2023, because the first one had “developed a fungus”…

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 12.01.23

Harbingers Daily
‘Internet of Trust’: Inside the United Nations Plan to Control Speech Online

By Alex Newman: A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories,” sparking alarm among free-speech advocates and top U.S. lawmakers.

In its 59-page report released this month, the U.N. Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) outlined a series of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.”

This approach includes the imposition of global policies, through institutions such as governments and businesses, designed to stop the spread of various forms of speech while promoting objectives such as “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.”

In particular, the U.N. agency aims to create an “Internet of Trust” by targeting what it calls “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.”

The Hamas Hostage Strategy

Host Derek Gilbert: A Hamas official told Türkiye’s TRT yesterday that Israeli hostages will be held until all of the estimated 4,700 Palestinian prisoners in Israel are released, meaning the 3–1 ratio of prisoners for hostages will end soon.

5) Israeli news reports UN aid worker among Gazan civilians who held Israeli hostages;

4) Yemen trying to blow up Israel-Hamas conflict into regional war;

3) Henry Kissinger dead at age 100;

2) Mysterious pneumonia in China;

1) Special prosecutor demands Trump’s Twitter records, including names of all users who liked or retweeted Trump’s tweets.

Prophecy News Watch
Prophecy Expert Warns ‘God Is Testing The Nations Right Now’

By Suzanne Bowdey/Washington Stand: As more hostages walk out of their underground jail to freedom, the rosy picture of Hamas's "gentle" treatment is starting to unravel. While 85-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz praised her captors back in October for the regular food, medical care, and beds, others tell a different story. Twelve-year-old Eitan Yahalomi was "tortured during his confinement," his grandmother says -- "beaten, forced at gunpoint to watch videos of Hamas atrocities, and threatened with death when he and other children cried." Left by himself in darkness for 16 days, Eitan has trouble speaking now.

Nine-year-old Emily Ward, whose dad made headlines for his profound relief that she was thought dead and not in terrorists' hands (only to learn his worst fears had come true), tells reporters that he has trouble hearing her since her release. After bear-hugging the daughter he thought was gone forever, Thomas admitted, the "most shocking, disturbing part of meeting her was she was just whispering. I couldn't hear her. I had to put my ear on her lips, like this close and say, 'What did you say?'"

The full picture of nightmares, we may never know. But, as former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) major Amir Tsarfati points out, we know enough. These were "unspeakable crimes against humanity," he insisted, "... performed by bloodthirsty people that have no regard [for] human life and have no intention to have any peace with us at all. ... And Israel, for the longest time, tried to appease them by giving them jobs within Israel, by allowing money to flow in -- but this monster rose one morning and tried to devour us."

Stew Peters Network
Military Pilot Heart Failure Up 973%?! Explosive New Data From DOD
Leaked By Active Military

Life News
FBI Dragged Catholic Family From Home At Gunpoint Over 15-Year-Old Son’s Memes

By CatholicVote: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reportedly used force to remove a traditionalist Catholic family from their home and place them in a locked van after their 15-year-old child posted “offensive memes” online.

The boy’s father alleged that his minor son had fallen into a trap set by the FBI as part of their exposed targeting of so-called “radical traditional Catholics.”

Debra Heine of American Greatness reported Tuesday that the Rufini family “was allegedly ‘dragged out of their home at gunpoint, handcuffed and locked in a van’ earlier this year.”

Heine also indicated that “the FBI’s aggressive ‘investigation’ only resulted in a misdemeanor conviction against the boy for breach of peace, but financially devastated the family with substantial legal expenses.”

The Ben Armstrong Show
Will The Unethical War On Trump
In The Courts Backfire?

Synopsis: A Two-Tiered Justice System is how liberals think they can stop Trump, but will it backfire. Watch the video for more.

Geller Report
MAINE: City Removes Chanukah Display After Muslims Complain

By Pamela Geller: Anything Jewish bothers Muslims, and everyone submits. It’s racist and bigoted and unAmerican. And whee are the large counter-protests? If anyone removed a Ramadan display because non-Muslims complained (which has never happened) there would be blood in the streets. It’s only a matter of time before only Eid decorations will be allowed.

It is astonishing how Muslims use Islamic slaughter of the unbeliever to impose more sharia, more Islamization on Western societies. Who saw that coming after 9/11?

The world lives in fear of offending the hypersensitivities of the ummah (the Muslim world).

Jerusalem Dateline
War Resumes In Gaza
Synopsis: In a time where the world’s attention is riveted on events in the Middle East, CBN viewers have come to appreciate Chris Mitchell’s timely reports from this explosive region of the world. Mitchell brings a Biblical and prophetic perspective to these daily news events that shape our world.

Natural News
Anonymous Airline Pilot Exposes Chemtrail Operation In The U.K.

By Lance D Johnson: In a recent interview with Drake Michigan host Ant Critchley, an anonymous airline pilot of 34 years spoke about a government chemtrail operation in the United Kingdom. He claims the operation imports transporter aircraft from the U.S. and utilizes multiple shell companies to profit from clandestine experiments in the skies. The anonymous pilot has flown more than 26 different aircraft types and has worked for the military and on commercial airlines. He once considered chemtrails to be conspiracy theory, but recent experiences have changed his views.

After a detailed investigation, he claims the chemtrailing aircraft operate out of Newquay, Southampton, Stansted, Teesside, Prestwick and Liverpool airports, and spray chemtrails across Cornwall, a county in South West England, as well as the cities of London, Birmingham, Glasgow and Manchester.

The anonymous pilot was first made aware of chemtrails years ago when a first officer brought the matter of geoengineering and weather modification to his attention. At the time, chemtrails sounded like conspiracy theory, but about three years ago, those theories became reality when he took a closer look into a low-flying plane that was leaving behind suspect trails that couldn't scientifically be contrails. At a meeting with friends in the country, the pilot noticed lines in the sky that ran north to south. The lines were approximately 10 miles long, with 13 shorter two- or three-mile-long lines that traversed one another. The lines stayed for about 40 minutes, creating a squiggly grid of sorts.

Fellowship Bible Chapel
John Haller’s Prophecy Updates

Would You Still Like To Play A Game Of Chess?

Synopsis: The world seems to be channeling its inner "War Games" and with the advent of Ai, it even Skynet may not be far behind being realized. When we lose sight of our Creator and fail to worship Him, but instead worship other things, the end result is never good. History has proven over and over again that when we "fall away" from the truth, disaster and suffering are sure to follow.

There is a solution, a simple, free gift from the One who gave us the very breath we have, but unfortunately, too many are rejecting it, to their own detriment.