A Must See One-Man Play Filmed Live
Synopsis: Dean Jones starring in 1986 Drama Bible Story: St. John in Exile - One of Jesus disciples, John has been punished in exile to the island of Patmos. He is all alone and has time to reflect and tell us about his life, faith and troubles.
Review: This is an outstanding production. For those who only know Dean Jones from the Disney pictures (The Love Bug, Shaggy D.A., That Darn Cat, etc.) and such, here is a role for the actor that provides an opportunity for him to reveal both his tremendous dramatic talent and his deep Christian faith. Although some may say it is a little slow moving (perhaps because it is a recording of a stage performance at Jack Hayford's Church on the Way), the story is excellently written and has real depth. The production makes good use of various camera angles as well as creative lighting to add drama to the presentation. You find yourself quickly drawn into the story as Jones powerfully brings St. John to life, recounting, from his cell on the isle of Patmos, his journey with Jesus and the other disciples. A real tour de force performance by Jones (in the tradition of such one-man shows as Hal Holbrook's Mark Twain or James Whitmore's Harry Truman) makes this a DVD worth watching by anyone who appreciates a magnificent performance from an incredible actor and one that should definitely be in every Christian's collection. written by paulb_30