Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! January 16, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Donald Trump Scores Landslide Blowout In Iowa Caucus Setting The Stage For Perhaps The Greatest Comeback In American Political History

Huge win for Donald Trump in the Iowa caucuses on Monday enshrines one of the most astonishing comebacks in American political history.

With 91 felony charges against him, with DA’s like Fani Willis in Georgia conspiring against him, against all odds greater than you could imagine, Donald Trump won in a landslide in Iowa last night. It remains a long road, however, from last night to the White House. Last night’s win only served to remind me about the grim specter of assassination that lurks in the shadows, the last remaining way for the Left to ‘stop Trump’. Nothing is off the table in 2024, including that.

“Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.” Daniel 2:20-22 (KJV)

America in 2024 is a divided, broken nation who, like a car that’s run out of gas, is coasting on fumes but for how much longer? Don’t even bother trying to campaign on a platform of ‘unity’, because that’s not going to happen. America is a nation on the cusp of a second civil war, a scenario being nurtured and promoted by people like former president Barack Obama and the entire phalanx of the liberal media. Could 2024 be the year that the curtain comes down on the longest-running experiment in self-government in human history? That’s the question, and that’s the memo.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 01.16.24

Harbingers Daily
Pastor Charged With ‘Criminal’ Activity For Opening His Church 24/7 For The Homeless

By Decision Magazine: First Liberty Institute is defending an Ohio pastor facing 18 criminal charges for housing the homeless in his church overnight—and he receives a new charge for every day the church remains open, he says. City officials charged him for violating zoning laws. A court hearing is scheduled for today, Jan. 11.

Chris Avell, pastor of Dad’s Place in Bryan, Ohio, started opening the church to the homeless 24 hours a day, seven days a week in March 2023. The local homeless shelter was usually full and had to turn away hundreds of people every year.

“I used to be an atheist, and this is what God did for me,” Avell said on Fox News, his voice heavy with emotion. “I was spiritually homeless and He provided a home for me in Heaven. … He’s put a burden on my heart for them.”

Deep State Wants to Save Us from Trump

Host Derek Gilbert: A group in Washington DC is drawing up plans to keep Donald Trump from using the power of the presidency if he’s elected in November. Funny how they only care about abuse of power when it’s not their chosen candidate in the White House.

5) Previously unknown Islamic group attacks northern Israel;

4) U.S. cargo ship hit by missile from Yemen;

3) Deep state in DC planning from Trump’s potential return to White House;

2) FAA announces “Diversity and Inclusion” program to hire people with “severe intellectual disability” and “psychiatric disability;

1) Lazy AI users post products to Amazon with names like “I Apologize but I Cannot Fulfill This Request.”

Prophecy News Watch
The Pope Cannot Overrule God

By Michael Brown/AskDrBrown.org: If you have followed my writing and speaking over the decades, you will know that Catholicism has not been a focus of my ministry, either praising it or criticizing it.

At the same time, I recognize the important role of the Catholic Church in standing for the sanctity of life and the meaning of marriage. That's what makes the recent pronouncement of Pope Francis, allowing priests to "bless" same-sex couples, especially distressing.

What act of apostasy will be next?

Jason A
2024: A Prophetic Warning!