Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired 03.05.24
With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief

On April 8th, A Total Solar Eclipse Will Put 13 US States In Darkness Forming An ‘X’ Across The Heart Of America
On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse, known as the ‘Great North American Eclipse,’ will trace a narrow path of totality across 13 U.S. states. It will be a mirror image of the last solar eclipse that took place in 2017, and will form a near-perfect ‘X’ across the heart of America. Is this just a natural event taking place, or is it a sign of something much larger and more ominous? That’s the question everyone is attempting to answer, and we’ll take a shot at it as well.
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we live in strange times, and they keep getting stranger by the minute. Ordinarily I would not pay much attention to something like this, but seeing as it’s Day 1,449 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, perhaps we would do well to investigate. The first thing you need to understand from a biblical perspective is that we are still in the Church Age, we are not looking for signs, we walk by faith and not by sight as Paul tells us. That said, our dispensation is rapidly closing and the one coming in will absolutely be looking for signs, miracles and wonders that the Antichrist will be happy to provide for them. Here’s a fun fact, numerically the date of 04.08.24 add up to…you guessed it…18, and 18 is made up of 6+6+6. What does that actually mean in the overall scheme of things? Let’s open up our King James Bibles and find out!
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse, known as the ‘Great North American Eclipse,’ will trace a narrow path of totality across 13 U.S. states. It will be a mirror image of the last solar eclipse that took place in 2017, and will form a near-perfect ‘X’ across the heart of America. Is this just a natural event taking place, or is it a sign of something much larger and more ominous? That’s the question everyone is attempting to answer, and we’ll take a shot at it as well.
“And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.” Exodus 4:8 (KJV)
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we live in strange times, and they keep getting stranger by the minute. Ordinarily I would not pay much attention to something like this, but seeing as it’s Day 1,449 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, perhaps we would do well to investigate. The first thing you need to understand from a biblical perspective is that we are still in the Church Age, we are not looking for signs, we walk by faith and not by sight as Paul tells us. That said, our dispensation is rapidly closing and the one coming in will absolutely be looking for signs, miracles and wonders that the Antichrist will be happy to provide for them. Here’s a fun fact, numerically the date of 04.08.24 add up to…you guessed it…18, and 18 is made up of 6+6+6. What does that actually mean in the overall scheme of things? Let’s open up our King James Bibles and find out!
Harbingers Daily

The New Frontier —
Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview
Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview
By Todd Chasteen: These reasonable and long-revered beliefs are now the primary target of those who wish to undermine the authority of God’s Word and bludgeon religious freedom, including the freedom to live, speak and believe according to deeply held Biblical convictions. People or ministries holding such views may be threatened with legal charges, face public ridicule or media scorn, lose business or sponsors, or jeopardize a career.
The power, money and influence of zealous progressive activists pushing this agenda is relentless. Taking the path of least resistance by going along with the culture is much easier than standing for truth, and that adds to the temptation to compromise on sexual morality. Better to self-censor than lose my promotion, goes the thinking. Or, Easier to get grant funding if my research aligns with progressive ideology. Who wants to be labeled a bigot or transphobe?
Standing for Biblical truth will eventually come at a cost. Remember 2 Timothy 3:12: “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
The power, money and influence of zealous progressive activists pushing this agenda is relentless. Taking the path of least resistance by going along with the culture is much easier than standing for truth, and that adds to the temptation to compromise on sexual morality. Better to self-censor than lose my promotion, goes the thinking. Or, Easier to get grant funding if my research aligns with progressive ideology. Who wants to be labeled a bigot or transphobe?
Standing for Biblical truth will eventually come at a cost. Remember 2 Timothy 3:12: “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
Prophecy News Watch

Escalation Towards An Independent Terrorist State Should Worry Us All
By Nils A. Haug/Gatestone Institute: The hard truth is that for millennia, the land of Israel, whether occupied by Jacob's tribes or others, has been the domain of countless generations of Israelites. The vast majority of Israel's citizens, and many Jews in the diaspora, understand their rights to retain their homeland after escaping 400 years of slavery in Egypt.
At its core, the debate over this tiny area of land is founded on three primary factors: spiritual, national, and political. In the result, the conviction of the majority populace is that not one square inch of the current boundaries of Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) can belong to anyone who might harm them again, although people of peace are always graciously allowed to reside among them.
In the minds of the most committed Jews, their land is sacred, promised to them by their Creator, and deserves to remain under authority and control of the Jewish nation. It is therefore a fantasy to expect that this ancient land would be willingly parcelled out, especially to enemies of that nation.
Furthermore, actions by Western nations to compel expropriation of any portion of the land accords with an anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic ideology irrespective of commendable, but mistaken, motives. Such action would again expose the Jewish people to existential danger, as is evident throughout centuries past and most recently on October 7, 2023.
No lasting peace could possibly ensue from partitioning this ancient soil. It is unrealistic to expect that historic enemies could harmoniously reside in close proximity to each other when one party keeps vowing to destroy its peaceful neighbour.
At its core, the debate over this tiny area of land is founded on three primary factors: spiritual, national, and political. In the result, the conviction of the majority populace is that not one square inch of the current boundaries of Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) can belong to anyone who might harm them again, although people of peace are always graciously allowed to reside among them.
In the minds of the most committed Jews, their land is sacred, promised to them by their Creator, and deserves to remain under authority and control of the Jewish nation. It is therefore a fantasy to expect that this ancient land would be willingly parcelled out, especially to enemies of that nation.
Furthermore, actions by Western nations to compel expropriation of any portion of the land accords with an anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic ideology irrespective of commendable, but mistaken, motives. Such action would again expose the Jewish people to existential danger, as is evident throughout centuries past and most recently on October 7, 2023.
No lasting peace could possibly ensue from partitioning this ancient soil. It is unrealistic to expect that historic enemies could harmoniously reside in close proximity to each other when one party keeps vowing to destroy its peaceful neighbour.
Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 03.05.24
Arab Terror Groups Call for ‘Month of Terror’
Host Derek Gilbert: Leaders of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have called for Arab states and the Muslim world to engage in terror during the month of Ramadan, which begins this coming Sunday.
5) Blizzard dumps ten feet of snow on parts of California;
4) Hamas, PIJ call for “month of terror” during Ramadan;
3) Sources claim Biden administration placed operative inside Fulton County District Attorney’s office to target Trump;
2) U. of Maryland professor claims in new book that white rural Americans are threat to democracy;
1) Transgender colonel in U.S. Space Force claims using preferred pronouns in emails is a way to enhance “winning war fighting strategies.”
5) Blizzard dumps ten feet of snow on parts of California;
4) Hamas, PIJ call for “month of terror” during Ramadan;
3) Sources claim Biden administration placed operative inside Fulton County District Attorney’s office to target Trump;
2) U. of Maryland professor claims in new book that white rural Americans are threat to democracy;
1) Transgender colonel in U.S. Space Force claims using preferred pronouns in emails is a way to enhance “winning war fighting strategies.”
Wretched Watchmen
The Watchtower Clip Synopsis (Not Affiliated With JW): Reality has been so twisted from the natural and the repercussions are sending shock waves down to the children... The UK is equalizing drug induced milk from men to mother's milk & Illinois is seeking to place child abuse charges on parents who don't support gender transition surgery or abortion rights for their kids...
This clip taken from the must-see Episode 179: The Watchtower 02/24/24
This clip taken from the must-see Episode 179: The Watchtower 02/24/24