John Haller’s Prophecy Updates
Falling Down
Synopsis: While it was not the "London Bridge" that was falling down, the one in the harbor of Baltimore certainly did after being struck by a cargo ship. Was it pure accident, or part of a plan? John addresses this and many more current events in this week's update entitled "Falling Down."
Harbingers Daily
Why Are Pulpits Silent Regarding Our Future Resurrection?
By Jonathan Brentner: There’s an old saying that warns of “putting the cart before the horse.” This signifies that there’s a necessary order for many things, a cause and effect. A team doesn’t celebrate winning a game when the outcome is in doubt, or they are far behind in the score, but wait until they secure a victory.
We also see this in 1 Corinthians 15. Jesus’ resurrection secured our receipt of imperishable and immortal bodies. Apart from His victory over death and the grave, our faith would be “futile” because we would still be in our sins (15:17). Paul sums up this woeful state in verse 19: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.”
Our hope of resurrected, glorified bodies rests upon Jesus’ death on the cross and the empty tomb signifying His resurrection. This came first, and it secured our hope of eternal life.
We also see this in 1 Corinthians 15. Jesus’ resurrection secured our receipt of imperishable and immortal bodies. Apart from His victory over death and the grave, our faith would be “futile” because we would still be in our sins (15:17). Paul sums up this woeful state in verse 19: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.”
Our hope of resurrected, glorified bodies rests upon Jesus’ death on the cross and the empty tomb signifying His resurrection. This came first, and it secured our hope of eternal life.
Geller Report
Strict Sharia in Scotland:
New Speech Laws Comes Into Force Today,
Free Speakers Face Seven Years in Prison
New Speech Laws Comes Into Force Today,
Free Speakers Face Seven Years in Prison
By Pamela Geller: Sharia law is imposed in Scotland. Vote for Islamic leaders, get Islamic law.
The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 creates a new crime of speech that could offend relating to \religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. etc etc.
The maximum penalty is a prison sentence of seven years. So after yet another Islamic terror attack, you could face jail for criticizing the jihadic doctrine that inspired the bloodshed. Allahu akbar, indeed.
The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 creates a new crime of speech that could offend relating to \religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. etc etc.
The maximum penalty is a prison sentence of seven years. So after yet another Islamic terror attack, you could face jail for criticizing the jihadic doctrine that inspired the bloodshed. Allahu akbar, indeed.
Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 04.01.24
White House Recognizes ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ on Easter
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories
Host Derek Gilbert: The White House triggered a storm of controversy by choosing Good Friday to announce that Joe Biden would be the first president to recognize Transgender Visibility Day, which this year fell on Easter Sunday.
5) White House declares Easter “Transgender Visibility Day”;
4) Cargo ship that hit Key Bridge at Baltimore may be on top of high-pressure underwater gas line;
3) Red heifers at Shiloh given names;
2) More than 70 million AT&T customers have information leaked on dark web;
1) Mystery in Florida Keys: fish swimming in circles until they die.
5) White House declares Easter “Transgender Visibility Day”;
4) Cargo ship that hit Key Bridge at Baltimore may be on top of high-pressure underwater gas line;
3) Red heifers at Shiloh given names;
2) More than 70 million AT&T customers have information leaked on dark web;
1) Mystery in Florida Keys: fish swimming in circles until they die.
The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
Must See! Biden Administration Has Imported The Militants That Will Soon Come For You-Details Here!