Thursday, April 11, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! April 11, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Tucker Carlson Interviews Anti-Israel Pastor From Christ At The Checkpoint Ministry In Palestinian Controlled Bethlehem That Promotes Antisemitism

Tucker Carlson interviewed an anti-Israel pastor from the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Bethlehem, portraying his views as representative of Christians “in the region — in Gaza, the West Bank, and in Israel proper.”

Over the years, I have been very pro-Tucker, have agreed with him in the vast majority of instances and issues, even going to far as to brand him ‘The Last Truth Teller’ back in 2020. Well, he did not tell the truth in his latest interview with the pastor of a pro-Palestinian group called ‘Christ At The Checkpoint’ which hates the Jews and Israel. Tucker presented Isaac as a Christian who well represents the Christian position with regards to Israel, when in fact this Jew-hating “pastor” does no such thing. Shame on you, Tucker, shame on you.

“And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.”
Deuteronomy 28:37 (KJV)

While we are on the subject, in recent weeks Tucker has becoming increasingly antisemitic himself, which is distressing to see. Israel right now is bracing for what all channels are saying will be a strong attack by Iranian forces and proxies, and the Jews need US aid and support like never before. Tucker, you said a few months ago you had started reading your bible for yourself, perhaps you missed the dozens and dozens of references where God calls the Jews His chosen people. If you want the biblical position held by Bible believing Christians about Israel and Jews, please feel free to book me as your next guest. I will be happy to do that. Am Yisrael Chai.

Harbingers Daily
Australian Parents Pull Children From School After Graphic Class Teaching About Bestiality

By Alex Newman: What comes after LGBTQIA+ in the rainbow alphabet being taught to captive children? Many critics of the movement assumed it would be P for pederasty and pedophilia, and in some places, it is. But in Australia, it seems that “B” might be the next letter added to the ever-longer list of sexual and gender deviance.

According to whistleblowers and outraged parents, children as young as 13 in a South Australia school were forcibly taught about sexual activities with animals as part of a “queer” LGBTQIA+ “sex education” class. The revelations drew outrage from parents and half-hearted apologies from “education” officials.

The presentation in question at Renmark High School was delivered to 9th grade students under the guise of teaching about “respectful relationships.” It was so graphic and grotesque that multiple girls asked to leave the classroom to go to the “bathroom” just to get away before seeking help from their parents, according to ABC News Australia.

Some students spoke out. “There was a slide for what the ‘plus’ means [in LGBTQIA+], and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality,” explained Emelia Wundenberg, 14, one of the victims of the homosexuality- and transgenderism-promoting session. “It was on the board when they were showing what the ‘plus’ meant.”

Prophecy News Watch
Magog Rising: Israel Warns It Will
Bomb Iran Directly If Attacked

By Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz warned on Tuesday that Israel will respond in kind should Iran launch a direct attack against it.

"If Iran attacks from its territory--Israel will respond and attack in Iran," tweeted Katz. The minister tagged Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in the X post.

London-based newspaper Elaph reported on Monday that Israel will strike targets in Iran if the Islamic Republic retaliates for the targeted killing of an Iranian general in Syria on April 1 which Tehran has blamed on Israel.

A Western security official told the Arabic-language paper that Israel has conducted secret air force training in recent days, involving long-distance flights and rehearsals of strikes on sensitive sites in Iran that may be tied to that country's nuclear project.

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
The Latest Depopulation Scheme
The Marine Cloud Brightening Project

Heydon Music News
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Wretched Watchmen
The Dangers Of Label &
Appearance Judgment
Synopsis: We must be very careful to judge based upon the fruits of people not petty labels & appearances...