Thursday, March 14, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! March 14, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
That Strange Pin That Actors At The Oscars
Were Wearing Is Code For Startling Jew Hatred By Group Called ‘Artists4CeaseFire’
Who Support Hamas

Hollywood actors put on a disgusting display of antisemitism at the Oscars by wearing that weird pin of the bloody red hand that literally means ‘kill the Jews’

The actors we’re talking about are hugely famous, Mark Ruffalo of ‘The Incredible Hulk’ fame and Billie Eilish who just won a record-setting pair of Oscars, and are very influential among their peers. They along with many of their fellow actors wore a strange red pin of a bloody hand with a black heart in the middle. What does it stand for, you ask? It refers to two IDF soldiers who were murdered by Palestinians, and one of their killers held up the bloody hand of the Jew they had just killed, showing it off as a trophy.

“For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14 (KJV)

Why type of demented psychopath would wear a pin commemorating the Palestinians who killed Jews? Only the Artists4CeaseFire who support the very same Palestinians who killed those Jews referenced on that pin. It would be like wearing a pin with an image of bones sticking out of an oven to show solidarity with the Nazis who threw them in there. Hollywood is a sick, sick place, and it’s stories like these that make me very happy I gave up my membership in the Screen Actors Guild. As for me and my house, we stand with the Jews, we stand with Israel, and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Harbingers Daily
In-Depth: A Preview Of The Future That God Has Planned For Us

By Dr. Robert Jeffress: The theme of the book of Revelation is this: The end of your life as you know it is coming soon. That end will come either through your death or through the return of Jesus Christ, but your life is about to undergo a big change. And the knowledge that your life is going to end should affect how you live right now.

What is the future that God has planned for us? Many Christians get confused about the end times. Let’s simplify the subject of Bible prophecy by looking at a preview of God’s plan.

The Church Age

The first event in Bible prophecy is the Church Age. The Church Age is the period from Pentecost until the Rapture during which Gentiles are invited to participate in the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. God issued an invitation to Abraham and his descendants, the Jews, to be in a covenant relationship with Him. But Israel temporarily rejected that invitation when they rejected Christ. So God extended His invitation to include non-Jews, that we might be saved. This is the period we are living in right now, when God has temporarily set aside Israel and has invited everybody to be part of His covenant blessing.

Make no mistake: God is not finished with Israel. In Romans 11:1, 25, Paul said, “God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be!… A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” When the Church Age ends, God will finish His dealings with Israel.

Prophecy News Watch
All Palestinian Factions Agree - A Palestinian State Will Be A Terror State

By Daniel Greenfield/Gatestone Institute: While the Biden administration and the European Union were working on creating a "Palestinian" state, the real details were being fleshed out in Moscow, where the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and other terrorist groups were meeting.

The summit, convened at the Institute of Oriental Studies, once a vehicle for Soviet influence operations in the Third World, brought together Azzam al-Ahmada, a member of the PLO Executive Committee, and Mousa Abu Marzouk, a top Hamas leader, as well as a representative for Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, DFLP and other terror groups.

The goal of all these terrorists coming together was to create a "technocratic government".

What is a "technocratic government"? It's a front for the terrorists and composed of nonprofit executives, academics, economists and others who have experience dealing with the international community and extracting foreign aid from them.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 03.14.24

Russians Invade Russia With NATO Next Door

Host Derek Gilbert: Russians reportedly fighting for Ukraine crossed the border into Russia Tuesday while NATO continues its largest exercise since the Cold War in Eastern Europe.

5) Biden administration says invasion of Rafah may change U.S. policy toward Israel;

4) Ukraine claims Russians invade Russia;

3) New York sends state police and National Guard to patrol NYC subways;

2) Commercial drone paired with AI, programmed to hunt humans;

1) YouTube cancels main SkyWatchTV channel again, and we don’t know why.

Stew Peters Network
Cartel Massacre In Mexico,
Feds Arrest J6 Gunman,
Catholics Teach African Migrants Safe Sex

Synopsis: Maria Espinoza is here to talk about Mexican cartel violence and how it’s threatening the safety of Americans

Congressional candidate and J6 Patriot Derrick Evans is here to talk about the arrest of John Emanuel Banuelos after the release of never before seen video footage.

Michael Hichborn, the founder of the Lepanto Institute, is here to talk about how Catholic NGO’s are violating Church doctrine by distributing contraception to African migrants.