Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! January 23, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Supreme Court Conservative Justices
John Roberts And Amy Coney Barrett
Hand Victory To Biden With Ruling On
Cutting Razor Wire Fences In Texas

 A divided Supreme Court on Monday allowed Border Patrol agents to cut razor wire that Texas installed on the U.S.-Mexico border, while a lawsuit over the wire continues.

America is a nation with borders that have been intentionally broken to allow a never-ending flood of illegal migrants to come in and get attached to the benefits system. Over 10 million illegals have done this since Biden pretended to take over in 2020. Texas recently put up razor wires fences to help slow the influx, and today the U.S. Supreme Court voted with the Biden administration to allow feds to take down the wire fences. Conservative justices John Roberts and Amy Coney Barret were the ones that handed them the victory.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”
Proverbs 29:2 (KJV)

Of course, we understand all this to be the working out of the Cloward-Piven Plan to destabilize America and make it desolate and destitute. Do you know why California cannot contain their wildfires? It’s not climate change, not by a long shot. California has uncontrollable wildfires because they spend their whole budget on benefits for illegals, taking it from places like the Forest Service. So instead of money being spent to remove dead trees which help spread wildfires, they are giving border hoppers welfare checks and paying their medical bills. Our government has no interest in making the border safe, and neither do John Roberts and Amy Coney Barret.

Harbingers Daily
Hamas-Loving Federal Employees Plot Walk-Out Over U.S. Support For Israel

By Mike Pompeo: [Last] week, hundreds of federal government employees planned an illegal walkout over the Biden Administration’s handling of the war in Gaza. Ultimately, their plans to violate federal law and fleece taxpayers for the time they should have been working were derailed when a few inches of snow shut down our nation’s capital. Faced with the choice of taking a day off work or parading their deeply held love for Hamas terrorists through slightly slushy streets, most of these committed activists chose to take the day off, stay at home, and show their solidarity for the Palestinians from their couches. This is yet another troubling indictment of both the Biden Administration’s leadership and the dysfunctional rot throughout our federal government.

The protest organizers had previously boasted that “hundreds” of federal employees representing 22 different federal agencies were expected to participate in the walkout. One of the organizers said that rather than quit, they felt “a moral obligation and a patriotic duty” to influence change from the inside. Another said the plan “grew out of a collective desire to do what we could to influence the Biden administration’s policy on this issue.”

All of these individuals should be fired. Full stop. Indeed, this “walkout” may in fact constitute a strike against the federal government, which is a felony.

Prophecy News Watch
The U.S. Campaign To Oust Netanyahu

By Caroline Glick/Israel 365: Is Israel on the cusp of political upheaval? In recent days, evidence has grown that two key actors--the Biden administration and Israel's security establishment--are both pushing the country in that direction to advance their longstanding common goal of ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the religious-right bloc from power.

The Biden administration showed its hand on Tuesday when U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken gave Israel an ultimatum to support Palestinian statehood or risk demonization by the administration.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken restated the administration's demand that Netanyahu present a plan for the day after the war against Hamas in Gaza and the administration's goal of using the war to establish a Palestinian state. Blinken insisted that the only side that refuses to accept the administration's goal is the Israeli public--and its leader, Netanyahu.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 01.23.24

Biden Administration
Plans War With Yemen

Host Derek Gilbert: The Washington Post reports that the White House convened senior officials last Wednesday to plan a military operation against Yemen’s Iran-backed government, raising the odds of another unpredictable Middle East war.

5) Biden administration drawing up plans for “sustained military campaign” in Yemen;

4) U.S. airbase in Iraq hit by ballistic missiles Saturday;

3) ISIS makes comeback in Iraq, and some believe it’s with U.S. help;

2) World Economic Forum concludes that misinformation is most dangerous threat to global security;

1) First Lady Jill Biden’s advisers take flak for scheduling her to speak at school in Utah called Hunter High.

Stew Peters Network
CON INC Pushes Hindu Vivek &
Adulterer Kristi Noem For Trump’s VP,
Nikki Haley HOEING Around

Isabella Riley Moody is back with Stew to talk about Trump’s VP pick and adulterous South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

National File's Noel Fritsch is here to talk details about Nikki Haley's scandalous extramarital affairs.